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20167598 - Permit
Tustin Ave
2424 N Tustin Ave Bldg# 24-T
20167598 - Permit
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Last modified
8/9/2021 10:38:48 AM
Creation date
8/9/2021 10:38:47 AM
Permit Number
Full Address
2424 N Tustin Ave Bldg# 24-T
Permit ID
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Project Name
Miscellaneous Counter1 Permit
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Description of Work
Fixture change outs. Unit 1.
Nature of Work
Fixture Change Outs (Unit 1)
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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.OWNEA BU!LDEX DEtT( IATION <br />I lE.6y.rm urr6 Frny of dju, $r I r acrlF 6Dn rlE Colnn(r@' LEmE L.w aor fi. folloms l.&n (!8.70]1 5 <br />Ucus &d Pot6i,i Cod.)r Any Cny or Couny rtth rquiE . Foi ro odM. rt6. dD.6tt &mlit ot tq., av <br />3rtuck . Frr io h! isllcc. dlo rcquB lh. @ltel fo.3*h p6njt lo 6L. risn d lrrffil rhd lE or tl& i lica!.d F,{d <br />ro llr FolubB of dE (-otu..rq! L@i!d t *' (ch.grd 9, coot,lEr8 wirh scl6. 7lI)0 of Divtion I of lk t!$i*s dd <br />Profdioro Co&) q lhd h. or tlE it aarpt rh4I'om &d lh. hGL fot llE .lkscd aarpbn Ary vbhion olsarb. 101L by ry <br />!f,!ltdi for ! p6dn 3ubJfir rh. .pplkol lo ! .ivil pdly of mt norc fio fi!. bun&dl dolls ( 1500, <br />-t, <br />s ownd olth. FoFry. or my mplorG wnh w.B6 6 th.n $k comrqlaio( $ill rb rE wrt ad tu ltrIrie a mr <br />idoi.d oflatd for {t (Sd.7ora. &si,B ed PiDfdirB Co<b I'lE Co rctq r Licoe L& dc nol +plv !o e os6 or <br />tn. p.nFry ets hriil m irt olE rrc@ !i *ho dB sh $rt hi@lror hrxlf or tlmrS} hL ( ls os oiPbls. <br />Forit drhd un idFovdEn edi di.ddoEsld 6rslc.l[ hosos, tlE hildiry or inDin@ai ie $ld wilhin on. )d <br />of otplabl\ ilE Orc BliEa wi! IEE E ht&! of Foviig r lE 6 th. dd Et hild d it!1oGllE FlFly Sr di Frpcol <br />-1, <br />d omo of lh. Fopaly, d dcld*I, (od,!.lin! snh kdscd coddro6 lo @ddd lll FlF (sa 7044. &a!B <br />rd hokin Co<L Th. Conlttcld i Li.d. Llq &16 6l .Ftt lo o o*f,6 otFoFny who bliltL or ihPrevB lnddn. <br />.nd *n .odr..rr aor Mn FljGt *nn ! Cbnddr) li.G.d Flru.r lo llE Cdrkn r lic Lr$) <br />I d. .ropl un&r SsriJn-. ll & P ( ror rhs 16. <br />O.t.: O'rr: <br />wolrl{rr,a (olrrPENsarrcii <br />DESAAAIIA! <br />I h6.1,y lmrm und.r Fa[y ol Fiurt'oE oirlE follor lta &(Ltdio6 <br />-l <br />hrr. lrl s,ill m'nrain r Cdifk& oaco@l b Sdt-tM ,u wtd.' cmp.urion, 6 FoY'd.d f6t "r( S6tion 1700 of lh. <br />t bor Cod.. for !h. Ffotuc of rh. hrl aor shth tlE ldmn i! isu.d. <br />-lhlrandwilltui.inmrldr.oEp.otlbniNutr..6&lun.dbysdin17(x)ofllEliborCodafotllEFf(ffi.ofr,E e* fd rhth rll. Ddnt b i*EI M, *dtd onpdEdion iGufue.Mia td Policy tumbd &. <br />Lt^ <br />o 0C,I <br />I cdliry lh.l in lh. FfoIr1s.of th. eorl tor {hth rhis Fmn n d!*d. I rh.ll d dPloy m} Fen in Ey n1lllE <br />*r s ro banft lubi lo rlE $$rt6 ohrE nior Lwr otctlifotuia. dd t8r rnd i, I sltr'uld b€om. lubjdt to ltE <br />*!rtd' oEF!.rir, tertir of S*rbn 1700 of lh.lrhi Codc I df,ll. tnlh$ilh of,tl) *'nh rlra ForithB <br />l*ARltlNC Fliluc ro s.@ *0116' omp.nsatior B unla*tu|, dd thalt 3utidl u mploF lo aimin l F!x.. ad <br />cirrl lin6 up ro oc hud rhoBsd &'ll&t (tl@,00o). o tldnio. ro rlE cor of .ontftdio.. dar.g6 3 pro\il.d f rh. <br />Sdrion 1076 orthc l,t!'(odq inl.d md.norEy ! fc <br />?\ <br />I hqlby lmd uhdd Fml!, of pGjury lh.l I m li6s.d unds Fovirion ororp{d s Gomffiing $nh Salion 70{O) of Dilnion l <br />of llr 8B6..d Prolabr Co&. ,n my licoe i! h tull forc &n clld <br />1-al-r <br />I o t-al I cdA <br />D.'. \?.r"I {L\ <br />.ONSTRUCII('N I TNNI (i GFIICV <br />I ffi) llIm uxk' FDt] of Frury th, thc. i . Ntrrrucrion lad!'s lgcy for llE ,qfotlrlm. of rh. wt nn shth thn Fni a <br />isu.d (s( :109?, Civ C ) <br />L.ndd'rAd.!s <br />- <br />AIIUCAILDECIASAITO! <br />I horb.v allm un(k F.lry of pqjury on. ol th. folL*ins ddleati.G: <br />DdiskDn PmhlA3h.nor Norilic.lbn Fcddl R.guldioB (1nk 40. Ptn6l <br />-R.t!iGl <br />lnrs oll'ldlfi.ait <br />-l <br />cdrry rhd rh. aaldrl r.golrlioE r.slrdins .slEslor rooltl e. nor lo rhir lrlj.ti <br />h.El iry rhd I hrv. md rhir ard tlbn lrl ,tr. rh. fic !bo\. i.tudir. b rcrEt. I rsa lo 6npl, $ ht tll (ny !.d Coart <br />.rJmsnc6 sd sr .l-a$s r.l.xn8 to hrldmsconstrucltr,n. d cnyudcou ylo orq uF. r <br />I I <br />"17 A" <br />tbor. mrhn€d F.rdr lor qap<rion <br /> or A16r Skr.rurc <br />Pmkerh.tpn ):.c t)1 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Light Slandards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Srqns (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouoh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rouqh <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL z1t't lr)h- 1.0 *l-'l{t ,.{r<4EnU(Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />COMMENTS <br />Pole Bases
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