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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS ()$'Nl:R BtrIl,Dall l)Ll-( ARA rl()N <br />I h.rcb, ,ltrn undcr t nrhy of Pcrluly lh{r I d .r.mpr fmnr rh. Co.r0clo6 l-iccn$ hw lot the follosiq rcsnr (Scc'7011'5 <br />BusnEs fl'n Pror.tsiotr Code)r Any Ciry or Counly whi.h r.qnircs ryemir b .onslmcl slrd improvc' dcmolirh 'r EnJn inv <br />srrucruc-r!i.roir\nsutrrce,rkotquncslhcalpli.!flnt*udhpctnrilx,fiLrsi8mdsrcmnlth.llEorsh'iqli'ctrrdPutsuanr <br />b rhc Fmvnions of rh€ Cont,crols Lieni.d tjw (Ch.,)lcr 9. Con'mn.ins wilh s..rion lmo of oirhhn I of rh' ausnrs nnd <br />Prorcssions Codc) or rhar tuorshe iscrcnfl th$cliomand lhc hasis for rhc lcs.d.x.nPlion Anvviololion"S"rion?0:ll5bv!n, <br />lpnlicrnr roi a Fflnir subreck thc aprlicrnr ro ocivil,,.nrlryofnoln!ftrMn fivc nlndr.d doll$ (S500) <br />-1. <br />a\ .wNr ol lhc Ir.Fny. or ny cmrrLrccs wirh wa8cs !s rhct $k com|{nsr b. will do rhe sork ar rhesrndm;\ nur <br />;;nB or .,lscd r; st (Sa ?Or4. susimss and Prele$n,ns code: ,nc Contadoir Liccnsd hP dfts n'r qrlrv ro an o*n'r or <br />rhe F)pcny Rho lioildr or inpms rhcrn, ard who d(s qct nrk hinNellor h.*clfor lhnugh hh ot hc! o*n'nlt'lolccs <br />ptuvid;d rhlr skh inl)nNcnrnc m frn hrcndedoroficnd rorsk lt lbwcvcr. thc l{iuine or imprc!'m k"'kwilhino t vu <br />;r..nplcriotr. rhc O*n$ Bxikis wiu havc rhc hndo ofrovins rh,l h.orshcdid n hrild or inrlmt tlt pn'pcnv for llE pu{Ds of <br />l..sow.crorrh.popcny.amchlusivclyconlftdins*irhli...scdconrado6ro.oo(rucrih'lm]ccl(Scc 7014 Bu\inc$ <br />md Pn,tcssbn Codcr ih; Co rocrolsl,iccns.Llwdocsmlapnlvro,no*nctoaproPcnvwhohlildsorin{tort\rh'r'on' <br />rtrd who d'nta.iifor such prclrck wirh a Conrrdo(t liNn*d puNuor k) lhc Conlricxt l Liccnr Las) <br />In cxc'npr trndn scctio <br />Drte _ o*ner: <br />woRI<Eis' cottlPrNs rl(lN <br />DEEI,ABAII9! <br />I lrrcby aflirmundn lEMlry ol l].r]trry onc oilhc {ollosing dNlaorions: <br />t hav€ ud will tuinrdn a CcnifErc or cotr*nl to Sclr l n{re rar workcr conDrnsll ioo. !s Eovidcd for bv ser ion :u(x) or lh' <br />tlhor Codc. for ihe pcrfor.mcc of Ihe sort ro. whi.h lnc Pcmir ir irsu.t <br />I hnv.:nd slll rir rirr qor[ds .onDcn\{rion insxrnn.c. as rcquircd bt Scdion.l?Ol, orrhc Lobor Codc. [d rhe ll.rfonMrc' oI <br />iotr ilNurnmc.ffiic, md lflhl nu,nhd dc <br />Icc iry lhrr in rhc perronmncc ollhc wor* lor whi.h rhis P.rf,ir is iisucd.I shsll not cmplov env lcrwn in snvnanrcr <br />h s lo hc;om $bJr.iro lhc $oikca oaUcnqrt,n hw\ ofcnlifomi!. nnd ogEc lhal ifl \hoxll tEcom subFct lo the <br />wo eF conn isi,on l)rcvisidni or sccl ion 37Oo or rh. tlbor Codc. l shnll. ronhqith complv wilh rho{ Pbvkions ' <br />IVARNIN(;] F.ihtrc ro {crF workc^ co'nFis ion i\ rnln$ful. rntl slrll suhicl rn enlrolcr ro si nnal I.mlris and <br />cilil llncs ut lo om hu drcd llDulnd dollrs in d i(r ro rll.o{ ofconrt*tr{rion. damagc\ ,r lroviicd f{, thc <br />Sccri( 1074 lrtu l-ahtrCod.. inlcr!{ dndfl,rtft <br />DECI,AX4IION <br />Iheret'ylmmUndcrpcnolryo,IEliurylhdl!nlic.o$dUndcr0mvhnofchaPlg9(con.EncinaQilhscclhnT{)00).f.,ivkion]] <br />ol rhe Blsitu3s Md Pmfe$io.s Codc. .nd my li...s h in tull forl !d cndr <br />,+it)18 Dc,.o*-a> <br />CONSTNUCT!oN LIiNDIN(] A(]ENCY <br />lherchrl'ffi.nutrd$rctr.lryorPcrruryrhrrlhcci\n.o.(d.riotrlcndi'rg,scNvlorrhcp.rloruunccotrhcworktushi'hrhG|rc|mili{ <br />is\u.d (Scc .1097. C,v (- ) <br />t trdq s Addres <br />AIIUCANLDECIdSAIIOIi <br />I h.rhy afmn ondcr p.nrlly of p.rilry om ofth€ f{,lL*ing dcclallhns: <br />oomlilbn Pcrmik A3trsros Nolifi@r ion Fcdcr.l Rcsularions (Tirlc '10. Ptn6) <br />-Rcqltcd <br />tr .rof Nolificarir <br />, r.nilyih.l rhc fcicr l r.Pularions r.BUdinA d\lr$or rcnmvrlrrc .r tr|)Plic$lc i,rhi\ ptojc'l <br />l.cnilrrh$ llu\crcl'd rhisnpfli.rri(trr d \rarc rId rhcxhr. ifturnnrion i\..trccr I xgrcc h..nrtly u irh rll Cirt rnd Courry <br />ircs ffrhn ( iry rnd Couriy I' ctrrcr trrin rlto(l x rr\ ro(lSlrrd lr(\ r(lnr huildi'r8 cuD(fl rclior. rd hc'chy rnlhornr rcPrc'cnlul <br />$ort rmnriotrcd pmp.ny lnr <br />Prn,il( nnnr rp.irrlr:r10 \<ef ",,," =//tlt\ <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Lile Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Grounding i UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffil Rough <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />,7' .\ <br />Rouqh 7-t1-)K D.t4-rc, <br />Service l\ileter i./)a( <br />FINAL K-l9"lv k,wlLl <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc ".