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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS olvNSiR tt|[,t)t1R DM,('ARA I I()N <br />I h€rebr rmrn und$ pcn.lry ol pcrlury rhar I mcx.m fmnr lhc ContrloF Liccn€ Law lor lhc irlLsing rca$tr (Scc 7oll5 <br />B$inc{r and Profc$ion Codc): Any Cn! or Cou.ry *tth quncs . Pcrmir ro 6niru.l- .lrcr. iq,otc dcmlhh or EPit rnv <br />fflcturc. prio! ro irs issurtu..,Lso rcquirc\ rhc apdicsnr for such Frmn lo nha si8trcd slalcft.r rh.r lEorshc n lienql Pursmt <br />ro rhe reliiions olthc ConrEcloas Li.cnscd Llw (Chutler g ConlmcminB wirh Sc.lion ?o(x) ol Diviai.n 3 oflhc ltusinc$ 'nd <br />Phrc(t,nsC.dc)orlhulhcorihckcxcmplrhctc{rom(ndlhcbasisrorlhcalhs.dcxcmPtion.AnvrioltrrionofSaliriT0Slsbrtnv <br />applic,nr lor ! Frmir sul,jc.k rnc aPPlicanl lo rcilil0cnalryofnot morernln nec hundrcd dollds ($50o). <br />-1. <br />!\ o*nfi ol rhc pmp.dy- or 6y cmpk,yes *irh *xscr a( rhdn sok comf.nsaln,n. wi dn llE*oAatrl rh. slEr@ k tul <br />n dld.d or offcrcd ltr sl. (se 7044. Busincs and Pioltssions Corlcr Thc G)nu{clols t-iccn* tnw dcs nor apllv h 0n oq Nr or <br />rhr p,Dlicdy *ho tlilds or inItus rhcNn. and *ho dds sth wo* himtlfor h.rslfor rhmu8h llk or hcr o*n 'rplovccs'pn"U"a rir ","t' impnrcEnrs ft mr i .rdcd or offcri ror sk. l( hoNcvcn 11* builli,B or i,r!'ohmnt is sld wnhin onc )ttr <br />;f .orylcrion. rtrc O*er Buildcr will hat rrr burdcn ol pmvinS rhsl hc o. sh. Jid <br />'Dt <br />buiu .r in{xJrc lhc PDFrv ror tlE puqn* 'f <br />-1. <br />$ owno or lh. Iopcny- am conrEclirl8 $irh licdn*d .onrocloF kr d,Nrru.r thc ln'jccr (scc 7tll 1. l'jtr'i*R <br />ind Plorssbn C.3c i h; Orrru.rors LiccNe t-aw do* n.r slPly nr !n owi.r of trolc v*h.buildsorimProv'irturcon. <br />*nd qho rn such pnjcch {nh a Cotrtncro(t\cd luru,nt lo theConradols Ltensc Lrw). <br />-l <br />!'n cxcnrU un,lcr sNrio <br />lhl( <br />\\'ol{(llRs (l)NtPltNsi Il{}N <br />IrKL -tsdlLlJtl <br />I hr,.h\ rlltrn' utrd.r l{0,Llr1 ol lxrrttr\ od.,,lrh. tu ki*rDg r!.rlrrLtr\ <br />l.rhr (i\lr. llr rh. t).,j,f 'r .. !l rlr \.il l(n uhth rh. |xrrrr r N{'.(l <br />rhc xork for whirhrhislEnnir i\ hsucd Mysorkcr'co srtotr rsnn...nricr dkl loli.y nunftcr dc' <br />l.orily ihrl ir lhc pcrfoirnincc oilhc tork lnr hlhis pcnir is issucd.lshrll .r c'ntl,ry 0ny !c6on ininyfl'!nncr <br />$ !s ro bcotu subjccr b thc uorkc* compctrsilion law! ofCrliromir. rn(l asrN rh,t iil should hco@ subiNl lr) <br />sortcF compen\nriotr trcvisions or serion :l?U) ot rhe lj}x, Codc.lshall. ll'dhwrh cotrrdv wirh rhJ* liovnnrns <br />WARNINC: tjuilure ro surc $tr!kc,\' c. m!.ns.r tn covcnac is unhsrul. nnd filll suhidr 0n cnulord r' diminll FMItr rtrd <br />.Nil lifcs un ro otrc htrndrcd rhounhd d.lltr <br /> ofrhc l-rhtr Codc. irrrcrcd rnd rn. <br />irnnr 1,, llr cod ol .onD.r$lion. drnu!.c r\ nr,!nlcd ntr rhc <br />t/rtl14, <br />peg,axdlxlN <br />I herchy affirm!.d6 Fn.hyofpcrjury lhdr Ln lien$t !.dc. F.!i$ion{fCluptc 9 (.ommmins sirh s(lion ?ftr}) drDivtion:l <br />or lhc Busircss and Pofcssions Codc. dd ny liccn* n in tull rorcd,nd.ittct '?:tq t1(o:'.- &o{q lit) <br />g <br />a/ttl lA <br />C(TNSTRUCTION LFNDIN(; A(iT'N(:Y <br />l icrcby lflirnund.r Nnllly oiFrjury ih.l llErc h !.o.{o.lil'n l.ndills ogcnly f(,lhc'nunc..flh. worl ffi which lhh p.rfril is <br />rs'.d rscc :1097. Civ C.r <br />APPLICANI NECLARATION <br />I hot+,y affld u rdcr pcnrllyofperjxry unc olrhc aollowins dc.ld,rions: <br />D.mlnion Pcrmik Ash.sos Notincalion F.d,rlRcgulorions (Tirlc 40. Pdr6) <br />Rcquircd l€rrcr of Ndincorion <br />-l.dify <br />rhd rhc fcdcr.lrcCularions rcSoding tr\henosicmovrl.rc nol tPnli.$lc ro rhn projccr <br />I..n'fv rh{ I hlc ru'l rhr rDol <br />.^r'-**i,"1 S'.* r"". "rn,,y'i.dh\c Nn,i ncd nmpciy r'n i?/ltd <br />icarionrid s c rhd ihcah.\c infonndn isconctr IrgraloconDlywirhallCirvsndCoutrrv <br />huildiis..trsdcriotr.0ndhcrcl,y,trrh.rizcrcPrcemrir.sofrhisCirysndCounlvlocnr(uflnlh. <br /> Signnlufr <br />""-n* **",0n*,,.{ }L \'.P L<((*- -7llt ltt <br />Site-Work <br />Underoround <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Lile Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueinq <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Solfit Rough <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />lvleter Release <br />/A <br />Rouqh -7'Zo-lY h\u1Q <br />Service Meter Y/\\ <br />FINAL K-lt-lK h,wtLl, <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc \_7 <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners _ F\rirc. <br />I