<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />lVisc. Equipment
<br />Ducl Work
<br />Pre-lnsulalion
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rouqh Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Ranqe
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL 5't5-?,\P $.^noraa\- ",)-V
<br />Notes, Remarks, Elc.
<br />I lftt'r llrirm u q ,r.!lry .)r Frjury rhar I m.rcnqi rmm rrE (fidor' l-tcnc li$ ftr rhc rolk,ainS rt!$.lscc]l,]l5
<br />t]jlinc$ ndl Dura$nr C,xj.r Any Ciry o, (outrry shih rcntrtc\ n Il! nil lo !r'n{ni.r, trlrn, iDt'or.. $rntn or rp( lny'
<br />nddur,Im, t! rk isurtu.. rls, (quirc\ rhc lndrnni rtr nrh Frn bnb!{8ft1ucn rh lEor$.irli.rnal pu,tud
<br />n' rh. tin,!tri,ns ol rh. (i,ntri.ktr \ l-ic.ncd liq (('hanrcr 9. (lnnnENirrS nirt S i(n7t(nnf Divi\6.Iof lh. B!!iE$ lnd
<br />Itolc\{.n( (ido !,lhnt h. or lhc n crcnni rhrcton,nl rhc lxn( nn rh. ilk8d crc.$nn Any rnlrrionorS€!nn 70:tl { b, dny
<br />dptli(rtrr li" tr pcnnir \ubFrrrhc lDtlnnnrio f.irrln.nrxtornor nr.rhM firc hu rcdnollFI15lx)I
<br />-1.
<br />s NE of rlE Fotsry, r my.nphFr *nh *t!$ rt tlEi oL or+cBrriE *tI& tlE sr{ dd d. fitift i tEr
<br />iirsiLd ddH f.r nk IS6.70a4 ANiEr.rd lroldirn. C.d.r Tll Co'nr.ft\ t t &6rc|.lPlylo r.*Eol
<br />rlEFFrr elD hilb r ilriG lndw! lnrl ph dB o.h *!it limlr G lE*lf or ll,oud lir e h.r @..tOLF..
<br />Fvilcd rrrt *h hr.ovtririG d{d lt, rt. lI.lDE6,lh hildltt -ilTrmE k.old winht@ yE
<br />of ontLrirl. rl,E Orm BdB6 sitl hE 0E h!d6 t{ ttrril!l,. lE d iE dll ml hi! d htEE th FnFlt fc [E pt Po-.f
<br />-1.
<br />u oiM orrlt Fstidir, .m.rctriEll oflr.rbr *id lien d .!fl.xr6 to o6rrlcr rh. |,oitr lse. ?lxd EudN
<br />.d Rrtsitr C.d.: TIE C.dEtor'. Li.r* tr* .lB 'b{ .tttly lo u o*G of FlFty *lE bliliL or iopreE llE6!1.
<br />rid *t sflr*r f6 *n Foiit,nh. conrab(,licn&d pmur lo lh. c.llErdt Lttu k*).
<br />I r .(rtr url.r S(rr,
<br />l)Hlr ()rn.r
<br />]IQaff:8ll.lUllflNrr-Ullli
<br />lltl:rallnnllrN
<br />Ihr'.h\ilrnnirf'ler ruxl!ltuiul,,n,,irlI1,,]l(Ntr'A,1.![r, i,rN
<br />IhfttfilNillmr iirdC.diltlt.ol(inrr hScll INur. lhr r o.krN .nnF h{ri( r.r' Fo1k,cdf $ySccri,r.l?lxroIrhc
<br />lih, (ixi.,l rhc l)crfnrtutu! nf thr N o* for * hrh lhc trm, i\ r1$dl/ft;a'n will Nir sin world conti6lIi- i.rmN. 6 Eauictl !, SG.r6.l'too of t,E L.lEr Cod.. for E F ro.'trN ol
<br />+
<br />trr nstr'r'k. r r'r rBlti'lkr run ra !'r
<br />w OOOS y'- I -Zo2l(C
<br />.ll.nltllh$inlfuFr,nInwxlollhrs.ltllnuhf,hlh^BIIn^^\uf(ll\l!rllNlln|\l
<br />v, r\n,lNonf, \ \rrrr' rhr $olt(^ (nnln(n{ri r l Hor('!lrn n'r. inl r!r..rhrr
<br />'r
<br />lnrnrl'ltrrr,ft nrhrd t,rh
<br />so'tu\' $nrrn\riionOortrx,r(ol S..rir l?lr)ol rlr lahr (irlc.l\lrll.l,,rhs h..n,d)\ hrli)ttr'nvr1i,{N
<br />ll,tllNlN(; hrltrrc rr {rt'e tru'[( .onlrn{,rs. ,. unl.'rlul lrl \h]ll \rhr(r nrl.n'tL,\.t k,.rinn'u FN,lia xRl
<br />sc.rlr 1076 0lrh lih, (ixlc. inrcrcd !rtjnrnrry .lG'.\
<br />u(r:I5!L(^rx,l(laa
<br />Ir:(jLT.BAI'AN
<br />I E('rh) xlri.flunllr IrHh\ ol FrlU.\ rll l,hln{ariudkrF,rrlorl(hi0rd(,{..nn'rx'n!NnhStlrnrTlrlr'ofl)rtrir'1
<br />nl ltE llNnr\\r lt ri\!.r^(irl!.. tlnryl'.c\.i\ tulll,ircr[lclh\r
<br />9 70
<br />SNIIAUSI TNIEd!UN!i-&Gi!(I
<br />I tEEby !fi.n unls Fndry oi Fj!.y rhn rt(. h r odmrbn kdinS +.Et lnr rh. ,E LmELr of th. *.rt lor f,nich ltir F mi ir
<br />ftucd (sd lrr7, (iv c.r.
<br />a.tfur tll&rl!$^1rla
<br />I hr.l\ rftrnr uuic. n nilry ol lirlu,) om ofrli k,lk'\in! J.rhdi,n.
<br />l!n$lirtr,n l,.,nnt\ Arlt!tr\ Norili!r! Ii.tlchl Rcs llri,,n\ IIirlc lr,. P!n6r
<br />Rrqutru(l t-cliu.l Norili.nrin,
<br />I -l
<br />Miry d rlt r.ddd Erllrloro Et dii! .,[.dor Gmvd c Er .rplx.hlc b rhii FDFr
<br />71, "-,r, ,- t "* ,- ,* lrplhh rn 'r.r. thr rlE rt E i,tonnih ir @d*r. I .!re lo rlt .ll ciry .id c.u y
<br />I GdintlB rn s[l. L.q rlri! ro tgisint s.rocri,lr. .d ffi, .urlbtu! EFx'rriB of rnn cny &l Coud, lo cdd uton rlE
<br />I !!ok fth|ni.d FoFrr rd iupel
<br />| ".** *,0.r,, .a/r,ra;tr-,EE;u,", f o 2i) 'J<;ia
<br />EI
<br />IIII