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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE IDiSIG,COMMENTS OWNOR BUILDER DEI-CAI{ATION <br />I hcrcby aftrm undcr pcnalry ol r.rjury ihd I tun crcnq,t fmm rhc Co ,rclo6 Licene 14 i(t ih. rolloaidg rcr$n (Ss. 70-l l 5 <br />Burinc$ ann Pmtsion Codc): Ary Cily or Counry which Nquir$ r pcrmir r. condrucl. llrci imptovc. dc.blkh or rcI'In uny <br />srruL1urc. |'trlo irs hsu!rcc. rlsorcqutes rhc aptlicanr for such r.nrn l. tucd \i8ncJ {arcmd rhil h.ot shc t liccnEd Putuanr <br />k' rhc pmlisn,ns of rhc Contr.rofs l-iccn*d hw (Chrprci 9, ConnncncinS wilh Scction 7(xlo o, Division :l ofrhc Busincss ond <br />Pdc$ionsCodc) orrh hcorshc tcxcmfl rncrcfronandlhcbasi\ ro,rhclll.ccd cx.'n[n,n. AnytiolathnofSsrhnT0:]]any <br />atpli.r r tu a pcnnn $bj*k rh. ryplicrtrr 'o <br />0 civil rcn.lryornor nDrc th,n livc hundrcd dollos (5500) <br />-1. <br />0s owrcr nl rhc pmpcny, or nry cmpk,yccs ,irh wa8cs u\ rhcir $lc compctrvrnfl, sil] do 0E aor* ald lhc srrudud is mr <br />imc .d oroficrcd f(trelc(Sd.7fi-4, Busincss.nd Prolcssions Codc: Thc\ Ltcisc ltrw docs not afi,lyro3no*ncrof <br />rhc rmFny who toilds.r in{ftws rhcNn. dnd who d,rs ssh *or* hnlsclfor hcsclfor rhn,ulh hir or h.r o-ncmPbycci. <br />nrovidcd rhar such irymvcmnrs m nor i' €rH or oftercd ror sah. !i hdftvci rhc building or irir,,orcmnl h soLl *irhin .nc lutr <br />.r.ontlciirn. rh. o*nd BnikLr will h.rc tlE burd.n ol pn,ving rhd lE or she did not t[it or nnpr,rc lhc popdiy r.r rhc PurFsof <br />l. u\own.rofrh. Jror.ny. sir[ li(c.{nconta.ntr\xr.on(tu.rrhc nn}-.r (SL{ 7Or,1.8unncss <br />and h,ris\hn (odc: Thc Conrrr.k, \ l-ic.n$ l-!w do.\ orrprlyn,rnoq croltr.p.nywhobnildsornn,'x,vc\lhcrcon. <br />rid who.orHckr{trsudt)mjcchwirhrConknb(srliccr{dNrnaNrorhcConrlrroi\l-kcn\cLtr!) <br />I an.xcnu undcr sNrion-. a. & PC.lirrhG rclsotr <br />Drr.: Ownerl <br />WORKF.q.S' COMPENSATTON <br />DECtA.SAlrlN <br />I h.tubyninrnunilcrp.n.llyofp.iuryorcolrhcioll.rin8d{l altutr\ <br />I havc rdwillnnri.r, r C.rrirrlre ofconscnr ro Sclllnsurc fn $orkcG corpcnsa' pn,vidcd lor byScclnrn 1700 olrhc <br />Ldlltr Cod.. ror rhc pclornrM. or lhc work for rhich lhc t'mni i( nsucd <br />-l <br />havc!nd trillmi lin workcn comp.n\ari(,n insuBicc- N rcqun d hys..ton r7rx).frhc tihor CRlc. lbr rhc tii, rn'xm. .t <br />rhc $ork lhrwhich rhhn mir i\ h\uLt Myw.rkc^ .oDpcnsrd iNumncccdricr ondrnlicynumh.r m: <br />Al(d'ty rhnr m,hc ncrtomrft..lrhc \ork r4r Ehkh rhis r.rmir n issucd.l shall nor cmDb, o, pcron in nny nmror <br />a. J\ ru trrom.uhrfl r, rhc qoAc6'.on'!.nsarrn tatr\ oladht"rnh. Jnd a!rc. rhJt ir I .lsuld h..r.N uhj.d ru rh. <br />workcn .omr.ns ionttuvisions ofSetion STmofdc r:hor Codc,l sh3ll.lonhwirh L$nnly *irhrhos Pmvhions.. <br />IVARNINC: Frilurc ro Bcurc * .s onp(nsrrtrn' co!u,!c is u hsrul. ind shill i,hjcct orr.nubrcr t, Lri'ninrl |f,mlrics rnd <br />riril lnr\ up ro oDc h ndrod rhou\rnd LtoLtr^Itn.fiXl). in dirion to rhc co\r ol.omFnsarioo. d,muEcs as pm\idcd njr thc <br />,.7/zG/n <br />PEIIdB{IION <br />I hcnby alfirm undcr pcraly of!.rjurr lhll I am licetrsd undo provGien orch3pld 9(coltmmin8 with Ssrhn 7000) orDivni,n l <br />ol $c ausiftsa.d P(n*sions Codc- md* n in tull lorccood€tf(r. <br />f)t'1n{\r{ -"r(Dr c(1q- <br />CANf,IBIJCIDNITNDINIi.&GE!3:I <br />I hcrchya(nnundcr IENlry o l ncrjurr rl rhctuist.\rBrru.ri,nldndnr84cncyfotlhcp.rlhrnumcofrhcworkforwhthrhis,isnirh <br />issucd (Scc. 3097,Civ C.). <br />AIIUI:ANLDCCL$ DoN <br />I hd!$y olfirnr uMcr nctralry ol!.rjury orc or rhc r(rlo*iix dcchrdii,n\ <br />Dcmolition PcrmnrAsh{o\ ltdcral Rc8uhtions (l illc 40. P,n6) <br />RcquncJ I crrcr ol Nnr'li(rr or <br />l..dilyrhrrrh. LJcrrlrcgtrllron: rcEndirAr$.{o\ rd nvrl ir. f.l rfl]li.$lc t) rhi\ n.i+cr <br />I.crrllyrhnr l h,vc r.nd rhi\ afDlidiur ml {ar.rhrlnrihivc itrnrn tr i\.oiiccr I rArcch.onrdy <br />r d C.trdyni rnrd' trtr$rlr.onliniNcs ind sl,rc lissnbrir8 buildins.onsrruclion. ond hcrcby aulh.rilL !crr. <br />$.1r nf, nrbncd prop.ny lnr <br />Appli(unl or Agenl Sicn.tu <br />/4qo klr 7/zc/r.t <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Sions (monument) <br />Lile Satety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm i Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondino / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soflit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />l\,4eter Release <br />rA <br />Rouqh 7-tu-/K XWtL) <br />Service [t/eter A <br />FINAL K-27-l{s,uv) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Pole Bases <br />7Di <br />Q,o!"t\'<\ <br />trtrdcr's Addrcs{ <br />- <br />--------T------ <br />I