<br />LR6_6OHPH Hi-Mo3m
<br />305-325M
<br />High Efficiency
<br />Low LID Mono PERCwith
<br />Holf-cutTechnology
<br />1o-year Wananty fff Materials and Processing;
<br />2tyear Warranty lor Extra Linear Power Output
<br />98t
<br />+4.10%
<br />,/.'
<br />,/"
<br />LR6-60HPH 305-325M
<br />C.llOnotrtion. 120 (6i10)
<br />llGto sor: rt67, rh.ce dodcr
<br />OllOlt Gble 4mo'.lmh6 r lcnrrh
<br />kryndbecss Ed
<br />ecaEESt6
<br />l2m..d.d tsrpqed Ele
<br />krtEr.EH *,nraro/t-@
<br />Omlnrirh: 1581,r95t356n
<br />EfuI: nec p.r pr.r
<br />lepca !.r 2gGP
<br />7&96E.dHC
<br />alp...to..l remper.tur.: roc _ 13:
<br />For.r OvrDur lol....e o - .! w
<br />V@.nd l* Ioledfte: rl*
<br />MrrlM t rarlblE ocrserr'{lEc/
<br />M.inuh S.rd tua R.tn, l0A
<br />flofih.l op...int C.ll Lho.rrtur.
<br />FE i:tt{i u ryp{ I d \re I
<br />ii'
<br />TestrnS Cond rron
<br />Maximum Power (Pmar.^^r)
<br />Open C rcu t Volta8e (voc/V)
<br />Shon Cinuit Cu.r€nr (lsq/A)
<br />11"!::ry1' _".jry"' {I-'/v)
<br />Currenl at Mrximum Power {lmp/A)
<br />Ln&608PH-:tO5M
<br />sIC NOCT
<br />:to5 2259
<br />40.1 37 4 _
<br />9.7E 7_64
<br />13 I 106
<br />9.21 7-38
<br />t R5-60HPH-310i'
<br />nc Nocr
<br />_
<br />lLo _?11
<br />401 117
<br />9 86 7-94
<br />33 3 308
<br />9 30 1.16
<br />t 85{0HPH-315M
<br />nc Noct
<br />319 233.4
<br />406 37.9
<br />9.9a 8.0r
<br />3! 7 31.1
<br />9.36 7.50
<br />t R6{tlrH-120,
<br />5TC NOCI
<br />409 38.2
<br />_{9 &6
<br />33 9 31.1
<br />9.43 756
<br />!R&60HP8-32 5tt
<br />Src TOCT
<br />325 240.8
<br />lL1 _ 3Eo
<br />10.12 6.16
<br />34.1 31.5
<br />9.52 7.51
<br />912
<br />at t%
<br />l,r 5*
<br />182 l8t 191 l.:
<br />STC (Stand.rd Te*iht Cond tonr): lr.ad ance lmowm:, CellTemp€ralure 25 C. Spectd at AM1 5
<br />NOSI lNomin.l Op€ratng C€ll Tehpel.tu.e) kr.d,.nce 8mw/mr, Ambient lemper.i!.e 20 C , Sr€ctr. at AM 1 5. wind ai lm/S
<br />Tempcr.iuE c@fici.nt ol lr.
<br />Ln!.EtsE Cefi.i€nt ol vc
<br />Iempc..ture Co€ff.lent ol Pmu
<br />rront 9d. M.{muh !tau. Lo.dlnt
<br />i!.rgdeM. num ltrtl< toadl.a 2lmPa
<br />25mn H. slon€ at lhespeed or 23mliComplete system and Product C€rtific:tioni Poildv. pos.r tol.an . (0 ^ 15w)E!aGnt€ed
<br />Htt moduh.oovrrrloo cfid.lrq (up ro 19 4%)
<br />Slos.r poslr d€f.dzdon eubled by Low LID Mono PERCterhflology first yea. <2%,
<br />0 5596 yea. Z-25
<br />Solld PID r€CsEnc.c.surcd by rol.r cc rp.oresr optim ranon and rarcfulmodulc 80M
<br />n ducad l.Jitiga lo$ wth lowe. opeGti.t currcnr
<br />HLha, rrlcrfy yl.ld w,th lorer o!€rann8 ternperatur€
<br />R.ducad hot apot rld( wth opnrnized electicaldergn and lowe.operan.g current
<br />017'4%/l
<br />lc 6t2lr, ric6trlo, uLlrol
<br />EO 9@r 2ffi lio Ouidy M.n.t
<br />EO 14mr 2m4 ISO tturcno.nr
<br />I'6rtll G!!d.r'a lo, rodl|.
<br />'1.{x! s l3I[: )&,Or.et$rr
<br />aurrc.t-voh2ae C! N {$6 6lrHPH-t10M)PoErVoh.l. Cq ry. lLn5-5OBPH-l IOM)Csr..i.VotLa. Curye (li6{0}lPH-!1OM)
<br />"@:.
<br />l-oNol f,mF8Ol T.wEr lt tun.ru, nnino.l ,rrra, no 826 C.ntun Avenre P!ds8 sh.ngh.r, 1m I lO. Ch6.
<br />T.l: 146.21.80162606 E-n.rl hodulE@lon8rs,rron com F...b@tr *wfaceb@l.omAONG sola,I-oNGI R@o 801, Iow.r l, lul'aru t'.an.'al plara No 826 Cenrlry Arn!.. Pudory Sn.n8h.,. 200120- China
<br />Lr +86-21.80162606 E-m.rl hon ule@ on8"s I'con com F...b@l: lw.racebdt .oh/LONGT sor.
<br />o.o6rnuou! rfthn'61 'nnd.t'on, R&D.nd 'F ,Mr
<br />Gto..r a.rrtrhc *'lhoul lunhe, non.., o.o.nd1n8
<br />mcnr.ron dlly r g^od by both parrret
<br />, t€h.(a dar..boE menhoi.ri drt brol hod,fioxon ,..ord,n8ly tON6 50 .r h.vc rh. ol. nAht ro Fdti
<br />v lhal ,.quEn ,o. r h. rd6l d.t,sner lo. ru.h $.onrrarr ned,..d haL {. coni sn.S rnd b'nd'nA !.d of
<br />i10re ole lo <onnnuo{5l6n.,c.r lnlwrnon. Rto.nd 'frpmvefr€nr, re.hn.or dat. .bov€ henmned h.y b. oi 60drfc.no.
<br />luch hod'ftanon it lnytme *,rhoul funhar.otl.!, Dlh.nd'nSOinv 5h.,1lEquesl lor lhe l!i.5r d.t 5heA for rucn.t co @
<br />l.*lur do.lmentan6 duly r'8ned by both pirne5
<br />ac.o.d'ngJt LOiG' 5d.r h.E ihe rcre n8ht to f,.\.
<br />r nd, dnd 6.r! d i @nrinng and b'.d'nap.n ol
<br />vl0
<br />Mechanl.al Paramete15 Operatint ParaDetersDcsitn (mm)
<br />T€n onc..r.i.ty lor Phd: ilr
<br />Mcchanical LoadingTenper.tuc ,l,atirys ( SrC I
<br />l-V Curve
<br />vl!
<br />t:
<br />re
<br />t'r/'
<br />r
<br />Electrical Charactoristica
<br />I