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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />.1 COMMENTSAPPROVALSDATE <br />Site-Work Y <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />)Rough 4blcq T+t ytp.atA <br />Service Meter L I <br />)rr^rr€rrz,FINAL d6la fi ,b) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc U,Jt <br />OWNER BUILDEN DEL('AR TION <br />I hab, lrm und6 p6.ny ot ,.rjury rhd I d adpr tron rhc ColllrcroB Li.tu L.w for lh. folto*iis ra;i (:ielTol ri5 <br />BB6d d Prcfdnn Co<t.) An, Cny or Cody Btth rcqtiB ! FBi lo Nnntud. .16, rqmte dimlih or EFir b, <br />ntud@. p.e lo ir. illcc. .lo rcqliE rlx elid for Mh FEn h fiE . .,Sn d ,rqld lllr lE or tE . ltd!.d Fnirr <br />to r,E Fovirbd of rlE Conlrdd,' Lrc6!.d L.* {(a+r6 9. Com*ing wnh Sdo. 7000 of Divilion ! of tlE Bui6 !d <br />Prof6ioni Cod.) or rhd tE or !h. i! amDr ths.tom &d rh. bcn for $. .lLg.d qoFioi. Any vhhior of Sdbn ?0ll.t by ot <br />+9li.d for a Fhil .ubjclr lh. .p?lic&n h . .ivil p.tdly of nol mr. tho fir. hundt d &rlls! {1500) <br />-t, <br />6 o*G of rh. FFt). c m, mphra uhh $.s6 B rlEt $L (dFsrittr sll do $. NrI.!d tlE *urG. tbr <br />idod.d or or6.d for $l. {Sc.?044, Buir &d PrDfdd ( o&: nE aonl[.rd r tj.@ tlw dE rcl +9ly lo D o$G of <br />rh. F$Fsry who hil& or inpr.6 rhcEr dd who dr6 e.h mri him.lf or h.*lto, lh(ush ht or ha o*t mpLr]/s. <br />Fovidqi lh.l lucn imp.llqErr e hl irsn d tron@d 6r uL l( lb{e, rrE toiEi{ or ingovdrEn ii 5ld *ithi o* }6 <br />ofotrpLia d. ()*€ B|ilda *dl EE tt hnb! ofFDvitg li. h.d rlE dia d bild G ltpoE tlE FFty h. tlE F,F..of <br />L c ow ofrh. FDpdy. s cxclsivcty conlEclins virh li.ouaj .otuaroR to codlruct llE Fojct (sd 71X4. BEind <br />d'd ttolsi, co& 'llt Cotrr,rcror't Lic.g hw d.6 mr .p?ly to d o*.q of proF!, *lb hoil.l! or inprov* lhr@r <br />rnd rls @tuit iu.h FiF! xih . coddo(r) lad!.d plrtlid lo rL co ..dri Li@ t,f,) <br />_l rtr.r.nlpl ond( sNrion - B & I'C. turh6 ran)n <br />Drr. O*rs <br />.s!a5l8s jqufElsAraNptorSalloti <br />I hs.t, lmd undd |Erx, of pdl,ry on. of th. tuloein8 &LleilrB <br />-lh.v.rdwill <br />i,nlin, Carift.t.otcoEri rc Sdf-ll!@ for wld @rn9. xio(! FlliLd fo. b, S6tioi 1700ottlE <br />L.tq C.dc 6. rh. FfolrtEE of rlE rqt fo. *nih dE Fnn a isLd <br />-l <br />hlvc aod will n.inrlin wo n!' .omp.6dion iNBmc., a Elun.ti hy ScnDn 1700 of lhi kbor (bd.. aor lhc pnfotu. of <br />th. rs* fo, sh.h rhir Fnn ir ie.rl My worko omFuion iBurd. cei6 td tDlk, nmba &.:fl\rr z/rl-10-t <br />I (dify lh,r in rlE Ffotu otrh.u'ort fdtrhibtnnpamn is isEl.I iEllmlorhye,prsninayIuE <br />s b b b.@ft iub<r ro ih. wrtd omFdFn Ls of (ilfomia &d {r rhd ill Jruld b.tom ah lo rlE <br />mltd conFMion FEti!66 of S.dbn ]7(]0 of rhc l,hn ('odq l lhrll. tunh$th coFtiy enh $ot lrnvBi66.. <br />UARNINCT Fdlurc 10 sr. tr$rd smFdirn co!.r+. i! lnL\tul .td lsll ruhFr m opbE ro oiniid FuXi. md <br />to om lurdrd rt uqld dolld 6 ro rlE co{ of co.ip.Miotr d,EB6 6 Foilcd ht rlE <br />llt(a&ulll\ <br />I H,, !,Im utd.r FuXy of Fj!ry ih, I m li(.d.d un& Fli3ioi ot (Lplr 9 {.offiing snh S*lhn 70([] .t hqition 1 <br />oi rh. Iruins ed PmfeioB Codc, &d ny lic6* ie in tull forc. lrd .ff(l <br />I zo <br />tok4/19,<>il ArnSk4 ch@.- <br />cqliBucro!]EdllltlcEd.c <br />I .lfm !nti6 FEny of lqu, rhd lho. a r @n3tu(1i6n Enin! tsft, for lh. Ffnlrr@. of rh. *!rk for snrcn lnn IEar i <br />bu.d(sa 3097, ci! c ) <br />L.ndd'r Nn. <br />- <br />ArrucAlLEEo ASAlr0! <br />I ! uod6 Fut, ofFjuo'oE 6f E tolb$ ir8 dalullioN <br />l}mhnn Pd n' rbdIor Noxlicnir. F.da.l R.g{hrioN (TtL,l0. Psr6) <br />-R.quncd <br />Lrllq oaNdificaiin <br />-l <br />.di$ thr dE rcsuhlnd Estdjn3 -b<do. r@\.1 e d {'Plf,lbL lo lhu I'aj.ti <br />-lcolilyrh.l <br />I har. rdd rhn r.t. thrr th. !t !. infomdion ir.n d l .gra to comtly *'th tll Cny ! lcounr, <br />ordrMn.6 ntrd Sral.l{\s rclal :otrqtu(iotr sld lE hy .uthoriz. rcp(ddtdivd ol thn ( irymdCou yri,drauFn <br />rbo\. marioncd F.or.ny aor <br />Applidrr or AtEr skn.r ^'. t" /.4 L0 <br />5,tr <br />,**l & <br />to/L,lf tt <br />I