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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS owNsf, BU[,Di:t Df,trAR TtoN <br />I h6d'} .mm udq Fdry of FrjuD_ thd I m 6ori fr,n lli ( onhkl.6 l-kru lis t r rlt touowin! tsc.?o] Lt <br />BuinBs and Proadion ( od.): Any Cny o. (oun!, {hrh r.lons a p.rmh lo constud. .1t6, inprove d.noIln.r,cp.t dy <br />rrrucrue Fn' ro ilr i!.ue., rho r.qtt6 rh. .ppliMt for iuch Fn'l to fik . riS*d 3!dml ttd lE or th. ! ti.d!.n Fld.,n <br />to rh. Fn\ irnE of E co'nrdm r Ltdi.d l' lci4r6 e, (tm,l!ftins rirt sdnn 7(m of Dvirbn ! ol t Blsil6 rd <br />PFfshN ( od.) or In r E d rlE i! cr.opl thdln.n dd tlE tsir for llt tlk*.d nmFiln A.'rhhinofs..r..70llJbM, <br />lpph.diforrFmitsubjdrllE.pplic.nlx'..illFn.lryof&nmt.rh fi!. hundicd d.lld llt{D, <br />l. s oun6 of rh. F!r.nt. or mt trpLrB *ilh srs6 &r lh.n $L onpdrnhn, $ & llt rdl !d tlE.ME i! ml <br />'nci,.d d olH f.r $L (56.704,1. Bu!i6 ud PhtBnN (_od. T1E Conr-im t l,tGB t r &6 Dor +ly lo e oqE of <br />rlE FoFy *'h hil! d ingr6 rlEG rn *b &B sl' u{n hi@lf or ha*laot rkoulll I'it d lE o*n @pbtq <br />Folital tld ecn imFirffi e d ird&l dofi,rn 6r xk t( lb$G?. tiE txildlB d i4rDrlGr b srd trilir m )d <br />of.orplii'tr rlE o\iE auil& vill IEE rh. hnbr ofFonng rld lE or tE di., ml tlild tr irq6. UE FnF, it l,E F,!o* ot <br />l. Bo\B ofth.F!r'sr!. o.!chtn.[ on6<ri.s $nh lkdsd.o r..lrr to sftntuCl dr F.F (S€.7O&r.86i6 <br />!.d hokd ( o& TlE c6 rnoii Lt* lts dc ml rp''rr_ lo 6 o*nd oaPr.Fir rho hrildt or irFnt6 rh6on. <br />.nd {,h odrrr] tor rxh Fjixi3 *nh r c.drxrdlt) l(.c.d FlllM to dr Co'nn rorr Lite l^ ) <br />I ah e\flrl, trnnr Sdn'n <br />l).r. Oind <br />llara[Br:(aJflirsallal <br />DECIJiAIIOI <br />Ihd.b) smrm trkl6 p.nah) olFjuh. .n. ofrh. f,n[\rin8 d.{l drk'ns <br />$'llminldinr(cnilicdcor(nnhlrosclll urc (lr q ort6 comFntslion. a Fov'd.d lor ht Sdtnrtr !?(r0 o t lh. <br />l.h.r coi., fo. rh. Ff..M. olllE nlrt tq tr fith I rE Fn a isu.n <br />I lD! c nnd tr ill mli iin *.rtd .omFrMr nn ie6x.. 6 r.qurd b! sdr irn r oof lh.l,t{. Cod.. fortlrF|l1ffiCo, <br />rlE rqt l,r rhf,h rhrlmir 6 Nual M1tr '16' c@rMru,}nruift. cMi6 etlFlE! numh- E.evr)lcs+ (Pr'-,-. <br />;:.,_.-*, lgrooo 2o)gn / ,,,"^- V 1-"o-h <br />I c.niryrh.r inrn.Ffortuncrof rhcsoil tu {hi(hrhi Fni n irsuil.l.h.ll.or orhy.n}tEsor in riy hannd <br />s s ro luhjd lo ifi. soltc' omrEnulion l!\ s ol( tlifomi., and aSE rh.l if I should lr<Dft 3ubjet io rlE <br />s{rld cnmFMion Fo\ BhB of S.dio. l To0 or rnc t,br ( o&, l ndL fonhq il h rostl} *nh rlr)r I'ovithN <br />$ARNINC flrlur. io kG "af,ld comrEdrn oronr. r unlt*6r1 .,'d .h.ll sbj.<t u othF lo .mml FEhb dd <br />(ivl li.d up ro on. hondr.n rhousd dollst (lllx).lxx) <br />Sdn. :1076 olrn. I$.r (.n.. inrdBr ond arr.mcri fs <br />i6n, dos!6 d nrolid.d tor lh. <br />I <br />{u(I:::ur(l)Jal(rux <br />OKL]&UQI <br />! @ crrn und6 pquXy of Fjury rht I m lic.nt d unda Forbioi of CnlFa 0 (omffiins *nh Sdlir. ?0m) of Dii Eion I <br />ol rh. Bllind &d PmfdioB Codc. at ny lic.M is i, full f.r.. tId.1161 <br />a-?1-17 r..r-.r*)r( <br />coNsTRUfTloN r r\nl]lc a(:rN( } <br />I un E Frty of Fjur' lhd llE it. d,rii.liii bniie.efty fot th. Ffolffi. oltlE enl ht *ttn rha Fni ir <br />i$u.d (sc to)7. cir c ) <br />rffilr;ANlDtgaSduox <br />I h.dy .fm udd F..nt of Fjory om ol th. tollo$is d(kriln.t <br />D.molirhn l,smi['Arbdro! Notifirdion l.rt r.l R.!uhrion! (1ill.40, P.n6) <br />R.!un.{ ltllF olt{difi .dN <br />,,1) t,". t, ,t,u <br />h. rh. tu r.l rcsuldhB .rssdqr Bt6l6 rm\tlr. frn Tpli.rJr. ro rha Foi.r <br />Itsr.rcad rhlii 'li..rioni.drrar.rhar rh..lttrc inlomolnrn Frond l .Sre lo .omply sith lll( ny.tuj(ounrt <br />.ilina.c6,trd srar. l r\r r.brin! t, ho <br />.lr\ c ,Mrk,n ,l I'r.p.n! nn 'BIKIi,n <br />^prli..nlorAr l X <br />P.rmhe lorlio: ( <br />i.G !d rurhoriz. rcF.sin 6 o f lhi. Cil y md Coun'y ro 6rG uFr rlr <br />(*Dsl, b-?rt-<- <br />a-,fi fi <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough)8/rt //fF/o1g-,'1L pl <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough efu ./n rldu tr14 <br />Service Meter I l.FINAL // /2n//F f t '[P /aV <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />-->t