<br />DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS owNl:R BULDUR Dt:1,(',ARAIt()N
<br />I lfirhy ltun rftl.r tf,trrlry ,n Fr]ury rl r I r ckanu lirnn rhc (innrrktrf I i(tn{ Li* nr rhc tu||,,*'nS rcn{n (SR ',lr.ll 5
<br />Il$'nc\\ n[l l]ul.\tr (ixld A ], ('r].r (i{n } {hi(h icquirer ! Frn,ir nI (rNrnrer. !lrd. inq,n'vc. dtnrlth.r rcnlt Jn!
<br />{n(ru'r.rnrf i\ nrur ( rlw, r.qutr.\ lh. lindiunl r {'.h Nrrnn r),ilt r \i8trcd (arcmnr rhn hcor rh. is licrtr{i Nr\u3nr
<br />n, rhc tn*r(rN of rlf, ( r rucr(r'\ l-i(nsd lr'q r(-h s 9. (inno.tnrg u h S.cti ?(XX) ol Divitt,n .l ol rh Inri'r.s snd
<br />ll"lc\r r\(inldnr rhi hror \h. $ rtcnll h..(i(u rnJ rhc t!trN tr rh. rlklcdclctqtr.n AiyrntLri,nrofSc..ri)n?o.rl5hlrtv
<br />rD'1i.rtrrktrrFnn \uh,r.r\thr 0tI'lrdnrh{r*,l|tnlryo,n,inntrcrhunl'iv.hunJrcddolhr\{ltlxl)
<br />-1,
<br />.t owB of rlE rFIEny. r *nh *!8$ $ rh.n -b @mFn.llili *iU di tlE wt in lll *u1@ n mr
<br />lrdi.d r ofcEd fc .]. lSE.?OarL BlriB.nd Prufatib6 Cdlr TlE Co t*r( r Ucm l{ &.. Er.Prlv lo u owEt of
<br />rlE FDFry wln hlldr d litftE dEEc.rn wb {tB uh *,t niElf tr tE -lf or rlllud hi! m id ou .rlpblEr
<br />pDriLrllhr un ii{mEm te tll lrdd.d dofiftd nr Eb. li rDw.llE llilllBd in!.ftE it$U,hinom }ar
<br />ofor?Liioc tlr O*B Builb wi{ lrE ttE h!d.i otFlvi! lr t d dr dil ml bll] d iqrbG 0r roFiy 6.llr tdF-ot
<br />-1.
<br />s osB ol rE FsFnr, e dciriEly sdEriry *!h lia.n olllrxt6 lo M,rtEr tlt Fni-l (S€. ?04'{. DulB
<br />.rd h.*-ln Cod.: Tlt Conr lo, r Li.G.E h,.b.r mr rpplrl. uoe6 of Flfdiy dr 6nild! o, in9Ns th6ur
<br />r.d wlb oinr$ td ui Ftrirr! whh . Co Erdr) lL!6.d FllYd lo lh. ConEld ! Li(tr trw,.
<br />lr{r. l)in.r
<br />ul)xriEEsaailf.r:Nl1&}
<br />DI(lNXAIIoli
<br />I lir.h\ rlltrm un,l.r I{n,,lttolFalu,! o'f, nlrti l(nLrstr,E d(l( r{F
<br />-l
<br />h.c.!d rill nid.b. Carifql. of Genr !o S.r"l.!E fd wtst 6tPot{ir 3 FlviLd lh. trselbo l?@ of ilE
<br />t tc C.d.. fd tlr F dlrrE ot dE Et fd rtt i llt pdtd h iq,.d.
<br />-, h.G !d aill mlirin rqt6' ( i inllrc. r. r.{ui!d by SEri6 rTO of rl.I-tu C.d.. fd Ut Ffdtm ol
<br />rlE 6t fd *hih rhi Fmi it linr( M, rdl6 cnFirrir. iEfu dit rd !oli, oni.r ft:
<br />PolLyNod.r ErPiB
<br />-l
<br />cnlr, !t ii {E Ff@ffi of llt Bt fr *tti lhn Fni i is!.n, t rlrl 6r c.Qtt, x, pds in !, M
<br />i slot@G oai$ ro lt rdt4 @EFEdbn !s ofcdi dai...nd .trE th if l dbdd b..dE.nid bth.
<br />s d oGFnrh. FovLir olscrih !?Ulof dt t !dcnd.. t ilrll &.drluroiPry tinde FotibB.
<br />!f,AlNDlC: r.ilc io qu wt6 ffitEn liln 6Era. n otrtut .!d &n d,in q c+bld L di'in Parir rd
<br />.ivil fB ut lo E lrlrr'tld ttE.t{ &llt ltl@.@|. i. ndibn lo 0! cor ot o,Frdrirl. &dad a FYii' 6i rh
<br />S6rih !ot6 olrlE l-ts C..t , lrcrd rn tbnE 'i &6.
<br />IJCBSE.GqUIIA!3LllcltAxttl
<br />I h, drmlnbr ol Fi!, tti I D H E*r F!!i.b. o,O!4t- 9(ffii4 tlb Scrir rm, of Divhin I
<br />ol ,E Bl'iB !n AEld6 Cod.. .d Ey llc 5 h t[ 6G t , .ttd.
<br />glmlagqlllNlaDllircElcf
<br />Ih.cbydYmun&rFBh,ofFr'l.y.llEtirord rnr l!ni! r$r, (or itt Flffi ot lh. Et 6r rntn lhi! pdra i
<br />larla r AIEE
<br />-
<br />I Ht .ltli 6rLr Frr, ol rajcy c ol rri ro0orint .b.b.ri8l
<br />D.mLb.lrrn!Arb.rrd tbrlltrbi &d R.tubiE ('Ith tlo, hr6)
<br />-i.q!a.d
<br />Ln6ot tldihrbo
<br />-l
<br />G€rity $. rlE flddrl qllbbd Gtr.dirir r{..ror mv.l @ Dr 4di(rDl 6 Ut Foi.1
<br />-t
<br />drify dr I |ry. Ed Oil .rrlhlbi rn rac tr dr &E infon nn it ottd l .CE ro 6npl, rin .[ Ch, .!i C.ur,
<br />cdittE.d 51L L$ rlllt to tuiuiilBrdiErbc rd h6.6!.rlEt GFlEtriB ofrhn cxv.rd vlo oiEqondr
<br />&c rBrbEn Fopdr, aor lrfciir [oF..1
<br /> fl)l'. !r A!.trr S'!trrrurr
<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />zlztlth rywuw /6>-'
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rouoh Ductwork Llvl//4 rrn/r rr/r-l6\-/
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Ranqe
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Ducl
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openinos
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rouqh Mech.>l-rtltA An/hr4f l6v
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release t,
<br />FINAL +74ltq Aqsrft't.(v
<br />Notes, Bemarks, Etc.
<br />Furnace
<br />Duct Work
<br />Liac Nlrk
<br />-'
<br />I
<br />i-