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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNCI ST]ILDER DETTARA'NON <br />| @ .flirm undq pdulry of p6iurr rhll I @ qdE from rh. cotuatoF Lkc@ tro for <br />'h. <br />followins ffin {S(.701I 5 <br />Bu$rB drd Profaion Cod.): Ar) Cnt.r Coury which Equn6 . Fnl ro od{tocr, rlrd, ir{rov., dbrclah .r .c!.t ey <br />lrru.-rui Fbr h nr isue.. ,ho .cqunB $. ,pplkdr ao. .uct Fnit ro fiL ! s,g.dl dddal thd lE or rhc is licdsd pmt! <br />io rh. Fovilios of lh. Conftnor'r Lk6s.d t * (Ch.prq 9. Cottlffii.! wnh Selbn 7000 of Dienioi I of th. Baii< ad <br />ProrNions (odc) or rhd lE or shc ir crdpr th6.noa ed rh. b6i tor .i@Fion A.y viohtio.ofsclionr0ll.5 btey <br />applica tor s Fni lubjdr th. aprli.or ro r citil poalryofmr moElte 6v. hundr.ddollc{ttoo). <br />-1, a oMd otrhc poFfiy, or iy mrlo'6 vnh $!s6 6 rh.n $E contdsibn. *in <b dE wdt rd tlt mtdr b tul <br />ntod.d or o,I6.d for slc (Sd.7044, Bdin< &d PrbaBioa Co<k TIE Codr*lq r Li(w Ltw &6 ml.pply lo e orE of <br />rh. Fpqry sho tuikh or in,106 rfi@l! r'd wlF do€ *h m* hiMlf or t *laor ltmush hi! ft hd os arylott .. <br />prcvid.d rt r such inpr.ffil! @ mr imdxt d dH 6r ik lf, Lw. rL bildi'ls d irE$rqGn b $ld whltir oi. )d <br />ofcodplaion. llE OsE Blilr, will hlE <br />'lE <br />h,rla ofFoti.A lhi lE or !h. dit d hoill or imFDr! lll FoFl, f.r llE F4or. of <br />. t, B olrc oarh. propcr,. d q.tsiwly.odn ring $irh lkcGcd.oirndor to.on rucl rh. Foi6r (sc 7044. BlElIB <br />aid FFbsinCod.: Ttc Co.rsioi3 Licd. t w &6 nor.Dplyro eo$.n( ofproFrywho b{iktr o. inp[o!6lha6n. <br />and *ho conrdcr! tor i$h Foj6lt unt i Cor{E ro(s) ltoa.d puB6r to rtr Coirrdoir Lic.e Lrw), <br />lam.rcarnr!kl( SdrNn <br />)voaaEalllalrrEltAlra! <br />PEC|dAAIIAN <br />I lErcbt .flim unJ6 porlry of ,EJ!ry oR oflnc lollowina deLrdioB <br />--l h.v. ai *ill c6rif*d.of Co,6r lo sclfn6Bc for so 6 compssalion. { Fovid.d for by Selio.3700 oath. <br />lrbq Codc ln $. Ffonle. of lhc *orl aor $fith $. p6nn is &ucd. <br />I t.v. rnd *ill minlrin $ort6 comFN€lion iBurMc. s r.gutr.n by S.clFr 1700 otlh. tlho. Cod., for thc psfo'lle. ot <br />rlE rorl fM *hkh thi! pdnit i3 irqEl My $0116 conpdlrion iNurmr 6ii &d tolicy nurhd @: <br />a/t /z t3?sP <br />I c.nifr rhrr ii <br />'h. rqlorDi.c of rh. sorl for rhthrhi Fnn is isual. I sh.ll rut mpLy &y Fsn in uy nenr <br />$ B Io bqDtrE sbjdl lo lh. "sdsc comF.larion L*s o t ( alrfomia ed asr ln8r if I 3hould ldoG tut*r lo llE <br />trorlC'conFsdionprovnioEots€dion1700olrlr.Lab.rCod..ICull fonh*i$ oq)ly airh rlEr tmvkhN. <br />\{ARNINC: Flilurc lo suE $0116'onF.tE lion cov6!c. it unhwlul. ed ihrlr tubj<l d oplotc lo dnnintl FrhE Md <br />civil fin6 up tooE hu.d,.d rl'our&d dollm (ll(]O.(l0o), i..ddnmn ro thc.or ol conFqtion d,886 a provid.<t for rh. <br />Ser'on 1076 ol"rh.l,bo. Codc, '.ra6t ed arrotr.y r f6 <br />7///a <br />DlCuSArtO! <br />I hGEty .IIm und6 Ffl.hy of p.rjury lha I u lic6$d und.. Fovi!6n of Chlprd 9 (onnsing *ith Setion ?000) olDirilb. l <br />of rh. BBirld ud ProfdirB Cod., &d dy ltde h ir tuU forc ad .fl6l. <br />/12 I <br />/ao42j) <br />C-,3 *M"zo <br />CAISIBU(]ION.Lf.IDI!G.dq|i!CI <br />I hftby ami,b undo p.nihy of pdlur, rhd $6. i. r odrudnn Ls]i.8 a8ny for tfi. pcfotuc of th. \ o't tor r'h(h fib Fsi B <br />'lsucd(sr 1097.civ c.l <br />t.ndd.s N.h.. <br />ATII,ICAILDICIAAAI]O! <br />I h66, .trm undd po.t, of Fiury o* of rlE followinB d..L6ri'n3 <br />D.nolition Pmn!tub6rG Norili.dion Frd6.l R.lubrioN (Ttl.l0. Pd6) <br />R.qun.d L.rrs otNoriicdio. <br />I cdify rhat llE f.d6r! r.snhrnrN Esadr€ Bb6to3 lfr\ rl o. nor !r9lic6bl. to lhis pNldt <br />ay rld I hrE cad rhir .pqlic.tbtr srj sl.r. rhd rh. .bo\. i onn lb. ii (ord I {!rd to comply snh r[ Cny rnd Cou y <br />lrl hd.b, rurhoiz. r.F(gl!liv6 of this Ciry ed Cou yro o16 ulonrt <br />atrc\. ndlmn rj per.n) lor i.starx.n <br />/ or getrt Sitnrrnrr <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor I <br />^1) <br />7'i* <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER 3tt7rN Dryilb,CI&.) <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh)I I I <br />Meter Release dilu W,Xt&v6) <br />Rough a <br />Service ltr'leter ail1t?(apla WU) <br />FINAL 3lt7l>l Mvn twK) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />--lr, <br />Rev.0B-07-2015 <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I