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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK tD/stG.COMMENTS OWNER BUII,DER DELCAR TION <br />I hcrchy rmr undcr ,.6,hy 0i p.aury thlt I m rirn ihc Coffaclor' Liccne L!r' for rhc t,lL*inr rcryD (scc.7oll 5 <br />lrusinc$ 0 Prolcsion Codc): Any City or Counly which rcquncs r lEmit b con{to.r. alrcr impruvc. dcnnish or eBi any <br />srrucrurc. pior ro irs hsuarc.. !h..cqlnes rhe apDlicanr lor suchpennirro lilc r sig..d ndc,mnr rh{ hcorshe ir liccnsc.l pd6urnr. <br />h rhc pr.visn N orrh. Liccrs{ Low (Chiflcr 9. coDnncrcirs wilh Sccrn,n 7(xx) or Divnion :l ol rhc Busincs rtrd <br />Pott$i.ns Codc)o.lhrr hcorsh. iscxcnrr lhcrcfromand lhc hlsis ror rt{ dk!.d.kmtrion A.yvio[rionolSccrionT0.]l5hrmt <br />rnrlicsnr ru a prm rsuhjccr\rhd rnpli.anr b rcivilp.trrhyolno' nm6rhnn nrc hundrcd dollns(3500) <br />I. {s owncrofthc J)ro|Eny. or [ycnrplo]es wirh w.Sc{ $ rhci, slc $n,Fnsarion. willdo rlh s(trk ldrhcstrlurci\nor <br />inicndcd or oftcrcd nn srlc (S& 704-l. Busin.s n d Pr,L\\idN Cixlc Th. C.trtrrcrr's l-i.urc l.trs rl.c\ tror lprly ro m o* ncr of <br />rhc pmFdy who huilll\ or i'npn)vcr th.Nr rnl sti, &{J Nch \olt hnnsc lf or hcr*ll or rhn,ugh hn or hcr own cn,Pl,,yccs, <br />povidcd rh such imtlrotuEnrs sd inre' cnnoflcrci lorsnlc ll hoqcv(rlr huddine or nq'otnMr n wU uirhin nL itr <br />ofconfkrion. rh. Owtur Buikld sill hrvc rh burd.n orprclii! rhrr Ir oi shc did nol huild or in{,ro\e thc pmFny turlf, turtiR of <br />L as o*rri oI rhc lntpdy. aD cxclusivc ly .onlmcrirs sirh\cd .ontrckx r, .on{flcr rrr l)tur.t ( Scc 7(}44. Bu\im* <br />und holcssionCodc'l'h.Conrra.t,st-i.cnsct-awdoc\iorrlplyhinowncrofprolcny$h.l,uilds..improv.rrhcr.on, <br />Nd who.omi.islnrsuchnmFtswirn0Conrdonllhctr*dpu^uinrt.rheConrracroisl,iccn\clls). <br />I rtr,rk.n,t undcr Sccrii) <br />tla.Bxr&5_tauutlsjillJx <br />uEcL <br />I h.rchyrlnnnutrddr|cnrlrlof ltrj!.!o (olrtulnlkNirrsJc.krrii(rrs <br />lh,vcmt{illroinrdnrCcnili.dr.ofCoDs.trrt)Scliltr\urclitrworkcrs.onrFnsrri,,n.rqr('!idcdlnrhySc.tiotr.lTll)ofuh. <br />Llhn Codc.lbr rhc pcrlornuncc ntrhc work forehichrh. Frn,ir i\ i\socd <br />I hrlc rtrd willnrinhin workcr( conpcnsdbn insuhmc..s r <br />rhc u4k litr shrh r!i{\n'ir i\ nsu.rd n1) * rko...nn n{. i^ <br />t',"o, ' Z*-Z-''^-l-t <br />cluncd by S(tin :l?O(l ot rhc ln$xr (i'dc. lor rh. pcn'ormrcc ol <br />. imuroncc.:dcr md E,lict nrmb.rr. <br />Expnc\ <br />-lccnililhar <br />in rhc ncrl(,runcc of rlEwo f{r whi.h rhil Fonir ( ksucd.I shrll nolcmlloyany llcrqr inrnymnnncr <br />k' as rJ subjcr r. rhc sod{s( conDcns ion lnws ofc.lir'orrir. .n<l lEEc rhar irl shoxld tE.oft suhjet n,th. <br />wortcB.o.rlr.s0rionpmvnionsofSetion:l?0OoflhcLiborConc.llholl.fonhsirh.omplywirhrhos.Povisiotrs <br />WARNINC: hilurc ro scurc w(trkcs .onlpenrlrn,n cokrarc i\ unhqhrl. i.d sh,ll suhi(l an cntPlolcr h.n intlr.nrrri.\.nd <br />cnil finc. nn ro nnc hlndrcd rhnu\aitl J',llr\ l!l(p.ffxr), in rddfn to lhc cotr oicompcns0lion. d!ruges,\ Povidcd for thc <br />sccrinn:107^nl rl.. Lrh Cnd..i.n-.vrnJ funof.lrc. 11 <br />';7546 ^,lS gecroru Yroq"'4)'7 <br />/ LllIlstD-l,lJ!-tl^LB.a <br />DEII.AIAIION <br />I h.rb, dflirft lhdo F.aht .t lcrjury lhrl I .m liened u dc. rovision oi Chnrrcr 9 ( enh Sdiotr 7000) ot Division .l <br />of rhc Businc$ and Pmltsions Codc. and ny{ h in tuU f.r!'t, 0d .tfccr. <br />Q #Tort-1fi <br />l72.o4L ?r4"rtr]<2 <br />AITI.IgANTIIEII.AAA:TIQN <br />I hcd'y {flinn ullccr pctr.lly or p.rju.y orc ol'lhc I'ollowins dcclrari{,n\l <br />Dcnx,lirn,n Pcnni( Ash.ros Notificrlior FcdcrrlRcBul ions (1it,c t0- Pan6) <br />R.quircd lrncr ol Norifi colion <br />l.c'ril.vrhrr rh. nd.rrl r.rrl3rtrnr\ Rgrrdsr! r\lx{os rcnnvarm rcr mnliclhlc lo rhn nojc.r <br />Lar lhc !bov. i.futurion is.otrc.t.I rSretocomnly <br />ioo, ad h€rchy aurhrri,c r.tlmscnralivcs ofthis Cir} <br />l.cnilyrh.r I hNc rcrd rhhnppltart,na irrcrh <br />and Colmyto c o xlln' lhc <br />zblsodimo.csn srdrc l:lx rcl$irsro <br />atsv. ' pioFny lar ir <br />.\pplirntrl o.,\xcnlSixnnlu k-f /./t/ <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf Ioor/Vent/l nsulatron <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall r^\ <br />Framinq 7-"4-lr A'{lLiO) <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Ir/laso n ry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Ceftif <br />/'{ <br />FINAL K-2s-tK hJtLtt) <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />DATE <br />Erection Pads <br />V.r>'. <br />IAISIf,IJCII9NIENDINIi.AIiEACI <br />I hcrchy riirnr undcr lEo0lrr.l!.rjury rhai rhcrc is a connodion kndiis aacn.y lor rft ndlhnnrnc orrhc Nork inr *hi.h rhs Frnrir is <br />i\sucd (s{.:1097. civ. c.) <br />l. a'\ NJtr c <br />Lnd"r. ddm(.:- <br />--------r------ <br />--------r------