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Jvl Gmail <br />GRID Solar <br />1 rn€ssage <br />J''mine Roashan <br />To: Sunny Pham <br />> <br />> <br />Sunny Phsm <3unnydanghsm@gmrlt-com> <br />Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 6:56 PM <br />Good wening, <br />I hava t\tlo small r€quests b€foro ws can movo brward with th6 solar system. <br />1. Ths City of Santa Ana is newly requ€sting a writton notica from homsowners saying that th€y want solar b€for6 we can <br />gel pormits from th€m. Could you hand writ€ a note saying ths bllowing and sond it to me? <br />Solar lnstallation Affidavit: <br />l, Huey Pham, agree to have GRID Altematives install solar on my home. My <br />home address is 914 N Newhope st, Santa Ana, CA, 92703. <br />APN: 100-411-04 <br />Signature: <br />Date: <br />2. I am also s€nding you a separate email requesting more updated information from Southem Califomia Edison. lt will <br />indude a link that you can did( through to sharE info. <br />Thanks- and I'm hoping that wo can at least get ths design and agrsements covered befora the holiday break! <br />Ja',ni,p Ro,6,rpn - Ou'J"each Cordlmtor <br />GRID Albrnatiws - Groator Los Ang€les <br />1338 S Fbwer St <br />Los Ang€|es, CA 9@15 <br />offioe phone: 213.37&1'l&l I bxt 85&324€792 | fax: <br />Website I Facebook I Twitter I Photo Gallery <br />S.vlnga for you, clean powcr for your communlty <br />,tt f#ENERGY FOR ALL <br />A p,lgnm oa Gm tlt "t <br />ENERGY FOR ALL PROGRAU <br />THNKYuT OR SOYE(,#,EYOI' K'IOW NAHI QUAUFY? <br />lo tnguht .,piut ClgrUW, m.tlvoE'org/clLnt'., <br />A*.boutour tZU) rdan, pogrun