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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS OWNER BI'ILDER DELCARATION <br />I lErcby afijrm undcr lEnolry of pcrjury rhd I M cxcr{rr from rb€ Conl@ro^ Licc.$ tiw for lnc folbwing E&$n (S.r.7031.5 <br /> and Prolcssion Codc)r Ary Cn, or Coury whi.h r.qoircs ! I*rnrn lo snslro.l, rlls. itrpor. .Lmlkh or (p6h My <br />ntudue. ro ts irsum. dF rcquim rhc q,plkd for such Fmil lo filc ! s8tud nalcmfl rhar tr or sh. is liensd I,!N&l <br />ro rh. pmvkions of rtE Conrocior's Liccnsed Las (Chrprcr 9, Crmmming wilh Scclion 7000 of Ditision 3 olrlE BuliEss a.d <br />Profcs io n Codc ) o! thai lr or shc is crcnpl lh.rcfro m lnd th€ bsst for I he alkBcn cicqition. Any violarion of S.dion 703 L 5 by a.y <br /> for ! lemir subjdts rhc aff'lic!trr ro ! civil tEdhy of flor fl)rc rMn nvc huodrd dolles ($500). <br />-1. <br />N oqe. of rh. polEny. or fty .slplotrlr wlh wsScs N lheir sk sry.nsdion. will & dE tqt old 0E {rrm i. ml <br />inhidcd or otrcEd for $L (Sd.?044. Busirc$ lnd Piof6riont Codc, Tl* Contetot's Lien* &w d@s nor Aply lo m owmr of <br />rhc prorEr, sho boiEr.r ntpoB dxNn..rn *ho dG sh s hihsclao. h@Uo. thmtr8h his or ncr oM.r9loyccs. <br />providcd ihal ruch inp,lwnr. rE Nr inr.nd.n o, ofic,ld for €b, lL hoEE lta bu'lding or inpmEr n $B eilhii orc Jer <br />oforoLrion. llt O{nq BuitL. eill hlE 0E b{dan orprcting dur lE q dr dn nol hrild or iqtut lhc pEFly for iE puID$ of <br />l. .s .*ncr ol th. Imp.ny. an q.lusivcly conlru.rins *nh liccnscd conrn ros lo otrnrud lh. pmrct (S€c 7Ol4. Busitr\s <br />!d hDrgsim Codc Thc Conrrlcroas Li.cnsc Law docs nor apply lo !n o*ncr ol pmFrry who builds ot iot.ows rhe@n, <br />und uhd onrMs ror slch pmlcck wilfi a Co mro(s) liccns.n ,1us@r ro rh. Conracrof 3 Li.n* t w) <br />UIIBf,EII:COMTTNIAIII}! <br />DECLAEAIXIN <br />I hcftby lltim lndcr p€mlly ol pnjury orc ollhc rolb{in8 delaEliors: <br />I hxrc lxl will rnni'rr(cnili.drcofcon\cnrr.ScltlNncl;rsor(e^\]rn,n.x\t()vnhdi,tllySc.lion.rTlx)olihc <br />l ntxtr ( {xlc. l,r rhc ncr,onrnfu ol rhc \ork lnr whi(h rhc lf,nnit i\ i\suul. <br />I hav. and will mtrintin workcrs comFNarion insurBmc. &s rcqutcd by SNl bn !7(n of tnc Lahor C4d€, for lhe Pcrtomftc of <br />r hc mrk to, vhhh rhis ,cmi is issu.n. My workcr' N'npcnstion insurMcc .Mif urn F$cy .umb.r m: <br />{ltrnrfyrh.r in rhc rrli,rtu.c. or rh. so,k r.r whhh ihii p.rmir n Gsucn, l shall not.frplo, d.y Pcno. in any motrrcr <br />Is a\ ro ttsm {hj6r 16 rhc *qt6( 6mp.ns! nn la* ! of Califomis. and ige lh!1 it I sholld tE om suhicl to lh. <br />qort6'om,'cnsliohpovhionrofSerion37mofihcbborCodc.ldullforlhwith@'nllywhhthosDmvisionr" <br />WARNIN(i: Failurc to surc workcn'compcnrDlion co(rurc h u.hwful. afrl shall subitt atr emphyct ro oimiml lf,mhas 8nd <br />ro onc hundrcd lhousnd doll$s ( in lddlion ro rht coil ofcohpcnslion, dlnEBg ts Providcd for llE <br />Scdirr 3l)76 otrlE lrtu (1dc. i c'c\r rnd <br />*L:*/zag'X <br />DECIAAAI&N <br />I hcrcl,y rmrm unncr p. ahyorpcrjury th,I I nnr liccnkn undci provision olChanro 9(co.n ncing wnh Sccthn 7(xl0) otDivi\i6n:1 <br />ol lhe BlsiDcs and tmlc$i(,nrCr ..dd Fy* k i,r lirll r.nt andclncl. <br />-7otQ q <br />IAIiIAIqUQN.LENIIINGATiINCl <br />I rrrby rmrmundcr Fnrllyofpcrjury lhal rlrcrc n a.on{rucriJn Lndin! atcN, ior thc ofrhe wor* ror Nhi:h thn Ermil is <br />hsucd (SL! :109?. Ci!, C ) <br />A.STUCANLD&CI,AMTD! <br />I lmhy aflinn undcr r.nrlry.rp.rjnryonc oi rhc iollo{ing dLrl0alions <br />txrmliti Pcnnih.Ashcsros Noriiiclrion Fcdcral Rcgohrbnr (Tirl. 40, P,n6) <br />-Rcq!tcd <br />lxllcr oa Norillralion <br />-l <br />c.nify Ihor rh. fcderal re!,hlions Eg&ding &rbcdos rcmwl m nol lprlkabh 16 ihh Pmj.{t <br />-l <br />ccdiiyrh l hivc rclld lhh ion ukl dnr. rhrr rhc rh)v. irrfornDrnr ncotrccr Irgrcb.o8tlywirhall(ilyonlColnr, <br />onl nn dsundsrarc tj!\rchrin8 t{,ildins consrtocrion- nnd h.,clty aurhorir rcl,csnl.lilcs ofrhh Cirydd Counry ro cnrs uB)nrtr <br />abovc mNioncd proFny lor i[ <br />7/"0/ttApdi.anr .r Ae.m s ign. rurc <br />H-.-zt Lr?it <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />lvlisc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Bough Ductwork <br />Vents r\ <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer 7 -)o- le x,\L-rr0l <br />Residential Ranoe <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rouqh Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release ,6\. <br />FINAL K-u.-19 !AI-rd\ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />ID/SIG. <br />-l <br />m.emp utrds Sdion- B. & P.C for thii aas.. <br />Polhy Nrmbqr Erpics: <br />- <br />(oA ._ <br />9a -rn* ?cfct*;t, <br />t rdeas \,m <br />-Pmne nrm (pri,n)r- <br />I <br />--------T------ <br />: <br />-------T------ <br />tt <br />I