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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG COMMENTS owNFL Bt)tLDUR llEl,CARA-fl ()N <br />I ncr.l'y rlln und( of tdjrry rhd I dr d.mfl lnnn rh. (i'nta.rou' Lic6c La$ aor rh. follo$iry rNn (S< ?0!l 5 <br />Ilrrn6! M'j P',.t{'.n ('oJ.r An!( ) o, (.unr} (htrhr.qu16. tEnir lo lor(tud. ard. impmLe dsnalish.,,qqn an! <br />nn'dr., rrt ro rt iBuancc. elro r<un6lh. amlicanl for su(h fm L, lika lancJ iarmr rhal hc.r+c 6lir€6.<l puN6r <br />ro lhc Fori\hB of ln. ( onlr.clo.r l.icdrJ l-a\r ((-hrprd e. ( ornmocins $ilh S*lion ?0 1 oi DnGion :l of lh. ltusinFs dnd - <br />Pntairions Co&) or rhrl h. or shc E .iflpl lha.&om &d lh. tEiis for rtu all.s.d cr Bi.r. Anyviolaliorotsccltn7l]lI iLd.ny <br />ruph.i tu a Fmir .u$r(rr rhc amliclnr ro a .iv il p.nnlry o r nor morc rhe 6\. hundEd dolls ($500) <br />l,&cotrFoalhcftrorEn).o ryc!ryloycwnhrre6srh.irelccomp<nslion.silld.ltE\orl!ilh€$rrf,lrci!mr <br />idddal or .fin ! ntr qt {s< 704,,, ausnB dd ProtBcionr Codc Th. conrdoa! l-i.@ b* do6 nor ,ppl, ro m o{e of <br />lh.FFi, $ln trildt or imFlr6 rlEsn, od uh. &G $cfi n! hiroclf o, h@ltor rhreush hn or h( ou ophrc. <br />prulid.rj rhd soch inrmlqHrs &! fr, inraxt'.1M oltad lor $k lf. h.tr6r. rrE tlilljtrB or ripmv.ffi t sld *i'hh orc rs <br />nf $lrpltn'tr rrr O\rnd tlu&n rill hlr. rh. h4Ln ofFor q rhd h. or 3lE dij mr trill or inqr$\ c th. FnFry 6r tlE ptrFs of <br />l. !r otr E of r hc rmrsry. M crcluJiv.ll codrddi,8 wnh li.a-d mnrrdoE ro elrruci rh. Foj.rr (Sa 704-4- 866 <br />rrd Pi!fr*ih cod. Th. ( onkdrors Licnr. trw d.a mr .rply ro .n nw.6 o f F.p6iy sh. boilds or mprorG rtsan, <br />.nd wh. odd! irtr 3uch Fj.t! *nh, ( oddonr lrar.d NBd to rl€ Lt* ll*) <br />I m.ronfl und( <br />D.r. Oinn <br />\lratrt&i:(auftNstlrai <br />DI;CISAAIIoI <br />I rmrr undd t-Blr\ orF4un on.olrh. folkr m! &(l-alion3 <br />Ih!\..rjuilltu!.iniC.nifrdcofcoMrroScll-luEfctrorldomFadirn-aFo\i<HlorttySdrb.l7molrlE <br />Ii&, (od., forllEFfortllerolllEq.rt forqhkhrhcFnn t isr.d <br />I h c rnii \ill d.'n!r'n uorl6 cohFBarnn 'NUr!m.- d r.qtrn d t^ S.dion ]?CrO ol!h.lrbor Cdn . f6r th. Ffo|M.. of <br />!t $o,l fr {hah rhb Fmn ! s$.d Mt $oit6' omlEdr.n iBurtr.(ffid *lJ[lb numb.r i. <br />I cqrray lhir n rh. Ff!ffi orIE s,o* f.r qhrh rl'ir Fnn it is.(t I Cull Fl dpky o) Fe. in ey .mE <br />$ d ro h.str $trd to rlE rnrl6 6mFdi'n hr: of cilif.mia !n rG 'ht if I rhould tEom $tid lo llE <br />r!116' comp.tu lan F!\i9hE olsdion ]?m of th. L,txr Code I tEll. Iurhsrlh omr't+ *nh lke F\BhB <br />N RNIN(; l{ituE !o $ur. rort6 drmpdanrn co\E r. B unhr aul- d rhall $hjd M <br />cnn fUE up r. oG hufticd rhousi &lld! rtloo.0ool. <br />sdion !076 ofrh. t afi ctne inr6d !i rr-q.* 'r t6?\t4 <br />,,.oi.,,rs C,to <br />,,.,. ? t3 tl rr\ <br />t1.1L,<Oztgotj <br />gllilxucrraNlldDltcrcairJt <br />I h6{ry nrm u.d.r Frh,ofpdiut thr E. i! r stubn ldldilts iS*/ td llE Ffollffic ollll wt tu rianlhii Fna a <br />isu.d (s6 1097, ( c, <br />ATIIICANLITSJEAIIO! <br />I hdrt]! .trur !,!da poah v oa FjlD oE ofrh. rolbs iu drl{rr F6: <br />l).mhiu l,.mrlA$.do! Notilic n'n f.d.r.l R.!uhrcnt(Itrkr0. Pm6l <br />It$utd I dr( olNonficdhrn <br />I .d 'fr r hd rh. f.J6,l (rul,ii6N rcsedrna .rb6t* rlmr rl d. frn a$lK0t k ro (hi! FlFd <br />[al+cd,b rhd I lE .,..d rhie.pplicdion,G,nro ion B cond l .grr to c.malt r nh all Cit] tnd ( ou.r\ <br />odin.m6 ind Sr.l.lntr! Ehlins ro hl ildin8 .otrsltudio( &l Dc r.trsntrln6 of rht c t and cou.r!_ tu o!6 urn. rh. <br />.t{r. mm'io..d tmFn, ar iBFdion <br />ipt,li.inl or ,ttdl SlAml r€ <br />tv1 ,/@ <br />.," +lat/ta <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor /\ <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER v-7"t)x.wil <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof To p Equipment <br />Facto ry Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />,a ^\Rough Jat )+t Y -7 'to *,w10 <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL { -7- 11 :r'v-lhD) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />\ <br />I @ dtm un& F!h' of Frur-_- rhr I b k6E d ti&r FDvini of cluFd 9 lomnEoe *ih s<i6. ?mo, of Divtir l <br />or llE BuiB id Pmtaird Co{L !n m} lkG i! h tull 6re rn .fi.(.