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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWN'X EUIII'ER DET]CARAIION <br />I nc.b, .Irm o.4r FrIy ol Fiurv fir I m{ no6 dE (o,trlc16 Ucoe L.v for dr lollowins rns. (Se70ll5 <br />Buird .d Proftsion C.dc) Any Cily or Cou y which r€qlic ! Fmi to cointocr, itd, i4p.or.. &mlih or lF.n dy <br />sl', Fitr to it! i!!ec. lLo Equi6 rh. +ltdr rd sh p6frn ro 6l. . .ig!.d !r.iE! lhr lE or !n. b lk6.d F,rtr <br />ro rlE Fo\tiE of tlE Co.r.-ldi Ldt d L.w (Ct+d 9, CoMdirs s ith Sdrio. 7000 of Divirbd I of th. ABin6 od <br />Prcldbs Co&) or rh.r lE d !h. ir qaDpl thq.6om &d ln. b6! for lhc .l!Gr.d qdBhi. Any viohion olsdrion 70.11 t by sy <br />dpplicot for t pqinh $bjcll' lh. lp?ltd lo r.ivilFBhy of mr mr. a fiv.lbrld.d irollB (1t00) <br />l. B oqG otllE FoFry. or my @plot6 wnh w3sd a rh.r elc @np.,!dion, rill & fi. "r* Ed rlE rnx,l@ i! ml <br />or6&d or ofrdcd for sl. (S-.7O&r, &!iIB &d ltoli.sioG Co&: rlE Cdrndd r Li@ Lr* &6 ml +ly lo d osG ol <br />th.F.Fry s lD built d iq.os ttEa !d wlb d6 s$ wt hi,rll or h.*lf or llEu3h hn or hd os coploy6. <br />,rovil.d lh.r ruh inF!@r! e mt idad.d orolH for eL ll now, rlE hildds or idprorrEn i $ld sithin ffi <br />'corcompki(a dE O^E Euillc *iU h.E dE hnbl of Fovi'B ,. lE or ,E did ml hlid q i'FDrt li. FDFi, 5( dE F,F.. oa <br />_I. s NG olrn. FoFrr. m aclLiE\ o rxri.g e-it ks!.d onrdoR ro oldrucr rh. (5d. 7u-4, AEir <br />&d ltotu no Co& Th. Licffi Lts d6 mr rpply lo r own6 olFopdry who huildt o. inprcvd rh6o.. <br />sd who .ontrG for $.h Fljdr whh. Codn ro(.,lkd!.d pulld ro <br />'h. <br />Coirrrcid ! LiEE Lw). <br />_l u.r@F uD& S6rion-, B. & P.C. for lhn r@n <br />Oi.r' <br />WORI(r{S'COMPENSATION <br />DICIAAAIIq! <br />I *,r* rmrm und6 Frlly of Fjury om of lh. lollowin3 d6l[ tioB <br />_l h.!..d siu mi.r&. CdifEe. of ColEr ro Sdfide 6r *utd con{oqror B Forild for by S6lioD 1700 oflt! <br />t bor Codq fd rlE Ffolile. olilE wrt am stth rhc Fnit ir iBu.d <br />IlD..!n$illMi.inm*dacorrp.GlrioniluMqsr.qur.dhySdliot]?(lrofrh.llhorC.d..lorth.Ffotuccof <br />llE uul tu. shth rhB Fn is isuqi My *rk on'pqlrdnr. iuu,uc..di6 !,4 Plt, .ombd e. <br />_l c.nily rhar i. rh. pdfomn.. ol rh. f,aor *ni.h rhi! Fhd n is.d. I rlltll ml dplo} uy F$r r ot nnE <br />e ato b.$m3ubjd roth.No d Lu3 ot( llilomi! dxl {E tli if I !$urd sqd lo llE <br />Nrl6' .oBFsrion lxrvitioE of S.crior l?0o orlh. liktr Cod.- I Cull, foirh*nh 6nlpt, *th rhor pr.viioB <br />WARNINC: r. s@ sorl6 mmFGtn,n o$.s. ! unh$tu1. 6d idl $bjd m dplots to dimin l Frlb !d <br />.tril lin6 up h dE hu.dr.d rh\6nd .Illla (ll )o), in lddithn lo rh.,co!r otcorFslion. drragd d Fovid.d aor thc <br />s(btr r(176of rh.,rhtr(ird. 'nrddMd r <br />I ffiy dIm ur]q pdll'y of Fju.y tn l I m licclEl ud.r lrovinn otctupra 9 (cooM.inB *rh Sdion 7000) of rrtien l <br />or th.llui.d od PmfdlioB Co&. dn my ltN ir in full forc. rn dId <br />l.*.cr,-. - c lD,.,, a-s-t<'+t_0 L3 ffid>;a <br />raNiraucuoxtrdDtxclcldcL <br />I ffiy.rm !.d6 FE!) olFjuy lhn thd. !. o1celu.lrn hns!8.gacy for rlE Ffolrucc of lhc u.rL tu *td rh6 Fsi ii <br />isudlS(. 1c!?, ( iv C.) <br />AIIIJCAILDECIIXAIII}! <br />I hd*t .trm !.da F.hy of Fjury oft ol lhc tollo*ins daLd b6 <br />Darolirion F@ir!.A.b616 Norili..r ion F.dall R.8uld ioB (TnL 40, tdr6) <br />R.{unqi tJr16 of rkiiaqlih <br />-l <br />cdit rh. lh. Ldd.l r.suldnB r.srdus 6!610. r@r ol rc n r tprlid'L ro rhi! For.( <br />-l <br />.dif, thll I e*. cd rh. lppli. i.n drl n!r. rhd th. !tov. intomion u cqrdr I ts6 ro @nory *nh lll Cny ..d ( oul, <br />ddi.s6 .d sd. krr EhlB ro hildins colEtuhc rn lE.6y.urlsiz. EF6dlNivB o f <br />'hn <br />e ny.nd counl! lo 6ts upon E <br />t-g/4.!ovc @roi.d F!Fr, fo, Ni&io\1u'i21r /;;:;::;.d-ffi.,//zz;,* *,,"i?'-@'"' P i Jr(e< <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Si gns (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondin g/Grounding/UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Meter Release <br />a\ <br />Rough l-27-17 I <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL t-?7-1 \,V/r(I <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc V