<br />I hg.h! aftm uid.r F.!ht of Fjlry lhll I m.ropl IiDh $. ConhcloE Lt.h* lrw for lh. f.llo*in8 r@n (!c.70115
<br />BoinB !i Prof*ion Cod.): Any Cily or Coudy vhih ra1un6 . Fnil lo o.rruc1. .116. imFove d.mlLh or r.Pe My
<br />stdcru( Fkr to irr isrm.. .lso r.qun6 lh. for r!.h Fnd lo filc . iiB..{ ratnd rhd lE or 3hc it puNld
<br />ro th. Fuv6io6 oarlE ('onlr.ctoat Lr@!.d Lt* (Cn tnd e. ('omn.rcing wilh sclion 70m oaDivirio, I ollh. Boi"B Dd
<br />PmaNionr Co<i.) o rh.r tE or ih. ir .rmp{ lts.fom &d rh. toi ,or lhc .!lcs.d .rdFion Any vkrLlion of sdb. 701I 5 b, &v
<br />,lplicdl aor . Fmn llbjctr lh. .ppti.! lo . civ il p6!h, ot mt mE the fiv. tundral &116. (t500)
<br />I. s osE of rh. ForEry, or my orplorG wilh wtg6 s llEt eL on!.6iio.. $ill & E $ql &d dE !tu.r@ it ml
<br />!nd|!d or onsd hr dc {Sc.ro44, lnliB sd Prsfar6 ( od.: TIE ( od,..r6'r l-icoE lr* d,6 d +?lv lo & o\c of
<br />rh. FlFry *lF txil! or ir{hr€$.E( rn*n dE rd' mn hiMlld haxlfo. rhrcu8h hn d hc o*! npbtG
<br />proli|d rh{ ru.t inp.oEEr! e 6r ircrt d d offr.d 6. sL. lt, ho*e, i.bU E tr dr$.udld a sld viltin m )t
<br />ot@mpldbt! UE OrG &nE6 wil l$t dr hnld! ofFlw{r lhd tEdri. dil d hlld d inFo* lhc FlFty 6rtlE F p.cof
<br />l. somdofrh.DmDar), d.rctu,vcly.odtuhx Mhlrcdsdco,rlo.loodM rlEFj.( (Sc. ?04,1, BdllB
<br />a.d FDlsnd Co<t T1E Coilr..,loir l,i..u l-u &6 ml .p?ly to s ornd orFoFly rho to'l& o. impov6 lhson,
<br />sd *lb onrrdr rm sct p.ojei! dh . ( oMo(, lto!.d ,lrsn h th. Cod,.d t tic Lw)
<br />I m .rmpr urds Slcl
<br />]LA8rills:grl,Illgrll)!DIIIATAI,II!
<br />I Hy .mm und6 Frit of FJqr^ oft oarlE tulh* in3 d.ds.l irB
<br />I lllE rn will r CditElr. otcoMt ro Sclf-lMc tM wtqr' (mPodih. s FoviLd ln, bt sdb.l?00 of llr
<br />trhor C.dc fd tlE Ffm ordr *!rt f6 dlah 0E Fnh i isu.d
<br />I h.y.andsill oxnltn wo.tdr.omFdht 6u,.m.- s r.1utr6l ll lifrrion !r00of Co& for0EFfoffiot
<br />rh( slrt fn $hrh rha Find ir isEl M, *(rsr omrEGdDn 'turR. cMit,n plar nuntE e
<br />,*,8 c>ch rn ot k lq tu t^s ce Co.
<br />CSTSo t I 6?b ,o,"* l?' I ?-/,
<br />-l
<br />.dify rhd m tlE pafolmtrc of lh. *oit fot Bnrh rhit Fnn n isu.d, I 3h.ll mr 6Phy uy pqen in ey tmE
<br />F s ro taorc obi6r lo rlE e 6' onFErion ltu orcdifon r. di +E rlu it I tlDuld b<.rc $tid to tlE
<br />*{*d onqEuk'. FDvirioBoasElion lTO0 oflh.lrb.t ( dtq l t!ll. fodfiv t $mpl) *nh rrbs FovnioB.
<br />WAR llto: Fdlm lo sr $rka @mFui.n .or€.s. i urL*'tu|. t d rllll subirt u @ploF to siDind F!!b ad
<br />civil lin6 up ro oN hu,ilr6l rho@d dolln (tloo,ooJ). in .ddition b rh. cd of comFdlioi, dlroe6 6 Forid.d Io. rh.
<br />sdmn i0r6 of !h.llhq Co(L mlcd MJ.nmy'r f6
<br />u^", tO. r 9' 19 .rpp crn,: €Dwaro Yav u,n
<br />ull:rl.LLlAiu&[r9eDtu.r&uu!
<br />I h@by amm u.dr Fn.lly ot psj!ry lhsl I dn hcqsdl u.dd !,.,!isi,n of ( h.Pts 9 (! wnh S.clhn ?000) ol Dn ision :1
<br />of th. ltusiK sd PrefdioN ( od., &d m, lic.M t in lull to,cc ad .ild
<br />4 7l6q
<br />lo 19. t X lcryco 8,t, tlqf
<br />grllr:8ucualtrEB[rui-6cllcr
<br />I h@by amnn undq p.nalry o f Fjury rh.l lnq. n i snnrucl nn kndi4 lrmcy nn ltE FlolMc. of rh. wort for whth rhis pqmit i!
<br />iisu.d(S(.1097, ( iv C.).
<br />l-.da'! Nim.
<br />arfrrQlsr.I)llclllarro!
<br />I h.*, atrfltr unl6 pcnrlr, of FJU.y o.. of rh. lolL*in! d6Lrd irN
<br /> Pmngtub6ror Noli,i.dion l.dq.l R.sulalhn! (Ti1..10, Pd6)
<br />-Rdtuiel
<br />tma of Nd'frdnn
<br />I cqri6 rt r th. L<li.l etuLii'N Eerdin! Bb6b! moulu. nor .t plr.bk ro rhi! FI.<t
<br />lcdi6rhilhs.rcrdltir.rplK ionnnr4.rhrrh..hlcintundoi6..ndl.scroondtr.h.llChvudCounl]
<br />oin!146 snd Stdc l,*3 Gh'.8
<br />'n
<br />ltrldin8edrudi4 lri .h.t drb.i- EF.drn6 or lh! C[t !i Cody ro ats ryo. ltr
<br />x*::::*ryr tP,ttto )O',va
<br />/o, /8./g
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation
<br />Roof Sheathing
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framing t 'rtw,,tEt^)
<br />">)lnsulation/Energy ul
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar It lltl t,it Ktt+t*t('t e/
<br />Handicap Req \
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif
<br />FINAL I a4)
<br />Certificate of Occupancy I u\
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />DATE
<br />L.nJ.r.Addrs
<br />'Plt?t: