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JPM <br />Acoustics Noise Vibration <br />1.0 MEASUREMENTS <br />Noise monitoring equipment used was a noise level meter by 3M, Soundpro DL, professional <br />grade sound level meter. All data obtained are A-weighted, with slow response setting, and 3dB exchange <br />rate. <br />Short duration measurements with l--second logging were conducted at various positions alon8 <br />the shared property line of interest. Figure A.1 to A.3, in APPENDIX - A, illustrate positions of each noise <br />level measurement taken, as well as property line of interest, noise source under study, residential <br />property evaluated, and position of existing noise wall. <br />Additionally, Figures A.4 to A.14, in APPENDIX - A, illustrate graphically the individual noise level <br />data obtained in 1-second logging, with the noise source under investigation operating. <br />Email: <br />Tel: (+1)213 909 5375 <br />3003 W. Olympic Blvd #106, Los Angeles, CA 90006 3