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BUILOING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report .aC <br />Engineer Final Report rx ,lr\-- <br />Flood Zone Certif ^. O$? <br />il!l \U;' <br />.^ 290,65 <br />FINAL SNIO' <br />Gertificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />,1 <br />\ o/- <br />2 <br />O\i NER BTII I,DER DI'L('AIIATION <br />I hsetry am n und6 rdnlry of tdjury lhtrl I m .t.,nnt fnrm lh. t onl,ictor' l-ic.n!. l,! for lhc i(nk'*inu r.ern (Ss 70ll 5 <br />lJusinss el Pr.fsin (id.): Any Cil, or Counry trhrh rqlu;6 a Fnnil lo .onnrucl. alrr, nnF(N., dqnolish or rcpatr dy ! <br />qtudu( F hrB nsmc. aho r.qurB rh. .ppl(d n" $ Fnnll lo lika ssR'l 'lat.,lH rhd lEo,,!.it licdts J PlNd <br />ro rhc prorleioB 6l . Contr.!r'3 l.'(cnii |,tr (Ch,rtrd r).'n* {trh Sel n 7000 .r Dir6tun I ofrhc l\ii6r dd <br />P,oa6nn!(i{.)or$.r h.orsh. is.tcdplrh6.from Dd lh. b.ris f.i rn all.scddofln'n Ant\nrhtn,nofse,nn70:tl5 bJ ey <br />i|] ior.tmil subjd!rh. dtpli.ant lo tr.ivilpcnaltyofnot nror.lhnn firc dollus (t50o) <br />-1. <br />s o{tr otrh. FrFny. o, my cmrhr6 *nh $,16 s rhcn $k tunposatFn. $ill dr rlE $dt dd llE cnxl@ b nn <br />inrddd oro,tscd for sLlsd 7o{,1. B|i6 dd ftDtsioBCod. Ih.(bntradoi!l.k€Ml,sdo6.ole9l!r.eolFor <br />rh. F)Fry $tk) b!il&or iIrFoE rlE6n, turt qhr &s d$$ hins.llo, tdlf{r rlr.u8h hB (r iq orr .mplov.6. <br />purvid.i rhar !u.h ihFo\dmlr 6. nol i'n6&i or onsql tu sk Il kJ\6 6. tlE buildins or nnlrov.lmt ii eld silhin nnE )d <br />ofcompkion. rh. O\rrq ttu d.r snl havc r,'r hoftlo oaFoiry thd h. or i[. did nor huild or im,roE ti. pi'fEIy for fi. purtns of <br />-l.6oqn6ofrh.F.Fn), <br />m .onkaclins s h l'.aNal qrheroEroN6tud rh.Ftj<l(sd 7O11. ttli.B <br />.nd Piol6M Codc: I hc conlr!.rors Lic.ns.Ii* d.6 not lpplyb m o\nd olpoDdy sho builds ot mprdlcs lhaon. <br />rd sho Nnn a* tu slch projrts {ilh i Contdo(O l(.n*d puElltrl lo th€ Conlrtcrol s Lic@ lns ) <br />I mc\oror undd S(rion <br />D.l. ohn.r <br />ttoRxllllst-ollP!:Nsa l-loN <br />l!l;tl484llll! <br />I l'(cbr imnn unds p.Tahy of Fjuh_ on. ofrht tollo\ inr d.(leatnrnr <br />I hr* srj $ ill roinlain ! ( cdifkar. ol(\nsr to s.lf-lBur. for q\,knr omp.nsrion. &r I'o\ idcd nt bt sdsn :uoo otllE <br />lnbor ('o{( fdr r h€ pofome.c ol rh. so* fo. which rh. p6mil B (sucn <br />I hr\c rnJ tr1lln,.'nr3m *o'keI1 .oorltnsrrk)n'nstrxn...:L\rqun.all]5{ri.nr7rxr.frh.lrhtr(fd(.idrh!rihqrn(.!r <br />rh. \.rr rn \h'chrhiiFnnt s isu6l M! sor io. itMm. caaE ail Fltt numb.r d. <br />,rv i]t4\rt <br />l.$ittrlDr inthcFfotrhaft.of dr$o for u'hrch rfits n6mil $ Lsitr.d. I $all oor dnl'lot an'_ Fa,. in dt Dnad <br />$ sI t (d,i. sub](l N rh.*0*6 q nl<neton lr*s of('tlifomi& Md lrc rhar ifI rh, ld h.Lonr suhNl kr rh. <br />\o m..trrl$sliotrrftniei66orsdn tT00 of thc Llrtr Cod.. l stsll, lonh$ nh $ndy *ilh rhos Pmvi\ud <br />TVARNINC lhilur.lo ettrr. solkdj coflrlEmalFn corsry. ir u.hsrul. md shall suhier M dhll(ryn k) oin nil FahG ed <br />(i{'l lin6 urr ro on. hundr.rl thoMd dollm itl r,. m addin,n (, tlr cosr ot rorrpctrerion. d iles 6 pt\ilcd lnr rhc <br />Ssrnn !0?( otrhc l3tfl(d. imdd.nd <br />,"", l0-)4-l ts <br />uuje.lrl]1]]]-Ui1qlx! <br />DI(IJAAUTIU <br />I hs.6) amm und.r FslD nf Fjur, lhd I M licslscd unds pro\ition of ( h,pld 9 lcoM'ns $ ilh kion ?000) or l)rvition l <br />,-,-"*a".r, B BqoSsr <br />to.2{- r9 <br />(I)NSIBISIAI{IENDIIIJJCEL(I <br />I h6eb illirn unds rEnrlr! oi psru.) rh.r rhE. Ba coNru(x'f, kndtrr!.td(y fot rhc rKfomac. orrhr \otk a.r sh'(h rhs Im B <br />su.d ts(. r0r)7. ci c ) <br />l.nd.irN.n'. _ <br />AtIII(3ILDI]CI.A&TIION <br />I ioq,!lfh, !rd.r pdah, of Fju.y on oflhc aolhrin8 d<lrhrio.. <br />DcmohionPqdil3 Asb6ro! No'ificdion l'.d6!l R.rul.ltrn!lTilc40, I'in6) <br />R.nur.ri lnrs of Nolincdirtr <br />-I <br />.d ify thd llE r.auL{io6 r.lsdin8 sb6tos rmo\ al tr. trol tu ihs Foi6l <br />,Er eiLrr r[d I rrn. rrad r|is mLirilionod\rdr.rhrri]rrli'\ctrilonirrnrrtrcor(l I i!(rro co rplt $ilfi ell Cirr_ aiJ (iru.rv <br />tr*.frh's ( il' Md Coun'yr(' cnrd uBrn lh.islina(6 dd si.r. L.$s ..ldins l( <br />,hn. morNrc! proFny ror <br />It <br />*" to:L9- lg <br />I <br />t. <br />r-)I