<br />I hd.b .mrm un&r ,xtllly ot rEjud lhfl I @ d.oDt frln rh. ( onr oB litu tiw fitrlhclolhainS|@n(S(I)]lJ
<br />BN'nBr ond PtuI<ion cod.) Any ('ny or (-ou y $hich r.qund . tEnil lo $nntod, th6. imFo!( d.mli* ot EFn .ny
<br />rtudxr( FF. b tu isum., .ho t.q'riG lh. a''lic.t for Mh Fnn ro [k ! sie..d {d.lmr lhd lr r d. b licdEal OBld
<br />ro rh. InriihG 6trlE ftmrr.roir LtdGi Il\ {Cfitrpl. 0. ( onmd(ins $irh s.<lion 7000 oaDifisinn I ofth. Auri.s ud
<br />Pht6r6n c o&) or rhlr h. oi sh. ts.rdpr lhE.tro'n dd rh. h.!ir l r& rlkS.n.r@plio. Aryvid.l6.ofs.nhir0rl3li.n,
<br /> for i p6irr iltidri th. rppn.r b i.iII,,.uhyof ml RErfi.r fir. hu.drcd (tllldr (l5m)
<br />l. . o*e ofrlE FoFrr, tr n, atPlora wth wrJ6 d lh.t stc dtrp@di'.. lill 6 tlE rr"t .td [E rnrlw i t{
<br />ir!@d.d q or6rd tJr .lG (SG.?0a4, &!i6 bd P'Dki cdc Th. conr6c t lioc l* &€ Dl TPl, lo & otc of
<br />llrFlDdry *tb hilh or it!.!6 dEoo. rd stb &o B{ m.r Nnudf d lE*lfo. ttNuri hh d hd oM.rploy!.1
<br />F rid.d thr Mh i4.oE6i, c rbl irrdrLd sofiind &r -t . ll h.66,0E t{il&A ( iryoqtd i.U tiiin oN }d
<br />of@9rcbL 0E O$G B'ilta ri[ lrE dt hnh olFDvig llr lE d .l& dn lbl hitd c t!r.!c dE FlFry ir th. plrF.. of
<br />-
<br />l. s <|ld ofrh. Flraiy. @ qchliEly ..dr..ri'u wii ltar.d .onrGon lo @r*rEl lh. Ftrjccr (sc. 704!. &!!B
<br />rd trober Co<t : Tt Corrr.roi! La..M Lrw dod mt ip?ly ro d oMa ofFoFrt who L{ildt d iopreG 86tr
<br />.id f,'l| .or d, &. tu.i !.oj63 wnh. Conr-tolr) lk6..d Fsrrr to rh. cnlrrlldl riq* l^J
<br />I m crflnr und6 Sd6..1, & P( forrhis r6rn
<br />\lIBTi};85:('Utf,!l{UA!
<br />ulig.ats Ir0l
<br />! hd.h! omro ntul6 lmahr.flsrll4 onc of'hc tollNl.'s delflrli{,n\
<br />I l[!. ffil \illar nrsi r ( .1i1-'. ..l ( in$drt kJ Sclt lrsx,e lhr " orl(s' (on,po$l(r, F For i!.ri li)r ln Sdr 'on
<br />r7r)l I o{ I h.
<br />lilw (i\U nyrh.ns(rn!n!* i, thRhth.Fnnr 6 isu.i
<br />I htrr.0nd\iI mrilrnr n.rlds t6t'rr.dh\s(ri.ntTlnoirhcInrxn(o&-n,rh.Fn{nr..of
<br />,lrr,ill,rqh(hth'slYrrit'\nqrJ\!!sqlG'ra'nFdair'n.{J(c(.nld,hlFnr\numlEtr.
<br />,-,", rLtoKP
<br />..,,,.""-).J$@OW1OO l7 | ,\rn.s: . l-f-ZoZo
<br />I(d'lr rhn inrh.tEnrmin...Irh. \(l,u \hrhrl"spc'nir 'i trud. I $.ll nol dnlh\ rnt rse,. in nn\ [ nd
<br />e ns to hcc.De srh|sr h rh. \ orl.1 .o'nroiitiLrn l.{ r of (-alr i,mm. ia,a rhll if I shonkl h.i.ri. $'t!er t! rh. I
<br />tr frl6' c.nlEsr[n p(\ Kod\ o f Sdrr r 7fi] oa rh. l..h{ ( ird.. I slull n,nhs ilh .o'nnl\ s trh rhE t!.\ isiotrs
<br />civil finB uD ro oE fiurrH lhoMd doll6 (ll
<br />Dlcttaarrotr
<br />t hclbl .mm ulxb parhy ofFiury rlld I o li.d Fvii! of(tuFa I (@o,Grcirs wih selbn 7m0) of Di(5o! !
<br />or tlE s{iGr tnd nofr3&d Cod.. nd oy lt@. i' h tull &}@ -d .rd.
<br />co!sra!(1aI-LE!Dt!G-&GEB(J
<br />I hd!6, rft n .nd.r FrlD ot Fiu,y fitr rh6. h . onro<1bi lddrts +*y lor lh. Ftollrmc olilE solt tu $nih lhi! Fnt a
<br />i!i!.dts< lOgT.Cn ( )
<br />arll rcam Dtcr ^earroN
<br />I Hr.fin ud6 Ftly or Fjury oE olrn follo*iq daldlbu:
<br />oaeltbn Pmil9^.t n6 No{ifa.lion F.dol R.sdni6 (Til.40. Pa16)
<br />i.q&.{ L.it6 ol r,rolin iim
<br />I csiift lh! rn aordil EiulriB ,terditB !bar6 tEm\rl E mr 4pliltb lo lhir FoiBl
<br />rhrc nmlrlRl |I.Flr lnr
<br />'tDpli(nr or \gmr sEtrrrnr.:
<br />l'mltB n.n.(prtno
<br />(^,,?- l9- fi
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water-Under floor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Buildinq Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />POOL/SPA
<br />P-trap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Piping
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rough Plumbing
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Meter Release lt tl
<br />FINAL -Xzilu Uth,'h[5
<br />I
<br />-",_7_Jt:ll
<br />1q-u
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />Gas Service I
<br />I
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc./t