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G RADI NG.I NSPECTOR RECORD 1, <br />I <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS Ow-Buildq Delsmtion <br />I hcrcby affrrm undo pcmlty of pcrjury that I m qcmpt fom thc Contrscton' Liccns Law for lhc followitrg tlmn (s.7031.5 Businds <br />ard Prcfcssion Codc): Any City or Couty which rcquim a 6mit to orutrucr, sk6, imprcrc, &mlish or rcpot my structw. prior to ts <br />isrumc, alm rcquim thc spplicail for $ch pcmir to filc a sigmd stalmnt fiat hc or shc ii liccffid pumut to thc prcvisions of thc <br />CootEctor'r LiccNrd Lsw (Chlptcr 9, Commcrcing with Sction 7000 ofDiviik n 3 ofthc Bwincas atd Prcftslioro Codc) or lhal hc or <br />shc ii ilcmpt tlrefom and thc borir for thc allcgcd cxcmption .Aoy vhlstion of Sction 7031.5 by my rppli@rt for r pcmit $bjltB thc <br />applicsnt to I civil pcmltyof ma mrc than live hundrcd dollan (t5fl)). <br />_1, &i owEr of thc pmpdly, or my cmployc with w.86 a. thcL $lc @mpcnlatiott vill do rhc work atd fic atrucluE h ml htcnded <br />or offaed for olc ( Se.7044, Bu.iBr .nd Pmfcaeioni Codq Thc Contrelor'r Licc[r Law doe mt apply to m owr of thc pmpcny <br />who builds or imprcrcr therclt and who do6 srch work himrlf or hre|f or thrcugh his or hcr om cmplorrcs, pmvidcd thst swh <br />impmrcmcnts re mt intcndcd or olfcrcd for slc. tf. howcq. thc building or imprcrcmcnt is sld within orc ya of omplaion, thc <br />Owrcr-Buildr will harc thc burdcn of pmving lhlt lrc or lhc mr build or impmrc for thc purporc of ulc). <br />_1, &i owrcr of thc ,rrcpcrly, sm qclurivcly coilreling with lice[sd @ntmctoE lo @N]rucr thc projct ( Se. 70,14, Busines ard <br />Prcfcsri<rn Codc: Thc Contmctor'r Liccre lre doa mt apply to u orc of prcpcry wtn builds or imprcB thcrcn , and wtn <br />contracts for such projects with a licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law.). <br />_l am exempt & P.C. for this <br />Date: <br />I hereby affirm under penalty perjury one the <br />_l hsvc ard will mhtrin a Ccrtificatc of Coffint to Sclf-Itrflrc for mrtcrr' mmpenstion, as prcvidcd for by S6tion 3700 of thc <br />Labor Codc, for thc pcrfomre of thc wort for which thc Fmit is issed. <br />_l hrvc and will maintEin work6' mmpcnstion in$Bre, ar rcquircd by Scction 3700 of thc Lsbor Co&, for thc pcrfomancc of thc <br />work for which thi! pmil is iscd. My workm' compcnsalion insnre c.rier ard policy numbcr rc: <br />Policy <br />('[his section need not tc completd if the permit is for One hundred dollars t$1001 or less), <br />in any mann? so as to <br />the workers' <br />5 <br />performance work for u'hich this is issued, I shall not employ <br />laws and agree if I should <br />compensation of the <br />\ <br />WARNING:to workers' compensation is and an employer to criminal <br />fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000),in <br />the Labor Code, interest and attomey's fees. <br />the cost of compensation, damages as provided for the Section 3076 of <br />@ <br />I hcrcby allirm unda pcElty of pcrjury thrt I m lienrcd undcr pmvision of Chaptq 9 (@lmncirg with Sction 7000) of Divirion 3 of <br />thc Buircs lnd Prcftlriou Codc, Erd my liccw is in frll forcc and cfIct. <br />License License Numher <br />Date: Contractor: <br />W <br />I h€rcby affirm urdq pcmlty of [Erjury lhot thcrc is a mnstrucrion lcnding EEcrcy for thc Frfomncc of th. uork for which this ,rcrmit is <br />isscd (56. 3097, Civ. C.). <br />l:ndcr's Namc: <br />Lender's Address: <br />APPLICAIIT'S DECLARATION <br />Demolition Permits-Asbestos Notification Federal Regulations (Title 40, Part 6) <br />_ Required lrtter of Notification <br />asbestos removal are not applicable to this project. <br />state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply City and County <br />above mentioned <br />Applicant or agent <br />Permittee name <br />and hereby authorize re?resentatives of this City uJr'on the <br />Preliminary Soil Report <br />Excavation <br />Fills <br />Sub Drains <br />Buttresses <br />Soils/Geology Report <br />Statement of Compaction <br />Compaction Report <br />Flood Elevation Cert <br />Paving <br />Sub Grade <br />Aggregate Base <br />Water Test & Seal Coat <br />Asphalt Concrete <br />Soils Eng. Cert. <br />Rough Grading Release <br />Final Civil Cert. <br />tl <br />FINAL ro /r LD TDhF6) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc., <br />ytCA + HrSStroL <br />tvtlkal il tul \aap *ril trlI T <br />I t3 D <br />Date:0_13 <br />civil <br />br+teI16{*-l()W,