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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor lt <br />k/1^/m-/l?--Bonding / Grounding / UFER 'ff)AY/fi r, <br />Transformers v v <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Meter Release ,l.nililq ,t-rnoo*167./ <br />&tt-*lD-^''-Rough 4/*01,a <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL r/h.o /?6/nfrl-b-\--,,' <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc It rr <br />OTT ET AUILDA,R DEKARATION <br />I hs.t? rlIm u..t6 F{ly ol pqjury lllr I m ddpl tos rh. Coftr.lGr Lic..e lfl t r $c 6llorir, l@. {Sd 70ll J <br />Bui6 &d Prcfeib. cod.): Ary Cily or Cou y wnich r.qui6 i Fnil ro o'tr^!(r, .hq, 89.oE &tulith or EFi ev <br />,M@ Fi" t il! isueq .le ,.quir6 lh. ?pliot lor rucn Fmn lo fih r .eoql e.drE lhr L d iE a li.!E d ptr$t{ <br />lo thc Fovitiod ollnc Contcls! Li4nFd lj* (Ctu$q 9. Coffiins wnh Sedo. 7m) of Oivilbn I of lll EuiEr rd <br />PmfdioN Co&) o. rh.l lE ! 6 F 't nom dd tlE hai! lor rlE.lkS.d.rallFbn Anyioldio,ofsdlbn.70115b,&v <br />rppli.d for r FnI $bjdr lt 4?licot lo . .iril FMhy ol br mB lh& fir. hu..!.d .lolld! (1100) <br />l. s o$E ofdE Fep6ty, d my mplo)€ *nh vrs6 6 sL onPqldioi. wiu &, tE sqr ad dE nt!d@ a d <br />indd.d 6 ofidld aor rk (Se.70,1,1, Buic. ud Prol4i6B Cod.: Tn. Cont.dorr Lr.e Lw do6 nol {pt to d oqE ol <br />llrEoEiy who hril& ot iriF!€ iEEtr Ed *'ho (tE *h Mit hr4lf or tEelf o. lhrcush hir or hq om d9lq6 <br />FoviLd rh Mh inpr.!ffi e 'sl ifidit d 6 otutd ft 5l l( ,!oss. 0E hilir d i4.neqEr i sld *nhi! orc td <br />orcompkor rrE Or*c Builtla wi!! lrw r hrih of ForirB d'r hcd,t dd d tdla or urFrw lh. FiFty fin th. F FEor <br />l. s ow ofrlE EoD-ry, e.( conr..rins *nh licd!.d corirrroE t. odtucl llx FnJ.d (S< 7(J4'1. &!ilE <br />!d hokix ('odc 'I'h. conlr&1oi! l-i.# Llq &€ ml rp?ly lo e or€ oaFoFty *ho boikt or inProtB $6on. <br />od *ho coMr fm! r'il!. Codrrld(t) lk6.d pll &r'l totlt ('onlncln ! Lt@ l!u) <br />Iuc\enr unJd S(hon- <br />- <br />.ll 4l'{ ftrih'srcN,n <br />ll.r. ()nn.r <br />!!86E8S:gAffl!lAUq! <br />DECIJAAIIA! <br />I hqq rmm und6 FrXy ot Fju.t oN of dE folk'wirg .Lch,atio <br />-l <br />h.v. an will rinllh.C.nift G of ( otld ro S.lf-lE@ fttr wtdt' @nD.nrlio., B Fo\ iLd lor b, S6lirr 1700 otlh. <br />tdor ( od., for rh. Ffoffic of dE *ort tu $nth E Fnn ir isEd. <br />I lB. ud l'll D.i,{in rvut(r' mmFs.lion ilMuc d r.qun.d by S*lFn l?o.J otlh. Irhr ( o&. to.lrE FfM. of <br />r,E wt for *hit rh6 Foi i! i$.d M, wort6' &tFsaroo tB!@. .eit 6n FI-, @hbd E <br />-E"P6, <br />-l.atit <br />thr h llE Ffolrr4. of rh. wort for qhich lhis pdi( i! su.4 I ndlml dnpkrt Dy F$n in evlll,e <br />5 B ro btom. ruqd ro rh. mn6 ohFlnion hs, of Cdifonn . .,d .eG rhd if Lbuld hdod stitl to tlE <br />wort6' onpo{r6n pr.viioB of S..rE! ]TOO oftE t tv ( ode l adl ronhYnh @ndt wnn lhE FovilioN <br />W RNING: Falu. ro wm $nit6 nnFs wbr..l B dplols ro aimuul Ftshiti ud <br />c--rl ,in6 np t. oE nund.d lhoend of conD.Mlro.. d,!rE*6 E provd.d ft,r rh. <br />Sdrion 1076 ol rh. lrh)r ( od., hl6.n ,nd <br />uKLlri.tlla! <br />I harb .mm !..b Flnt of Fjuiy rhr I @ lka..d u& Fovn6r ofcluplo e (omm*ir3 $nh Ser6n 7000) or t,Ynion l <br />of rlE B$it6 ind Pr!ft$bc Co& rn hy li@ ! i. tull aoG !d.ret. <br />/o?L3/( <br />ir . oEltud ion lddi! .aocy tor lh. F foMc. ot rh. uul 6r *nrh ihi Fnl itI ha!b, .Irm uxl6 FEty o f Fju, rhr I <br />Blucd {S< .l0)?, aiv C.}. <br />t nd.r'r Addd <br />AITIJI.:INIIECIIsAUIr! <br />I fiEdy ,ftm uid< Fut, of Fjurl oE ol th. folbwits (bbrnio.f, <br />Drmohion PEmitlA$dtor t{difidion r.d6.l RqlldioB (Tnh 40, Pe6) <br />-R.quird <br />Ldd otl'{niforil. <br />I asrdi.g stGior l!m\.|s. lBl @l.atL ro lhi! I'$j61 <br />_l l)rd. rhi rlr rbov. i.lonnnion ir cotrcr I .slc l. comply unh lll Cily .ri Couly <br />io'! !d hscb, .urlsrtc rcF6dlntr 6 . f thi! (-ny !.d Cour) r. dla uF. llE <br />{.tt 9"2.*,,/,/4't< <br />rD/srG. <br />I-ciJeri NNtrr. <br />I