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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DELCARATION <br />I h.rcby anirn lnder ltdlr, ol pcqury rhll I m .xenq fioh rhc C.nnid6B Lk.M t w tor rhe followi.S p!$n (Sa.?03 1.5 <br />Busin.$ rrd Profcssion Cod.): Any Cily or Counly which rcquiEs r Fmil lo 6n(toc1. 8lld. iml'orc. &mli{h or q{ir My <br />srrudtrc. !rb. to ns issuam, abo bqutc$ th€ dt plica for skh Fmn ro 6lc a riEed sr.|.mfl thlr h. o, she i! lkered pursdr <br />lo lh. Fovilions of lh. Co.trstols Lk.n*d ljw (Chaptc. 9, Com@min8 wiln Selion ?m0 of Division 3 of lhe Business tud <br />Pof.ssions Codc) or th.r lE or shc is cx.mpl rlErcfrDn .nd rlr be!i. lor th. allcScd crcn tion. Atry vioLrion of Setio. T0l t .t by ony <br />lppliconr for a pemir subjects rhc rDpli.ant fi, a civil pe alt, or tur mE lhM fivc hurdGd dollar (S500), <br /> <br />owncr of lh. I,mFny. or y cmplorrcs wnh wrg.s trs llEir $lc mnwnsnrion, oil do llt wo* an . stillm i mr <br />in|cdd or oficrcd for $lc (Sa.r044. Busincss and Pmfcssions Codc llre Conrrdofr Li.ns. trw docs nol +ply to an ovncr of <br />rhc pmJEny whot ildr tr nrFmrcs lhcmr ed *io des such mlk himsll or hchclf or rhouBh hh 6r h.r own cnplorecs. <br />pmli&d rhar such imphhrcnEm mr i cn&d oroll.En br sk. tr. ho*.w, fic hildin8 or itrprowmnl is sld within one ld <br />olonpknion. rlE Owmr Buitlcr qill hlk rlt hidc. ofpmvinS rh,l tE or ste did ht boiu or inlhw rhc pnldr, lot 0E plrlbe of <br />_1. Nownoof rlE poFny. m.rclusivcly.om6crinB wirh liftns.d.onhdou ro $.strud llE rmjccl (SN. 70{4. B!{ncrl <br />an! PDfeasbn Codc: Thc Conrracroas Liccnsc Law docs mr lDrrly ro d .r pr.pcny who builds or improvcs thcrsn. <br />lnd who .o.a..k ror su.h lroFds *irh s C.b'mcro(s) li...ed pursur b rh. ContB.rols Li.rtrc L!wl, <br />I DDcrc.rfl Dndcrsccrio. ,B &PC forrhislcrsotr <br />III86E8Ii:CAMTBTAIIOX <br />[ECt A&rtrO! <br />I h.Eby aflm undn pcully of p.rju.y.B of llE huowirg d6l,Flioos: <br />-l <br />huk ed eill minrain ! C4nifprc of Conrcnr to Scr.lniuc fd sort6 omp€nelion. a\ povlH for by Selion 3?00 of lhc <br />Labor Cdc. for lnc lcrforneru of lhc work for whkh thc l,smil is irsrcd. <br />_, halc rnd willnmirrair so,kcn conrcn\llion .s reqli'td by S*r ion ITOO of lhc Lrho, Codc. for lhe I,.rfomNc of <br />ldion insurecc coir aid policy numb.r Ec:rhc lqk lhr which rhis pcmir ir hst n Mr wn,kcr <br />-l <br />cenily ltal in ttu Fcrtormncc oallE wori for wh rhis Firnir h irsucd.l\hallao' crok,yany l,jison inlnynoncr <br />v, tr hcg'm \ut'jsr hrhc sor\crs.unpLnsdn,n ., Califomia &d aSm rh8r ir I should subirl lo l,E <br />sorkcrl comp.nsrion pn,vni,N ol Sccrion :1700 of rhc tnhr Cdq I shall. ionhwilh .omrly wi'h lho* pmvisions. <br />WARNING: Fsilurc lo $curc wrlcd ory).nqrk,n ovcnsc is unla*tuL and shdll snblxr ,n cmplor{r io simi,ol Irnttts and <br />UrENU'Dll)Nr&}gAts <br />Df,CLAB,IIION <br />I hcrby affifln!nd$ Fnahroalcrjury'har I rn lienql !tuicr ior of (naflr 9 (ommrcing withScclion 7000) ofDivnion l <br />of <br />'hc <br />Busim$and Pmfcssions Codc, lnd dr li:cnsc h itr <br />Toltlt"l <br />o",_fu4 r<- <br />COBEIA!]CUI}BITAIIIIIGIIiENCI <br />I h.nby Itrm und.r F.,hy ol Fjury 'h!l <br />rhm h r mnsrudb. lcndi.S !8crcy fo. lhc pcrfotukc of thc wor* for whi.n lhn ,mir is <br />isru.d (s( :1097. civ c ) <br />6TTLIIANLI]ECLASAIrcN <br />I trnby Jilnn undc{Ennlr} of p.rjury onc ol I h. folbwinS dr..leat ionsl <br />Llcm,libn Pcrnirs Ashcsros Norificornr Fddcrul Rcsullrions ('tirlc 40, P!ri6) <br />-Rcqrircn <br />ldur.l Norifi ori.n <br />-l <br />.enify thar lh. fsdcrrl rcsuldions rcgeding arhnor .ctuvnl Bc tur ri]lli.nhlc lo thn pmjer <br />-l <br />ccnily rhlr I hnvc rcnd rhis uptli.arion dd shrc rhar rhe Blovc info,uion h c6rsr. I e8re rommply*ilh lll CilysndColnry <br />orninoDccs atrd Shrc tiws <br />abok mntn,ncd porcny <br />ro buildins co.sin,dion. and hcrchyluihorirc Epr.snriiv.\ .r rhi\ cit! nnd Countylo.nlc! urotr rh. <br />Applt l or Agcnl Si8nor I <br />J) <br />I <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />lvlisc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer 7-n-tt k.W.1tl <br />Residential Range <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openinos <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rouqh Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release /a) <br />FINAL )VW.'1lbl <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.u \-/ <br />Other <br />*lCcl <br />(Nil finc. ut r' onc huntl,cd rhousnd dollar (!10+000). in sddiri.n ro rhc..i orconVEnsrio., d.,M8cs as [ovided fo.lhc <br />Sccrion:1u7oo,Ihc L{bq C.{c. inrc(r and urhrmrslrey' <br />'.,", .7 !rl lrA 'ou"y['1-.--- - <br />L4z <br />t---+--- <br />tt <br />I