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PLUMBING-INSPECTOR HECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE IDiSIG.COMMENTS ()rli\I,:R It t)tiR II.:t,(,\R,1 t()N <br />I hcrcby alfi.n ud$ D.nrlry of lEriury rhd I .n d.h0r liom rhc Cofteto6 Lbcnc bw for rlE tollo*ing rcMr 1&<.'7oll,5 <br /> .nd Profcssion Codc): Any Cny or Counl, }hi.h rcquiB o Ff,n to oicroct. rltr, irlpovc. d.mli\h or EFn ey <br />sltucl!rc. rir lo ils isslmc. als EquiB lhc lpplionl for luch Fmil to fih r siSmd sllt.mnl lhor lE or shc i lianFd putur <br />ro rlf, lmvishm ol rE Co crol3 Uen€d tlw (c|lupro 9. conftrcins yirh Sedon 1)00 ot Daviston I ol tlE BBims &d <br />Pmfc$ions Codc) or thll tE d tlE n.x.npr tlEEfrcm ond thc b6ii tor rhc alLgld .rcmplion. Ary vaohtio. ofscrirn 7011.5 hy any <br />rpplkanl for s pcmil subjels llE lprlica to r.i!il p..!lly of ml mE rfiar fivc hundrcd dolles (!5{0). <br />-1, <br />es owncr oflhc preFrlr. or my chployes wilh Nlgcs a lhcn bk onpcnsrlion. sil .b t t *$t sd llt {tu|@ i! ml <br />int nd€d ororcad for sh (56.7(xrl. Brsincs. nnd Profcsioa Cod4 TIE Conrkroas Lietrc Lr* doci Nr aprly lo do*G,of <br />lhc rroFny wtro toilds or inprlc, $d wtF d..s scn w* hiNcr or ndsell or rhFud hir or h.r own cmployccs. <br />providcd rhar such inprlEBtu N mt inrcndcd oror'.En f., sL.lf. h.wcw( Et ildir8 or inl!reEm hsklvilhinoRr@ <br />ofoq)briotr ,E Ownr Builhr will hrlc rlE hdd of!rcvin8 tlEr hc or lhc did tur hild or iqhE dE lmtEny tor rh. pBpoc ol <br />-1. <br />trs own( o[ th. p.pcny. M cr.lusiEly co.lBcling sirh licm{d coorr&roR 16 oiscl rtE p6.i*l (Sc. 7044, Busincrs <br />lnd EoGsshn Codc: Thc ContBdnt Liccnsc l-I* dcs nor !t'pl, to an owncr ofnropcnysho blilds or ihprors rheEon.$d vno .onlrdr rtr such pojels wirh 0 Conlmdo(, lhcn*d p!6@.1 lo rh. Conr0dols Li&nF tiw). <br />_l ! crchpr uMcr S..rirtr , B. & PC. tor rhh rcason. <br />Drlr: O*ner: <br />]!AAf,EE5:IQMIEN!A]]AN <br />DECIJXAIION <br />I h.rcby lrfirn undcr pcndty of !.rr!ry om of th. lollowinS d(lardrionsl <br />-l <br />hnvc ond will minr n. C.niff,dc otcon*nr lo Sclf-ln$r. for w.rkc* comp.nsdlio..0s providcd n hyScclionl?00oflhc <br />litx, Crnic, ad rlE Frfo@mc of !h. w.rk ror uhi.h <br />'hc llcmi, i! nrudd <br />_l htrvc ond*ill,n0intdn workcrs conrr.nssrio. nxur0mc.0s rcquir.d by S.clion 3700 ofth. Lahor Codc. for rhc lcrfrmrcc of*€lxlfi n insurucc cMicr ond ,olicy numbcr m: <br />Qo19.o o7V o I \ <br />I..dily rhll in $c p.rfor@n.c olrhc work ror whLh rhir p$rU is h.ucd. I ihrl mi c,r{,loy a.y F(oh in any rMnct <br />s .s to bcsm slbjcrl to llE uoltss'onDcn$lion laq, ol Cilifonin. !d !3N lhal il I should b.!om sbrcrr ro itt <br />qorlGl mn{Enetion pmvnion$ of Scdion 1700 of $c Llt'or Code. I sluu, ao hwnh d'n{rly wilh lhos lhri{irni. <br />WATNINC: Failurc to suc workcn orpcn$tton owssc k unl$tul and shall sut'icr d cdpl'rg ro oiniDlp.Bxi* dod <br />to orc hundrcd rhousnd douan ($100.{D0). in addirion lo fie con of codlcnsrt,n. drrogcs ,q pi.vid.\t toi rhc <br />Sftrn,n 1076 of rhc I fior Code inrcrcn and d ;rd r\:ch-lltQlls <br />I I UTILAB,L!rcI <br />.l rh. hri'u\ rr(l ll.fcsi,nrs Crd.. mi n,t l..f \. i\ i'r lnll l; !lt.r <br />lob <br />I hcrchy lmrm uadcr Fn,hy of ,,crjury lhd rhcrc k a mnstruction ,cndinS !8crcy fo. th. ,'.rr'orNmc of rnc sark for whtn rhls Ismir k <br />isucd rs(. ttr97. civ. c.) <br />AELICAUDICLAXAT!,IN <br />I llriynlltnruMcr pcn,hyolpcrjlr, om ol rhc lblb,in8 dahrdionsl <br />l).mlirion PcnDih-Asbc$os Notilicolior Fudcr0l Rc8uldiotrs (rnt.1o, PunO <br />-Rc!!ircd <br />Lcxcr ol Nrifi elion <br />I ccnili rhrt rh. fcdcd| ngularion\ Elddi[8 d\trdo\ rc x,v!l @ i.r rppli..hL ro rhN poi{ <br />-l <br />ccnity I hll I rcad lhis lppl is corar. l.sre xrd'noly wirh rU Cnrrnd Counry <br />rcFecntarivcs of thisCiry!.d Clbunryro.n'cr utbn rordinares ond Slalc L3ws rbr <br />oqrnrion d prcrcny for <br />AppliLnl or A*enr si*nrro \q t! <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />WaterUnder floor <br />Gas-Underf loor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Pi ping <br />Roof Drain <br />TubiShower Test <br />Rouqh Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pi ptng <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Belease <br />FINAL 't/r/tr ?n6'q <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />knd6\ Ad.lEts: <br />- <br />Water Service