21212018 Q|MS.E359313 - Mouhting Systems, Mounting Devices. Clamping Devices and Ground Lugs tor Use wilh Photovoltaic Modules and Paneb
<br />@ [U taE cER TtftcA]toits 0txEcr0RY
<br />QrMS.E359313
<br />Mounting Systems, It{ountang Devlces, Clamplng Deyices and Ground Lugs for Use with
<br />Photovoltaic llodules and Panels
<br />t.
<br />l{ounting Systems, Mounting Devi6es, Clamplng Devices and Ground Lugs for Use wlth
<br />Photovoltaic Hodules and Panels
<br />irxrtt touttl Lrl, 0r frarnr.r
<br />275 Fl€ro tn
<br />Srr-t 2()0
<br />S.n Lols Oblspo, CA 93401 USA
<br />t3593 r3
<br />Ultra R.ll l,tountlng .nd Bonding Sy.tems lor usa r/lth Photovolt ic
<br />Hodul€s, onsltting ol lhe followhg components: Ultra Rail, l.lid
<br />Clamg. X End Clamp, Unkersal End Oamp, Ult.6 Rrll Spli(e, Uhra
<br />R.ll Co.nposltton ount Kit5,st.nda.d Staodoff fo. UltE Rall. Four
<br />Hole Standortor Ultra Flall, Heavy Outy Standoi for Ultra R ll,
<br />et l Roof E se standofi tof ultr. R.ll, ultr. R6ll corrugated Block,
<br />, Standard E rc Scam Clamp for Ultra Rall, Wldc B.s. S€.m CLmp
<br />tor UIrE R!il. Ultr! R.ll Unl'rers6lTlle Hook, Uilra R.ll Fht Til€
<br />Hook, Flat Tlle leplac€ment Klt fo. Ultra R.ll, S Tlle Replac..nent
<br />Xit for Ufl?a R.ll, W Tll€ P.eplaccftEnt Xlt for Ultra R.ll, Ultri R.ll
<br />tlang€r Bolt Clamp, Ground Lugs, Ultr. R.ll Sldrt Ars.mbv, l.lLPE
<br />Frame Attachment Kit, MLPE P.all Att.chment Kit, Smart Cllps
<br />Mlcaolnvert€r/backplat€ - NRTL usled Sol.rEdge Opumlzer Model
<br />P300-5NC4ArS. P320-5NC4Ars, P370-5NC4AFS, or P4OO'5NC4Af 5
<br />boodlng connectloo b mad€ through lntegr.l lnverter Brckpht..
<br />Mlcrolnvcrt r/backpht€ - Enph.s. R/C (QIXfl2XQI s2) l.l2s0,
<br />M2r5 & C250 yrlth EnprEs€ R/C (QIl.lS2) ilodel EFH->C(!.|M
<br />.nodlzatlon plerdng mounung/clarnplng klt and Enphare R/C
<br />(QIMS2) En9a9€ C.bles; Model ETXX-240, ETXX-2Oa o. E[XX-277.
<br />NRTL Ust€d: Rapld Shutdov.n Devjc. (RSD) - Model Solls-RSD-lG
<br />m.nufactured by Glnloog Tcchnologles employs a bacl-plate vrltn
<br />no co.tinq at the bondinq .rEas th.t secures to St ndard P.ail wlth
<br />the rall's alulnlnum anodizauon ls plerccd by th..lumlnum Plnocd
<br />ChDnnel Nut.
<br />N uL ust€d try fiodules:
<br />Hyundal Heavy Industnes Co
<br />Lrd (E325005) - HiS- XXXRC
<br />Serl€s wherc XXX ls 235 to
<br />275; I||S-SXXXRG where Xxx
<br />ts 245 to 295; HiS-SXXXRW
<br />wher€ XXX ls 250 to 255; tlls-
<br />MXXXTIG wh€re XXX ls 2tO to
<br />270i HIS-SDoGG wh€re nO(
<br />is 220 to 275. All may b€
<br />follow.d by the sumx BK or
<br />blank.
<br />Jhko Sol.r (E362479) -
<br />JfiXXXP-5o where XLX ls
<br />2OO to 290; IKHmO(P-72
<br />wherE P(x Is 250 to 360;
<br />lKHXXxtl-60 wher€ )OO( is
<br />2OO to 305; IKIIXXXM-72
<br />rherc D(x ls 250 to 355i
<br />IKrXP(PP-60 where Y.XX ls
<br />2OO lo 290; ,KMXXXPP-72
<br />wherc XXX ls 250 to 350;
<br />JKHXXXP-60-V wherE XXX ls
<br />20O to 290; JKmOO(P-72-V
<br />wh€re XXX lr 250 to 360;
<br />JK{XXXPP-60-V wher€ XXX rs
<br />20O to 300; ]KMnO(PP-72-V
<br />rvhere XXX ls 250 to 35Oi
<br />JK}|S)OO(P-72 wh€re Xxx ls
<br />25O to 330; JKmOO(P-5O-N
<br />rherc XXX ls 200 to 290;
<br />IXMXXXP-608-14 wh€ro XXX
<br />ls 200 to 290.
<br />Kyocera (E467rso) - Ku-60
<br />1000 V S€rles - KUXXX, where
<br />rco( E 250 to 27s, follorYed
<br />-5BCA, -6EfA, -6BPA, .5DCA,
<br />-6OFA, -6OPA, -6 Cr{ -5llP4,
<br />-6XCA. -6XPA -6ZCA, -6ZPA,
<br />-6ZPq -6ZCB, -6ZPC, -6ZCC,
<br />-6ZPD, -6ZCO, "6ZPE, 6ZCE,
<br />-6HPC, -6MCC, -5l.tPB or
<br />-Gl.lCB; XU-40 1OO0 V S€rl€s -
<br />XUxXx, rh€r€ XXX E 3r5 b
<br />335, lollow.d by -aBcA,
<br />.EBFA of .8BPA,
<br />LG (E329725) - LGXXXQlC-A5
<br />wherE XXX ls 140 to 385;
<br />LGYJqQIK-45 s/here PO( ls
<br />315 to 375.
<br />l.,ongl Gr€€n Energy
<br />Technology co., trd.: LR6-50-
<br />xxxt{. LR6-5oBK-po0{,
<br />LR60- HV-XXXii, where )0O( ls
<br />27O to 300; lx5-50P8-)rO(M,
<br />IR5-50PE-XXXM, LR6-50PH-
<br />XXXH, wher€ XXX is 280 to
<br />3r0.
<br />Enaronlc (8181540) -
<br />VBH XUSA15 where XXX ls
<br />320 to 33S; VBHNU)((Aol
<br />.nd VBBN)OO(Ao2 where
<br />Invc.tlg.tcd
<br />Bordlng
<br />rd h cdnth.lto.r
<br />wtrrl'lcchrnk l
<br />Lo.dln9
<br />€brr t nor't(Al.'c)
<br />Photovolt k rro.rrrfig rvra..n
<br />http/database.ul.cor cgi-bir/XW emplat6/LISEXT/lFRAMUshowpage.html?name=Q|MS.E359313&ccnshorttiue=Mountjng+Syslems,+Mounting+... 'l.114 httpJ/dalabas€.ul.conycgi-bln/XW emphte/LISEXT/lFRAME/shorypag€.htnl?name=Q|MS.E359313&cc{rsho.tite=Mounting+Systems,+MountirE+11114
<br />212/2018 Q|MS.E359313 - Mounting S)Gtems, Mounting Devices, Clamping Devices and Ground Luqs for Use with Photovollaic Modules and Panels
<br />SrLr l& tilr rd dndn th. Srh AEitlt p.( m. StoO-OOls.!.r..d t!
<br />Serles 20O - Conslstlng of th€ folbwlhg Compon€nts: Kee Kamp
<br />T€€, Spe€d Rall Tee, Sp€ed Rrll Single Swlvcl, Thrc.dcd Pip.
<br />Couple., Plp€ Clamp Assembv, Ground tull, Mld Clamp, X End
<br />Clamp, Unlvers6l End Chmp.
<br />S.tt.t rO0 . C.nslstlng of th€ Followlng ComponenB: Flash€d L-
<br />Foot, St.ndard st.ndolf, Four Holc 5t ndotr, H€avy Outy Standoff,
<br />Ha^ger Bolt Cl.mp, ConugaEd Abck, Dlmenstomd Seam Chmp,
<br />DlmrNlohed Wld€ se.m Clamp, R..ll Spllce, S nle Roof tiook, FLt
<br />Tlle Roof ltook, r,lld Clamp, X End Clamp, UntvE sal End Ctamp,
<br />St nd.rd lall
<br />N IyDa l rnd lyp. Z F/ iloduLt
<br />NRTI Usted Pv xodul€s:
<br />REC Solar PTE, tTD:
<br />l,lod€ls REO(EPt Serles .nd
<br />RfCETIP S.rlcs. v/hcre tl|e
<br />xe( ls the power output frofi
<br />214 W to 2a0 w.
<br />ET Solari
<br />loders ET-PS6OrxrwB wher€e ls 200-265 !y 5, WB
<br />lndkatcs rhft€ b8ctshcct .nd
<br />C.n.dlan Sol.r:
<br />l,lodcb cs5P-)odP where xXX
<br />le po er output h Watts trom
<br />20O to 275.
<br />H.nwtE Q,CELl.s GmbH:
<br />Xodels Q.PRO E R-G{ )cc(,
<br />whcE )m( b 255 to 265. l-G
<br />El€.tronks: Mod.ls
<br />LG)OOfllC-el, ,lEr€ )CO( is
<br />30O to 320.
<br />Ut Llstld Pv lloaules : Trina
<br />Solar:
<br />rsH-)m(Poos, Tsfi-
<br />xX.)0O05.05 .nd TsM-
<br />Do@D0S.08, nh€.e )04( 240
<br />to 28O.
<br />HYUndal Heavy hdust ies Co
<br />Ltd: Hls-xxxRc serle5 where
<br />XXX h 235 to 275, HIS-
<br />SnO(RG, where fiX ls 245 to
<br />295, HIS-SXXXRw whcre $C(
<br />ls 250 to 255.
<br />Jinko solar: [od.ls ,Krrlx)(xP-
<br />60 wnere XXX ls 2OO to 265;
<br />JKM)o(XI',1-5O rll.re xxx ts
<br />20O to 255; JKIIDOoP{)
<br />whcr. )CO( ls 200 to 255;
<br />JKmm(P-60-]. rhcrc )OO( ls
<br />20O to 255; JKIIDC(PSOB-N
<br />wh€rc )oO( ls 200 to 255.
<br />Pan.soric (8181540) -
<br />VABNX.XXSAI5 xnere ,JO( ts
<br />320 to 335;
<br />V*firu(l(Aol.nd
<br />VBttr)oCXr,Ao2 ,hee rcfi b
<br />310 to 325.
<br />Raesoh: ilod€k Jc)oql'l-
<br />24lBbh whlrc Xxx h 235 to
<br />270.
<br />JA solar: Modets )AP6-50-
<br />)lOoU3AB wher! [X ls 235 to
<br />250.
<br />Yingli Solar: l{od.ls YL-IC(XP-
<br />29b wh€re y,xx 15215 to 265.
<br />NRTI- Usted try lbdules:
<br />Longl Grc.n En.By
<br />T€.hnology co., ttd.: LA6-f,0-
<br />xxxtl, LR6-6oax.x_Dot,
<br />tR6o-tlv-)oo( , iherE UX ls
<br />270 to 30o, LI6-5OPB-)Oo(tl,
<br />LR6.6OPE.)O(M, LR6-6OPH.
<br />YJ(xtl, wherE x)U ls 280 to
<br />310,
<br />Bovia Sol.r: o&ls
<br />EVtl66lOP-XXx drer. PO( ls
<br />225 to 275; BvU5SlOlrl-)Cfl
<br />wh€r€ no( b 235 to 280:
<br />REC Sol.r PTE, LID: Mod.ls
<br />Rf,CePE oT REOOfiP€. BI.X$.Ls whCI! )OO( k 2r4 to
<br />270; Rf,GxxTP RfCICO(TP-
<br />BLX s€Yles, where tne rxl ls
<br />260 to 2m.
<br />RFCXXXTP2 or RtOoqTPz-
<br />Bl-K S€ri€s whem x)O( ls 250
<br />to 300.
<br />C.rl.dLn Sol.r: rbd.l! CS5P-
<br />x)OO wherr )OO( ts power
<br />orrtput ln W.tts flom 20O to
<br />285; CS6P-rcO(-P-SD vrhe.€
<br />XXX ls 240 to 285; C56P-PO(-
<br />H wh.re ,aXX ls 20O to 290;
<br />CS6|(-)O(-X wh.re $0( b
<br />240 to 305; Cs5(.Xfi-M-sD
<br />whcre )m( is 240 to 305;
<br />CS6K-)OC(-P whcE x)C( ls
<br />220 to 28s; CS5X-XXX-P-SD
<br />Y.herc 220 to 285.
<br />I