<br />Sile-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Lile Satety /Low Voltaqe
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bondinq i Groundinq i UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouqh
<br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouoh)
<br />Meter Release
<br />Rough
<br />Service Meter tl ll t rI
<br />FINAL 'la
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.t.,
<br />I hcr$y sltun u'xlq Fmhy ot n .rury rhd I dr .r.trq 6on thc Coflerd L.rnr ljr for rlE folbeh! llen is6.70ll 5
<br />Bunm$ o,n Pror.ssirn Cd.): Ary Cny or Cou y sttn r.quircs ! rEmn ro ondrr. .lrc. inltlhE &mlirh o. R1tu dy
<br />\tMtE. prin ro i'r iswe. {ls Equirc\ rlE.rnladr lor \Eh rEmir ro fiL r rie6l i'|.m lh, lr or nE is lirn*n puMn'
<br />lo rh. Frviri,ns or llr Conrdn's Latnxrl L!* (Ch. s 9. ColmEins with S6rio. 7(Ix, ot Orvarbn .! or rlr BBirs rnd
<br />PDfcsrtunr Cqlc, q rh.r lr orsh. is cr.dpr rtErtons.d In b.\it for rhc rlLgdl crcnlrio. AnyrnLrhnofs.db.,031.5b,.n,
<br />i iri(ld fo. ! Fmil rubidr rrE .tt ltr lo r .iv il FMhy of ml mrc tlun fivc nud,rn dolldr (t5(I)).
<br />-_ L rr osnsr ol r hc pn,Irn y, or my.nDk,y.us wnh wr8$ n\ r hcr $k comF.su i('n, uill d lh.!( nlllE\rdrEismt
<br />inlc cJ o. orurcd nr eh ( SLr 7o{,1, aulirr$ okl I'ror.$iuN Cdc Ttu Conrracl,,\ l,i!cn{ Liw d{E\ nor Dpply t' an.wn.r or
<br />rhc pmpcn, *lr,lrild\or i'ntrch! rh.d,n. dd wh. d*\ \kh wort hi'tu.litrrh.s!lforrhn,u8h hh or h.rowtrcmpbyce\.
<br />ln,vidcii rlur \u.h imprcvcnEtrr{ N nor inE xl.roncEn ritr sL lt howcttr, rh L{ildiht or irnn'Eni ir $ll wirhir.nc ru
<br />oi.omnLlirlh, rlf, Owr{r Buildcr willMw
<br />'rE
<br />hxilnolpn,vrnS rhd tE or rhc dii mr luiu o, in{r,t rlt ptr,rcny lnr rlt I rF $or
<br />l. !\ orki ol rh. Imr.ny. !n crclurivcly conrr.rios rrt liensd onrrlor b condtuc! rII lf,l.d (sd 7044, EBmrs
<br />a i [h6{,nOrL. ThcConr*bar Li.cns U* &Er k +pty ro r. ouftr ol rroFny wh' buitds or imprcrs lrErNn.
<br />nnd *ho o n]1l ror sh rrDrc<s wnta G)dr&1o(.r lEc.cd rurMr 16 rIE Codtub LacM ljr)
<br />I lhcknor ud.r SNrhn . A & PC lor rhFftMn
<br />Ir3l.: ()tt.
<br />mrntir-ts' t rnr prns.rrlirs
<br />lJ[g4LEAIl9[
<br />I h.rrhtrrltrhtr,l.r Fnn rrui tirjurr.D..lrh. l,,ll('$'n! dr.lnrrri(nr
<br />-l
<br />h!!r od *ill nuinroii 0 Ccnilcure .l Conc t ki Scll l.\urc t( sorhc^ rcnlp.nsorion. os Dnrvilld tur by Scrion l?fri of rhr
<br />tit!tr Od., ior r hc p.rforlwc of $. *o.k for uhich lhc ixirni h nsEd
<br />Ll hnE Jnd qill
<br />'E,nran
<br />rorldr comFnr!! ion nnuEmc. !r tcqurc{ by Sdion -uoo o, rh. Lrbr Codc, for lhc Frfotu. ot
<br />!tu *or* itr *hah lhir Fmn it irsi.d. My $orlctr .1imF$.lnn in$r.re crrtr rd F,li.y numls e:
<br />, ,,. Eyt?EJT I .\r't \nt ( .co Hi +P'{
<br />?tt6vr{ooo 5 42,\{ I t tu ozl
<br />_l.cnrly rltrr rh. pc.lontur..col rh. w.rl kr ehi:h rh't tl.rfrir r s(ucd.l ihdllndt cnlr lnoy JE^.n inonyrunNr
<br />w,i\tr'h.( r ub}(1b thc workcii compcn\(n,n h$'olC( nrtrH. drar-rhrr irIrh'ulil tf,.om nrhi{ n,rh.
<br />*rdc^ . nl^_nuuotr lirovisioN ol Scclior .lTlro or rhc tihn (irlc, l \hrll- lonh*iih .onrlly $ ir h rh,r ln,va intr
<br />WARNIN(; l'r1lrr ri \.curc wortc^ contrtr\(tr r.vrrlsc r( uflo$Iul. rtr,l \hr1l \uhirr s', cnr orrr t, dnitul FUhf,s ahd
<br />.ivil 6lr\ !f r,otc htn,lrcd lhou\rni Jolln'\ l:lllx).(xxD- in rJJirtrn t,rhr.o{ ol . tlft{rrn. ntu8.\ $ nrovi.d Lr rh(
<br />S..r({, 1076,,1 rh.l]htr(ix]l.inrrr.(xndnrktrrrv \ l!...
<br />\lr\l2t
<br />I lEEh, rinrn !nd.r lEMlry ol Friury ld I !m kusn udcr I'trlision olch4ls 9 (ooftrin8 wnh S.<rbn 7mO) or Davi\ion l
<br />of rllc aurift$ 3id Pht s5ioB Cqlc, rd ny la.cn* as D tull r{trr rd .ilct.
<br />(20 +qql10
<br />\ l2\ [ 1\Pa"i ''oa.--J E}V tCE
<br />C t{,lr Vt0X,!ltur&tlraruirollljrllirM
<br />I hcrcht llrtr u ct Fnlll} oi pcrjlry lhrl rhcrc is r Nn{rudi'n lcndhsr8cE, roi rh. F.L,mer olrh.sxk rur *'hth rhi\ Ftrrir i$
<br />irsu.dtsd 1097,civ. c.r.
<br />Lrrd,r .rntr ud.r pcn.lly ol p€rrury om oa rh r{,lt,*os d(lrali,nr:
<br />Dcnnirirn P.rnf*Asb.nos NorifEarion FtdcrulR.8ul r, (1irk40, PM6)
<br />_Rcqunrd l.tr.r of Noli,iqlion
<br />! ccnilyrh{ rhc ndcEl rcsulations rcsudins NL\ro\ r.nxrval urc nor rpolicrblc t, rhn pmh(r
<br />J-!al ccn ily rid I hrvc Md rlis applaono. ,rd nar. rhar dc fi,vc i.iarro! Nn is corer I lsra h $ rply *(h ilr ciry rnd coonr y
<br />ordindr-c* rfr, s',rc tf,w\ Rbridg r. building cotriflL'D.. dd h.Eby luthoriz npE*nrurilcs olrhrs Ciry lnd Coutrrr ro c.r( upon dr
<br />;;;-;:,:::::;:."w;i
<br />Pcmr,N 'un.D.hr: lE,\.!l \?EP u'\qr'
<br />,,r,, I t2l l2l
<br />UIr;lfrfllf:rllitl'l
<br />Rcv OA-O7-2015
<br />\4---
<br />-(2---