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PLUMBING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOUSPA <br />P{rap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipino <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rouqh Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release tr .l ,. <br />FINAL <br />t <br />otvNtn aullDix DiL^i^TroN <br />I balty .lfto u!d6 FrX, of Fju.y l. I m a@rt 6oE th. Corrrrdon l-i:!& ta 6t lh. &lb*iE len {sd.mllJ <br />auiii3r rn Profc..ioi co<L): ny Cry o. colny vhi.i r.{oi6 . Foi ro @rur!c, .116, iqmE & or qd oy <br />rr!6r Fnr lo it! i3rec. & r!6riq 0E i9&rn br sh Fbn !o 6L r !iF.d dr.!61 ftr & q dE i lir6..d Frrd <br />!o lhc Fovtbd of tb Cotl.-rd. Ltd.d t * (cllnr6 9. C.ffiils whr Se,tioi ?000 of Di!i.b! I of th. B6is od <br />Pllt ioE Co&)cdlr lEnlE iqd!!i rha.&ob&.tti. tai 6r drdbod qalFiotr. A,y vbhiotr ofscobr T0ll.t ty.ry <br />.pllker for r Fin sbjer' rlr pdisr ro . civil p. tyof6t 6EU6 fF.lElir.d &lL! (1500). <br />-L <br />a olNe of E FoFry. or d, dplold eith $46 a fi.i .L @sF!ri.l! wiu .b ln. wt .d rlE irdw i &l <br />i ad.d cofit rd 6. rl (S6.1$aa. &!i,..r d<l Proflaid Corlc ltc Cotr*roi. rj6@ lrw &.. @r qDly to 5oyE of <br />EF.Fi, *b h&l c ir4 !E 0E6 ad vlE &qid w hiMlro' t xUG &Dorn hL d h6 om qrolr.r. <br />Flvit d rhr r4l' itrFlErldr.! El in4t d dolH &i lrlc l(,lDw.E, rt hdldng d iqnloEr a Dld vihi. on t -of@'pLrirl 0E o\ic Alldd wiu h* th. brd&of Foviq dr lE 6dE dn 6. hrild r iqrcE tb FlFty F r.Gof <br />_1.3olEofrt FlFrr. EgdBiEly.oEEiiS wnh [cs!.d 6 raronro @nrtud llE F!r.c (56.704a. &!iE <br />rd Piol6in Co&: Th. Coirr-rn . Lle &6 lol loply lo & oxG of Fopsly wlb h{il6 or ioprcE lho@n <br />.rd *tb omrc! ftn sct trprcr! witl . Cotulco(, ti.!d.d PIruri to [E Colri.lor! Li(!E La). <br />-l <br />d .rd,r Edd s..rion- B. lt P.c. 6.lhi laa <br />troaf,Daflalrf[lsarlo! <br />DlctaSdrro! <br />I hd!b, .ilim lndr pa,!y ofFj!.y oE oiilE fol,owiDS <br />I h!r. !,!d *ilt roidtin . Cqlifi.d. orcoMr ro Sdf-llg@ aor *st6 @npqlldbtl. a Fovid.d for by Serion 3700 of tlr <br />L.Dor Codc ror dE Ffolrocc ol0E st lbr *ikh th. FDt ii is,.d. <br />-l luE.ri willuidrin eorl6 6oD@.lion icnEq s Fqld 6y Setion l70o of lh. uk'r G<L, lor lL pnfotut of <br />lh. srt l( *tth lhit FDir ir iE .d M, wl6 oDpodio, iEu4. tuit !d Flty 06!6 G: <br />ri,jrr\\ tr,]d l\t,tr.l <br />('b,s*fA, ",*Err*.oirlEs fn whrh $L F6n i! iD.( I rlull mr @plo, uy pdu i! ey 'tru\ %-.r o toc gtjer r rrc eltat @Dr@ci6 t s otcilifoEr. ..d .sE ttr if I dodd beom Ntiar lo tb. <br />s @ .@p6dioD Fovirioa of SeIo! 1700 of tt uDd C!d.. I tldl tdrhril (odPl, vth rtoi Foviri6.- <br />w^f,]llNc: frilG lo ce mrtd' ompalrion it @hetul rtd tull $bicr o qloF to oiDid r'd <br />ro G hudrld Uosd &116 (t100.000). i! .4inio. la rlE .oi or ion. tuEa€ . Fnvid.d lor lt <br />Cod., in6.n ed rbdar! t 6. <br />I I <br />DECIJXAITO! <br />! h.dy.rnm uldd Frry of Fiqy $n I !n ti.aia ur& FoviM olctryla 9 (ffiitE uU sd.! 7o@rof Divbbi l <br />Code n{ my ir h tull forcc dn .lIe1 <br />3[Tt+>x Dov,r.rlk <br />CAIIIAISIo!.IEIDIBGIGIIICIIhq!t,lIrE@dsFdyofFjuryddlhd!i!coDinxrbtrlddi'SrSdEy6rlh.Ff.rn.ofllErqtfor*hththirFota <br />isrd 156. 3097. Civ. C.). <br />ATIIJCAdI.DECIdSAIIO! <br />! lndd pd.!, ofFju.y oe oftt blbqtB.leLrio6. <br />D@liio. P@il}A!tdo. t{o.iftrbo F.d6rl R.i{kiod Onl. a0. Pd6) <br />-R.qui!d <br />Lataof tLrii.rnd <br />lfu\rle lbl +plt tt lo lh|i Foi6r <br />&'rc inlohakrn B.Dtrd t.rrcro co'npl! sirh allc v md cooty <br />hcltt .dlFri4 cF66triv6 of tlir Cny 8.1 Cou y <br />.!ov. rEri,ld poFry 6r <br />Appli...l or ABml Sign.lur.: <br />J(Do y'tt'., <br />L <br />SIIEUTI'AEf,II <br />II <br />I <br />I <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />(- <br />!6d rhn .DDlicltio! dd 3lac th, <br />lv-T'