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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.OWNER DUILDER DEI,CARATX)N <br />I ar'ltrm uMc! pcnalry of pcrjury rh l on crcnfr l6m rhc Conks.lon Liccnrc hw lor lhc lollowin-g rcisrn lS(.7{].1 1 .5 <br />Busincs d Profesio. Cod.): Any Cirt or Counry whhh rcquncs 0 pcrmil ro c.n{rucl. alrci impruvc. d.molth nt renrt dny <br />srocrlrc. prir b irr isx.rf,.. rho nquims lhc 0p id lor such lEn,it lo liL a lirncd iare@.r rhd he or sh. G liccnscd l,u6urnr <br />ro rhc pbvhions of thc Conlrrctols t-iccn*d liw (Chaprs 9, Conmc..i'rF wirh Scction ?dro of Division :l or'tu susi.css tnd <br />PmicssionsCod€)orrhlr hc orshe tcx.mpt rhcErrondnd rhc bdsis lu lhc allc-acd cicnprt,n Any viohrn,nofselhn?01,5 hy Bny <br />dpplicrnr fu a pcrmil th. rpplic.nt lo a civil Fmlly of nol Ntrc IlDn fivc hundrcd dollrs ( $5ln) <br />rvQatr[8ElaMtENsafloNDlcl.ln 0x <br />I hcrcby nllirn uudcr NnrlryollErjuryom ofrhc folk,win8 dfthrarn,ns <br />I md will mirllin ! Cenificltc of Conrenl h Scliln\urc (tr o,iqtcnsaliotr. as pevid.d f.r bt sdriotr lTO0ollhc <br />Llhitr Codc, r.r lh. l) of lhc work forvhich rhc Dcrnrir h hsncd <br />-lh0veand <br />will mainrain worlcs .onltrisanun in\xran.c. ns rcqutcd hy S(tion:1700 orrh. tjhor cbdc.lor lhc pcriomncc ot <br />rhc sori finwhichliis pcnnir i\ issucd My qo.kcs' .onrrcn\alion insuraEc ert' dd B,lk! nun$.r ac <br />Policy Nun$cr:-Erpncs <br />Al ccdi ry <br />'hJr <br />in rh. pcrro Mmc of rhc !nr[ lor ] hich r hk pcrmir is i\\kd. I \h,ll nol c'ryloy ony pcso. io a.y frrtrcr <br />G J\h bccnnF.LhE.r x'rhI *'trkc^.', luu( .1 C.l'loirnr. !1d agRrhar I \h, uld b..nn. \ubF!rrn lhc <br />workcF conDcnsnrion rovisions orsc.rion]T0oofrhc Ltn Code.l shlll- lonhwirh c.mlly wnh thoB prolisions. <br />W,rRNNc I'ilurc h e.urc sorkcr\ <br />civil lim( up ro otrc hunir.d rhotr\r <br />sc.rion 3076 ol'lhc Lrhtr (i'dc. inrcrcn <br />lrcagc is url,qtul. and shrll rufi]c.r M cn,pn,r$ ro di'niril Ftrrlri:s !ft1 <br />Xx)), in addn$tr h lhc co( ofconlp.n\rrn)n. drntrlcs .s rnivi{lcd f(n rh. <br />'r/clt <br />I]ECIJAIIION <br />I hcrcbyaolroundc,Fo,lryorr.rjurylhnr I am lien$n undcr [ovhion of Chnpt.r 9 (.omtrn.in8 wilh Sdion ?OO0) orDivisk.3 <br />of lhc Busincss and PDfcsions Code, dd ny , h in rull lorcc Md .fioct <br />r,t.r"cCr,,s,/ ts LI <br />.bri Dectaa-t, lie,- T/za/rt <br />CANJiIBUI.:IIANITNDIXIjIGINCI <br />I hcNby t lnn undf ,rMlry o f pcrjury lhsr rhcrc h a.r,ndtu.ri.n kklnS a8crcy hr rhc pcrlonunr otrhc worl itr \'hich lhit Frnrir k <br />istrcd (SN .tl)9?. Ci! C.) <br />AITLICANI.D&CIdtrAtrON <br />I h.n5y afiim undc. Fnalty of,'crjury om ot rhe folbwins drldnr ion*l <br />o.mftion Pfimirr^sb.stos Norificariofl Fcdcrat Re8uhn,ns (Tirlc.{}, Pm6) <br />RquiEd tins of NotiaEtion <br />-l <br />c.nilyrhsr rhc tcdcnlreulaltnF rcBrdins rshcslos rcnDv.l rrc norrptlic l. b rhispiojc.l <br />-,ccnifyrh <br />l hare rld rhis,mlicaliotr and (olc lhal thc ntFle informli.n ir.ond ll8relocomPlywilhallCiryrndCouhty <br />oftlinxn..r rfJ Srrrc If,\\ kfirnip r.ildirRconn .liotr. a hcrcnyaurlF.irc rEpr.\.m,rilcs ofrhi( Ciry and Counry k, c cr urnrtE <br />rh-vc trErriorcd nrolEdy ti,r <br />ippli.nnt o. AE€nt SiAmlur.H".e l-rp< <br />7/zclE <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER <br />Translormers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Faclory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Sollit Rouqh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />lvleter Release <br />Rouoh 7-to "19 V"lult0 <br />Service lVleter x <br />FINAL *-tt"tY r.'l4rd <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc \J <br />COMMENTS <br />-1. <br />as owncr of th€ ,,oFnr. or ny cnnloles wnh *!Cd ar rlfn arc drmpcnsriotr- will do thc worl ud ltE sMN is ml <br />inrcndc{ or ollcEd ,o, sk lse.7o44, ausiess and Prolcssio.s Cod.: Ttc C.nrraclois LEcnse t2w mr a$ly lo an osncr of <br />rhc Imrcdy who h{itls or iqrcxs itosr, dd who des such s* hims.lf o! hcsclf or rtmlgh his or hcr ow..mpbyccs. <br />pbvidcd rhar such inprcvcEnh N mr inrend.d or oltcrcd lor sak, li howcr.i lh ttrildir8 or imPmwmnl h sld {ithin onc ttr <br />oa 6'npl€rion, rlE Owmr Buikn* Nill h0w rlE burdm of pmvitrE lh.l hc or slE did Bn ti{ild or iq,oE lhc pmp.ty lor Ih. PulPoe of <br />-1, <br />a\ o*ner or rh. F.Nnt. am cxclusiEly conhoclitrs eirh licctrsd conrt&rof ro d,nedcr lrt tmjcl (Scc 7Or4. Bu\ir( <br />and PsfNiotr Codc: Thc Cotrxocror'i Liccnsc ljs docs nol aptlr ro uound olrrop.nywho tuildr or im!ruv.i rhcrmn. <br />and aho s.r,e( ft, ch pr.jch wilh . ConlEdons) licctred puruanl lo rhc Contt.ror's Li.tnsc ljw). <br />lamctunDt undcr scctron .B &PC f.' rh^ r.i.on <br />D.t. O*ner <br />kndci( Addr\s _ <br />tt <br />f-------T------ <br />I <br />--------r------ <br />=