<br />Set Backs
<br />FormJSteel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />SubfloorA/enUlnsul.
<br />Roof Sheathing
<br />ShearWall
<br />Framing
<br />lnsulation/Energy
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif.
<br />L5l rt hvrnt,od W V.P\\rna"^1FINAL
<br />Gertifi cate of Occupancy
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />OlE-Buillld D..t .q,
<br />I udd FxlO olFisy lbt I D qcpr 6@ ll.C.nrndd'Lir,e hv lor rlE bllovq ro (te?O! l t auhg
<br />.!d Cod.): Ary City or Cordy *hl6 Gqlit . Paon to oolll'll !.ld. i6Fo!i., d@ltrt or r.!.!.ty rEucq.. Fhtr lo i.
<br />ilu!.q rL. Gqui6lt .rpliod ibl Dd Fair to 6h. ri ..d drr-Et lt.r h. d.lL a !.it d ,sier io th. Dllvabil oltlt
<br />Cod.crdt Li!...d rr, (clrr. ,, C.o@bt ,il sdh 70@ ot Divnbn I ol.i. a6&- .n l P6&..L. CqL) or th.r h. d
<br />rlt b aeB l!6d.d un tb b.i f!. dE E!6p(iE .A!, vi.hb! o, Sdr! 70! L, b, .t, rrplion 6.. Firt $bj..,r 0r
<br />lPplian .o . dvil FEh, ol 'nt 6t. lb! 6s lt{'dr.d &Ltt (1500).
<br />I,uo'cofii.Fotrty,oro,oploy.-*it[{a!!llEircLMP@tba*illdotlEELtith.nra4imli|,,&d.d;-fir.d for .L ( 5-.70.1, BstE! .!d Profr.tb{ Cod.: Th. Coerc.t r Uffi lrv dd mt l,9lv .o e ow otdE PbFtv
<br />rto t{iu. d ihFoE dr6t\ Ii *h. do- rl srt hid.ror b.t lf d throud! tn or lE 06 oPbv...' providd 0'rl rudr
<br />irpils d, rflll i[..d.d or ot-.d for r.L 4 LcE lb. toildiit or iiFot@.d i.6ld stltj! oE y ot@8PLiol\ th.
<br />Ow.Bsild. ,ill hE tlt hrda of Fdi[ 0rr L @l h.ild ot bFos hr tL F!Do. orrL)
<br />l, s ow oadr. F!F.y, o .r.l{iEl, @!dr,a 't! liirr.i dtrd.n !o 6dt'!c dt Foic ( SE ,Oaa, luns .ad
<br />Fla.i,n CoAc rU Co"r.q"r r L.a. L.r dE d roPl, b u .ls ofFoFV ,L loild. d irFoE Ots . .,i tfo
<br />@d.d, fo' te5 enl . c!'nn .tor(.) li..r.d Fm.d !o li. C.lEErt Li.d. trv ).
<br />lEGtdudas.dir .E lt P C. for tht lr&tr
<br />D.ra OrE
<br />I k&, .16 u!& of Fju, d ofo.blbtha d-rt lio :
<br />-I
<br /> ?ill uid.i!. Crr{irr. of CrlAr !o S.lf-ls@ for s*rt' c.'!9ddb[ s Prwid.d 6r ht S&lbn ],oo 6ld!
<br />!.tor C.d., fo( & Ffot[s ol dl. Et 6. ltiln U. Fol i. i.u.d
<br />-l Lv. !d yill diue norl.r.r o6toIt o! blnei r Fqsit d b, S.sioi rTOO of tl. L.!q Cod., fo. t[. Fao.l.e otrb
<br />wl 6r .rtl thi Fltt i 3',od M, 6tdt' @qrd!! lnEre dit rd Poli, |rl&h. B
<br />I t.IIFcE)ctTa flrCt + o4sr,(,
<br />I o- l)
<br />-I
<br />qri& rhr iD ilE Dafo,lrM ol0! E t it *[tI thn ir ita!4 I ddl ior 6ploy uy pdb! h &y Daq & ! ro
<br />b.a* Nbj.a !o ll. srl6 or'pcorb6 Ls o,!n r$6 rh.,r dl rLuu b.6r
<br />@hparrion proviiod of S*rb, lr0o of UE
<br />o
<br />wA.RltDlG. !.!l!G b '@r. wld @Letul. &n rbl tubj.o 6 npbF lo ainlll pdrlri-
<br />fE 'p lo s tdr.lsl t {!d &[rfl (tloo,o),b.d.lii, ro ri..od ot6.D9a..rbo, &dar u FlviLd tu l[. srdio6,016 ot
<br />d'. r,hor Co<L, ir..a .!d .nd!r'r fd.
<br />IJctllE-cqNrMcraEplcld,EAno!
<br />t h.dy rfrm u!& porlry of Frsy 0!l I 6 !sr..d urdc prow.i o( ChPtr 9 (6MMint s S.dioi,000) ofDiviion,6f
<br />rh. Bui,u.nd hof.tbr Cod.,.id 6,li. i. h tull fom rr*l. .<.
<br />ri* cL. c-/6 1L724 U)^JdD
<br />I h{.6y .fm cflls D6Iy ol Fiui, rlrl
<br />n!.d (36. ,or?, Civ c )
<br />. @.rrdb. h.dilt r3ny for tt p.rfor .@ oltt s iot whi.n lni! psDn n
<br />arlLlcaNEt"olclAsalraE
<br />D.muion P.r6j&tubotd Noltf,c.|lo! fod..rl l.tlLdoo (Iid. ao, Pln 6)
<br />_ R.quir.d L.dd o, Ndifotioi
<br />_l dd! O.r tt a.dE l .iiLrao rcarrdiia ubd.q r@rl e 6t .rDlqu. b dlit Foj.a
<br />I ,rd rl! +plic.tbtr lirl ,rr. d!.i th. .lor i!6'En6n i @n..! I .g@ ro otDl, PitI .ll C,ry .!d Cou'.y
<br />bs. ELriis to h{ildiir co!&ruaio4.rd lEcby Ntlorir. r.116. rliqollhiCityrndCo'ulytorrlt.uponth.
<br />propsry fo. idp&rioi DurpoB9}r r( L.rD pr.
<br />vheeN€L l-a a r+ q-'1
<br />03.31.00
<br />DATE
<br />T-Bar "",,,n"'*
<br />-UZ R25- s+t..,
<br />Oiir r.cir r..d B( h.6Dpk dirli.F6nn6rO h&drd doUst lll0o)orL!)
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