<br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS ()trNt-ta Dt,ltl)f,l{ Dl.l-(}ttaTloN
<br />I LEb, rlfrr uDd( p.tufty of |trnlry thrr I sn.r.nu tu rh. (ntu16 liry be toI rh. fuluvi.8 a.(. (S.c.70115
<br />Burihcss ad lt.f.rshr C.d.r An, Ciy.r C.uiv rhxh rqurEr . Ff,[l lo .oi{tucr, rlt6. imtfrB d.ml i o, E}.n uy
<br />rtu(rE.Fu()fi ctue.. oRquiErrlE|lldid lirr s(h p.mu io liL. ri!ftd srdd.nr rhd lEor,E ir u!3!ol Du$.ril
<br />16 rlr Fnvuo.s o, t|lc Conr'rroir l-t.nrn l* (CnrA.r 9. C.mmcftin8 qnh Sfdin ?Ut) oi D,vknn I 6frk BosiE* ud
<br />PDr.$rcN Cod., or th lEor nr tr*tr{i rts.rbhml ilr b!t! ({ tu.lh.d.!qr6n A!, vEtii.flotsdlnnTolrl5byrny
<br />olph.mr for ! Fnnir rubj.rrr rM .p!nc!d r. .rvil O.Nky or m! ma lh.r liy. hudrcd doll r (t5(l)1.
<br />_1. I o*nc. .lrh. Ir.Fny. .r m, .rpliyei *nh w.Eci rh.t sk corqEnrilFn. *,ll d' lt *dI .n Or tue i d
<br />ihld orolT.r.d fttr $L (Sc 7Og. SusiBr.nd Pnl6hs Cqi.r Tn C{drGrd! Lad* tr*.t* d rrPlt ro uowmr(l
<br />iE IIntEry wh, h,illr or i.iF,Br rh.u! {rl wh, d6Eh wnt hinklf o.lEklror rlm sh hn or h{ om..ploFa.
<br />Forid.d dur ech urw.wtuMu mr dcidcd rdtu d st Il,lrncq.0r irildtr! 6 irpi.*Gn ir rllll wrrid.E )ar
<br />of(on+lria llE O*E Buitlr *ill h.E rll blnLn lDmvm8 rhd h.-:lEdild boi[ or rVoE th. DDpqt, lin lll F,FE ol
<br />-1,0rsBoftlE
<br />I'[pdly, s.rcbin.ly.o Blins rirh littrtJ co rtrm ro.onnDd rh. Fq..l (S<. 7014. EuliMs
<br />.d EodridCodi Tn. ContBror'! LEcns L.r der tur +rly ro rno*E ofl,qEny urb buiLi or in0flr@r th.@
<br />rnd *hn 6dar3 t, ruch F.ick *i(n a G'nEh(.)Ii.tr€d potld b rh O'e6oar Lite tr*)
<br />-l
<br />m .r.q,l u'rrs S.(ntr . B. e P C tur (ht E $n
<br />tgt8f,lflt-c,IMrtB[arlllB
<br />I lEEby .flirm u.dcr !.n lry dt ndjury oE oft& lollovitrB .L.!arNB,
<br />_l h:w sd * I nEinru ! C.nnisi. of c.,knr ro SdIlME trtr **toi !!nlEMi,n. .r FUviLJ ,o, 6y S.ctEn l?00 of tlE
<br />bt^, GxL rG ft n ndnm. ol rh. $o.l l $hth tn. p<n ! nsan
<br />1#hr!.a ,illhunrrii*o .^ conFtrsrn'n x$!rsrk, EquiEd hysdrbnl7lJ0 of
<br />'h.
<br />L:bo. Od., ror llE FfmEr. or
<br />H'd rd shih rhn Frnr tr nsEd My rorls rliv.dior iEura. m ml Flay N.*s r.l
<br />Ohp {Prr{,l Phu{o99,irrr,r \
<br />_l c.n'r)_ rhd n E l.rli,nutrc o, E rork (oi *hKIr ihN Fhir n n*rl, I Jdl ml .npby y Iss. r u, .]rl4r
<br />$ sto b.<om sutrJrd ro tlE mlt.6.ohp.tr{hn lrri oI Cdrr.mi., .nd .aE rhdfIllruUh..orsbjccllorL
<br />*ort.rs' cohp.hsrrrn F^ nna ot S.dion l70O ot th. Lh, (jdL, I rl$ll, ldhr[h !o@ly wnh rhos prclilior.
<br />WALNtNcr [&nur. ro s.u. *orl.^ d,nFnrdtioi cow.rs. ii unl{]I!l lnd lhall ubj.{t 'n.npbF ro 6nml p.Mhia,
<br />(N firs llr b uE l'lnlEd rhnMtol dolhB ltl m rdn(idn !) r ror ol @trp.HriDn. drnrg.i u prod,.d ft, rlE
<br />ofrh.lihtr(ixlc. trr.hi u{ lhmy
<br />lttctdxa[oBItftby.rfm!d.rp.NhyolFjuryrhiI.rlilnsrlo.,Flvnionorcr'+rdI(o'@riA*ithsdan7m)ofDivgionl
<br />oI E Aurie$.nd P6f.*ion C.d.. dn $, h.e 6 h full,oc drd GrI6r,
<br />rqrsl8lJgraN.LEdDAcrcD8cr
<br />I lEsb,.llirn ud.r FuUy.f t'.ru.r rhd $e it. co.cMb. Lidtr! .8.4y for thc Ffotu 6fih. trl lor shih rhii Fnh i
<br />iswJ (s6. ,0e?. (:iv c.),
<br />I hd*ry irnh uD&, F.rlry ol p(qu, rft of th. f{rlb*ing &.lodi'.r:
<br />Dcrnirton PsNa.Arttior N ar.rn tu ral R.aulr!, (rnk 40, Pd6)
<br />-Rc{!iEd
<br />L.rrs.f Nr,ift dln
<br />-l
<br />c.dir, h! rlf, t dc.,l r.srl,tioN cSadin8 alEsrx r.m\ rl e mr lprlr.bk ro rh!' ,oj<
<br />#.1*::i ilu I lur r cd tllr lPnluron d arc rls rlt rhr DlDrnrton n .(ffi I aiB ro d'nply *tb dl Cd, rd Coudy
<br />in! c. turilr.. ul h.dby rurhrri^ rcrr.rrdivcr 6I rhn Cny .rld Colnry to c.rd uFln dr
<br />,bo\. nE.r.mJ pn)!.nr ntr
<br />/lppli(.nr or ABor skDruR
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Lioht Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Lile Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Groundino / UFER
<br />Translormers
<br />Torqueinq
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Solfit Rouoh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh)
<br />It4eter Release
<br />Rough
<br />Service lt4eler ^t.t A/,-4\
<br />FINAL cltt ldt /dr%,{,nflg/
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc I
<br />)
<br />(,r"4q q:
<br />A
<br />I