<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />SubfloorA/enUlnsul.
<br />Roof Sheathing
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framing
<br />lnsulation/Energy
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry EXPIpc..
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar FEB2T
<br />Handicap Req.s
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />_ _ _", <w, 666. 662
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif.
<br />FINAL
<br />Certificate of Occupancy
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />E
<br />667
<br />It E.Euldq DchrrM
<br />t t'n uD& padry of Flury d{ I E m} [E d!. C.dn ron' Li..M r:v fo! O. lollovh! ,qstr Gd?or L t BuiE.
<br />..d Eofdbn Co<b) tuy City or Coutrr, whi.i GiulF r pah, to corllllc! rts, i.F.E, danoli[ 6r EFir sy fi!.ru!, Fio. ro il!
<br />'lgM, rl& r.qui,6 tl! rppl'a lor N.l Fnn i. al. t .i8n d.lllae. rhr,E o,.h. i li@!d Pltru b lhc prcvi.bE o,itr
<br />Coirr.crortLie.drrv(Ch.rEa,Comm*ins;$S.dimTOOOolDivnion,oadEBuin€r.rylP6f6&oCod.)orturh.o.
<br />.h. it d.npt illrcAom ud OG b.tir for th. .U.t.d qchplhn . Aiy viohtion of Setion 703 L5 by .iy rpplk it for . pa6n tubj@t thc
<br />.ppli6nl to..ivil F lry ofnor m,. tlu flv. hundr.d doutu (l5OO).
<br />_1. a owc of d. propstX or my dploys pirh sgo a 0!.ir rcL 6mp.urb[ *ill do 0& E,l.!n ln rr.{.r8. ir rcr int.adcd
<br />d orE.d for d. ( 56.7+rlr, BuiE .n.t P.ofabu c.n. Ti'. C!&.@. r U@ Ir* do6 nor rprt !o D orE of dE propsty
<br />*t'o boildr or improE tls6q .rd eh. d6 idr e,I lti@|, o. larlf or tuo!8n hi. o. lE or .opbyc., totrd.d dd tu.n
<br />'hp.oEnoB & Dr n cdLd o. ofrad for sl! l( !otr.r,0E toilC[t or hProvqFr i,old slhio otn F, of @oplaroq th.
<br />O@-adld6 *ill t r th. buda of p,oviq d.r h. or rh. ml tsild or hptoE for l!. pqrp.E of .L)
<br />_I. ! o}M of rn proFry. .h Bdqi4t @.rr&jtr8 wli lira.d 6tu cror b 6d'ru dE Proi'q ( Sc 70aa. Bui.d .rd
<br />Prcadion Codc Th. Coitndoa. li..@ Lw dq mt rrply ro u ow ofFopriy rho b{ildr or EproE rL.on . .,i -t
<br />, for rucl proj.c. enh. c.irruro(,lid.d p@u 16 rlt Codiaoar Lic.* trw ).
<br />_l .e fi.n t u!d6 Sldiotr
<br />D.!., '(-.2(.- t2-
<br />!08f,0E!t0lttEctallo!."pEc!48/!no!
<br />I rrm udu pdlty of Paiu., oi! or th. fouowils d4L.llioB'
<br />_l hN..d eill ri'nrii. Cdrifiq& of C.t@r ro Sdf-lou. for rl,.rlc.' @npqurbl\ r ,rovid.d fo, t, Sd.! ]TOO of d!.
<br />Ltor Codq for tll pdfor M of {r voll for s'lid tlE Foir i. Gu.d.
<br />_l h.v. Dd will Dri,hin {rl.i' @npando. imf,Eq E r.quu.d bySa.ion lr00 ofrh. trt r Codq for d! p..formic. otth.
<br />srk for whhh tht Frmir ir iqu.d My srlo' @sp.uxo. tuuee 6i! rd policy isabd ro:
<br />PolicyNuebr: E,pi6:
<br />CIr,i. ..d El b. oncla.d if th prrEn i. fo. OE b.dr..l &lLr ltl Oo) o. lc6)
<br />_l dtify 0!d ii !l|. Ffo@M ol rE cort fo. Iti:! rti, F..En i iru.4 I rldl lor on by 6y Fx. ii my !|.ra.r $ .l to
<br />b.qmlubJ.d!o dE E a'ef,r.utioD lE ofcrlif@ir.d.88 th.l if I rlould b.6r tubj.c L tlE wona'
<br />@ip.irti.n provlioa of Scrioi I700 ofrh. L.!or CodC I ildl. fonnwnh .onpl, sitt rhoE proli.ioir..
<br />WALNrNG: !nE. 6 t..@ wla @nF .rion 6vol. ! unLrtu\ &d thrll .ubj.d D 6npbyo. !o qintrt p6lrn &.1 civitfii. !p !o om hrldr.d rtoa.d doll,l (ll0o,00o),h .ddnion tort @nof@iD.urioc d. rq ! p.oeiLd for dE s..rbi to76 6f
<br />d! Lbor Co& i aai .d .rdayt f6.
<br />llcrNsD conrrR calrr( Drcr {tlTroN
<br />I l-.!y .trnn u'rls Frhy of prrury thl I u li8..t Foliir. or Cl,.ptd 9 (@l!eac5r wnh Tooo) of Divitioi I of
<br />llE Buina..d Profdtior CorL,.nd y tcm n i! tull fore.n l.fcr
<br />I FrLy ofFrory{rltlE ir. corlrucbn l.,iiri {aEy lor ll. psromi@ oa r.lE wol for rti.t 6! Frir !
<br />n Bd (Se ,@?. civ c )
<br />D@$lidon PqEtu-tub..tor Nolifiolioi RlauLd6tr (TnL aq ,rri 6)
<br />_ R.qltcd r.cEr ofNotifiaIion
<br />_l drit) tll.t t[. Lds.l ,.ruhliou rrydina lh€lo r@oul e. nor .rtudbL ro rhi, prord
<br />_ I .arily l!.1 I ll.w r..d thi, .rpliorio ..d .lrl. U.r lh. .bot4 idonlltbn ir corcd. I 1816 ro .dpt wiD .X Ciry.d Cost,
<br />nli!.E€ ..d Sr.L trs rd.tlrt lo t{ildinS .o!,.uaio( .ril lE Uy lgliori4 rcprEeltiB ofthi Cir, !d Coury ro ord upon 0!
<br />rhoE oolbi.d proFry fo, luryoE.
<br />Appliont d .s6t rig.:_
<br />Psnitla ![m (pri.o: _
<br />l-h.p.dion F0., \au'Elrdnrp.cton 03.31.06
<br />ID/SIG.
<br />r
<br />T-r =
<br />I