<br />Site-Work
<br />Underqround
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Satety /Low Voltaqe
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Bondino / Groundino / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueinq
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rouqh)
<br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Solfit Rouoh
<br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouoh)
<br />lvleter Release
<br />Rouqh
<br />Service lrileter I
<br />/f2-FINAL t0ltll/( |,t711d.7*
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />I hcrcby arfirn lnds D€nuiry of D.rjury rhal I m.rcmpl irortr lhc ConhacloF Ltcnrc Law 16r rh. followinS rcasn (s.c7011.5
<br />Burine$ lnl Profcsn,n Cod.): Any Cily or County whi.h Rluirc\ r Frnrir to .onstrud, allcr, inlltrovc. d€mlkh nr E,'5n ry
<br />nd.rurc,lfiur ro irs issuutrcc. als requircs rhc spdi.anr rff \uch p.anir ro tilc ! siSncd suremnl rhlr h.ot shc L liccnsd Pu^uanl
<br />h rhc povnions or rhc C.ntacrols Liccnrcd l-lw (Chaptcr s. Commcncirs *irh s.crion ?00o of Division 3 of rhc BusirEs and
<br />PmLssi(,ns ('odc) orrhd hc or shc n cxcmpl rhc.ctrom and lh. hast ror rhc alLgcd cxcmption. Any vi.httun orscclion ?011.5 6y any
<br />rpplicrnl r'or atcrmir subjccrsrh. amli.!n' ro a.ivill'r.alryol.or rmrcrhan fivc hundmd iloll,s {$5m).
<br />L ds ownci or lhc trcp.ny. o ny cnrrloyes *irh wases !s rh.t slc .onD.ns0riotr. will do rlE $d lrd $. n rr irml
<br />irlcndct or olttred lor sle (S.t.?(I,,4. Bnsincs and Pmtussio.s Coaq rhc Conka.tr's Li.cn* kw docs nor lpnly t, an owftr of
<br />rhc p6p.iy wb blilds or impmws lhsmn, rd wtr, &ts su.h *)& hitrsclfor hc6.ll orrhtuxgh hh or hd own crPloyee\'
<br />Irovidcd rhar such imnm(tu.rsm mt inrdrlcd oro,Icrcd lor sh Ii ho*cvs. rlt lailling ot inpowmnt h sH wilhi.oos,tr
<br />or.o pkrk n, rh. o*mr aurhn will havc lte tdrdcn of rolins rh!! lE or shc dxi M build or imEore thc ImFny for rlr,n{D{ of
<br />-1.
<br />trs owncr oirh. pnlf'.n,, amcrclusivclyco a.rilrs wilh licenscd contacb^ r,..n(rucl lhc l,oir-'l {Scc ?0,r4. Bxsilt$
<br />md Aoltshn codc lhc !'onracttr \ Liccnlc l-aw docs nor +fly r, owncr .f proPc.rt ei. hril& or nnProvcs rhcrcon.
<br />ud *ho conrrlclrtur\u.hpnrc.hwirhdcrotr'.r.roi9li.cn{cdlunuatrllorh!6ntdct,sl-i.cncLjw)
<br />I ircxcnrfl undcr Sccrion-, B &PC larrhisrclv'n
<br />]&8trErlL:cauENsA:Ilad
<br />I ti-rcby rfllrn uDdcr pcnllryoipcrjurydnc oflhc t,lhwing J.cldrrio.s:
<br />I hovc and * rll mintritr ! Ceniararc .l Con*nr ro selr lnsurc ror qortcn compcnq'in. nr pmvidcd lor by Scclion l7m or rhc
<br />bhr Cod.. r.r rl[ pc.rorroncc of rhc *ork for shich rhc t6nn n i\!utd.
<br />-l nrvcrnd willmrinhin sorkcr'.o rt .s,rion nrsr{rcc. as tcquit d hysc.rnr rT0oorrhc hhor Codc.lor rhc rdrorroncc o{
<br />rhc $ort tur*hich rihIl.mir ir issucd. My workcr' onrpcnsalion itrsu,lnc. .mi.r ,nd Fni.y numbct m:
<br />Stc.lc Fu-<!
<br />e"r"vr,.n". /'l (ot C
<br />I ccnifyrhd in lhr tf, rloflMtrcc ol'lhc *ork lnrshich rhi\ rc.nir is i\sncd.l sholl n.r cdployrnyp.r$n ir nnytnan.cr
<br />s $ x) hcconE subrccr ro rhc worl.n .onrpn\nlion hws of Calibrni!. 0 rxl lErc rhxr itl shoukl tr.o,E subjccl lo rlt
<br />worlcn'conipcns.rioopmlisioncofS..rionlT00uirhctilxtrC.dc.l\holl.fonh*nhomplywilhrh.*Provni.ns.
<br />WARNINC: Frilurc t, $x* w.rkc( conD.nsnlion otmac i! unhwful, tnd sh,ll subrcr m emploxr h dinn lEtr0llt\ lnd
<br />civil fin.s trp ro ok hr drcd rhous{trd dollatr ($r00.00o). in rddilnrn t, rh. .osl ol cor nslrioo- dudscs.s provided lor lh€
<br />s(rn,n 1076olrhc Lrbr Culc. in'crci datktrNr's
<br />"",., z/tlr/rtr ""/
<br />>1
<br />DIC!.AAAIIOd
<br />I hcnby irnund.r ncMltyotpc,jlryrh,t I an liccne{ ullll.r prcvhion ofChaprer 9 (q,Imn.ing wnh sErion 7(Xx) o,Division l
<br />.f rh. Busincs Md Pmfc$ions Code. ald mr liccn\c is intuu ford.rd cfter
<br />/)li-oAa'(-'/ Lr',{conr-.,o. D((, lSt*r 4s!t la<
<br />I hcrcby rmrm undcr pcnalryorFr,llrythol Ihsc n! conslruction lending lsctuy ror rhc Frlolnuna otrhc t.tk ror whin rhis trmir k
<br />Gsucd r se. 1097. civ. c.)
<br />I h.rhydllnnu .r|x dlryor$rjwyom.l rhcftn[)si',gdNhftrion\:
<br />I)enmlirn,n Pcnnit Ashdo\ Norlicrrion [ic(l Rclulxri,ntr (lirlc Jo,l'an6)
<br />Rcqun.d lxrrol Nor'fi.nrk
<br />l.cnilyrhd rhc lcncr(lrcSUhri{)n\ rcArrding x\hnos rcnn)vtl drc nor itnli.&1. k, rhn poj.cr'
<br />-lccnlly
<br />rhrrl hrvc r.drhn rfplicltbi !trd rtrt rlrr l[. rhrrc irlhnr!(i,nr i\conc(r I nFcc k,conrtly
<br />$d Couhryt, cnld upo. rtEortl:'utr.c\ aon Srsrc l,u\ rlxri',! b bu e con$rudior md hcrchy a r.0..\Lirri.c\ rl rhi\Ciry
<br />rb(*c nrcnriotrcd pml]cn, lbr
<br /> Arionl or ,\Acnl Signnlure I
<br />tc'I gnsloZ -r,
<br />II
<br />I nJ -.N. r'
<br />-
<br />Under Slab / Floor