<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water-Under floor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Buildinq Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Pipinq
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rouqh Water Heater
<br />P{raplDrain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous \
<br />Gas Service 3-7"2)YJfl.ic)I
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rough Plumbing
<br />Final Gas Test I
<br />Meter Release -lt l//)
<br />FINAL
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc tt
<br />[,,t.lvL t-tl ,aLhr,\y fldueb
<br />up, or p* ay6pp noV
<br />2![Q. tfu,e- Lpte .utf .
<br />I lE!b, .fre uoda Frry orFruy rll, I d qdF t!6 {E! U.d. le 6. th bbwn8 lU. (S-.7Orl 5
<br />Bsi!* &d Co{.)r Aly Cily o. Coudy *{th llquic . pdoi lo @!dod. .Iq, @!rov., d@liti or EC.n 6y
<br />iEu.rur., Fir ro ir. i.sE . .ho rc$iE t rpdicd 6r &.t FDi lo 6L . .iri.d .lroEl rlll L or rlE it Uca..d Frad
<br />lo lt. lovirioE ot tlE C!ffiri tjl6l.d lre (cf'+.d 9, Cooo4ii€ wih S€rit 7m0 of Din b! I of ri. B6iE nd
<br />rtufdbs co&) d thr h. d !t b acrF lla6oo Dd 0|. tdr i,rti. db.d qcifbr Ary violrbn ofsdbt r0ll., br.!,
<br />elirlt 6. . Fri su..rr dE Tpli...r lo.rivilp@iyof or @Erto fiv. hlldtd dolrB (3500).
<br />-1.
<br />! otE oftlE pllFry, n Ey qrplo)d *nh *.s6 ! th.t oL @DFdbn. wi[ & t sit ltd th. nisE i. El
<br />i!Ic,.!.d ororald f6 l.h(S..?o{1, ButE&d Prot ioN Co&: Th. c!d-1dt tj(re L.w &6 tui.rpt o e ow of
<br />tlEFFty wto hill d irp.oB rtdEo. -d wt5 &. -.! El ti6*Uo. }a*lfor !hw$ t! d lE oB @Cbt!c1
<br />Fovid.dd, Bh iDFo@rtGDl ic'd.d6oitrd 6.rL l( hortq. tt b;!{-rdilFaEEr LDldw nrG)E
<br />ofoqlrbtr rbo\rcBilldri[ hEUEhldaofFlvilb t orS.(E Ea hitdiryDwtt FlFly tfin !4cot
<br />-1.
<br />! (Ms otrh. FDpdry. d dchli!.ly .onE-r!!s wnh lics!.d .on'.rm lo coEllucr rh. Foird (se. 704,1. Brir
<br />.rd Eot-iE cod.rTlE C.dn lolr Ltc.rc l^rw doc mt Tlly lo & o*E otFoFl, wh, hitlr o. iDgtuvd thaoo.
<br />Dd *lb oir*t fr tu.t Fj<cr wirh . con6(r) li(a.d FErr to lb Colrr*rd ! U@. try).
<br />-l
<br />6 cidF uldd S<1io. . B. & P.C lor lhb lE$[
<br />D.t.: o,r.i
<br />rroll.ESg'cauSIdsarlQxDtclJaarq!
<br />I td6, .ffim 6& pa.!y otFrEy oE ol0E &lowEg &bab6:
<br />-l
<br />h€ndwi[ ddd. C.riti. of C@l !o sdr-tD!. fo.6t6 oi4E bt . Flvid.d tut by Sdio! 37O 016.
<br />t !d Cod., ft.ltc Dqf..rc of U. wl br9tA! ll. p.Bil a
<br />I hsc &d wilt Mrtd cohlccdion i,.tJtuG. d Equi..d by Salioi ]?m of tbc Lrbor G'd.. trr dE tElolltr. of
<br />. * t tu whih rhi! Fhn ir b!h!d Mt *ntd oord!.br ilw aia .d policy .u!hd ,.:
<br />I','l'!r \trnn\a I \PI.s
<br />-l
<br />.diry dll ii $. Ffolll,lG of &. srl tu *ni.h thir Fnn ! iB{.4 I ddl not @9loy &y Fh i! &, ''1!E$ s to be.@ stier ro tlE wt6'codFErio, lu orc.liftlEi ud ta6 Or if I Sorld bclc &tid ro lt
<br />wld' @dpa.nio! Flviid ofscliio 3700 offi! lrt . Cod.. I rlul, frtnhwnt ddpty *itt dr Foviti,E..
<br />w^Xlrl G: f. e b ce wta'@n arrb! @vs.g. b @l*'tul .!d drn nlbici & ddoF to cioild pa.l!. nd
<br />civil tulc up ro onc hundr.d lho6&d dolbr (, i! .<Bni'D ro rh. con of oEpd.riol! de+€ ! ,ovi<Ld tu ltc
<br />Selio! !016 of th. Codc. hr6I od loEy r f6,
<br />DEI.AEAIO!
<br />I hq6y rrffr undd pd.ty of Fisy Ur I o li..a!.d u& poviin ofch.F6 9 (@i.8 wlt Scria ,F0) or Diviri(n !
<br />of tb Au&B rltl Protu ioq co.t. id ny lie i ir tuI for !d Gfti.t.
<br />I (.n! \xtrn\l
<br />I ha*y .frrb uldE Frly of Fjoy dlr tha. i . @lirudiE bdils .asy fo. tlt F6rr. ol tlE !.tt tu tdti.l' lti Fnt i
<br />ha'.d (56. 30rr, Civ. C.).
<br />arrucaur.DlcuSauo!
<br />I Hr.E ur&F.tyotpriryoBofrt blb*t{ &Lrl|ion :
<br />DooEion PEnitr.A$.r6 Norif.aio. F.d6.l 8.a{hioE Oil. .o. Pi6)
<br />-R!qui!d
<br />f66 otfroau.rid
<br />_t cdiiry rhr $. 6d...1 qdri8 ,rsrtot r.aovd ,! oi dirbL io dt| FDj.s.
<br />-l
<br />Etrylt.Ibwlt d6. h i cont& I tr!.& .oqt*ititl Ctydd Coo y
<br />dd!@ od $& r.w.lrlira lo h,ildiry codrEi'G d trtl,rrtdn lrrqdriBof lbb cityd C.rn,lo. q
<br />'461t.ho€ ffikrd Fr.ty ft. i4.nior Frpo.a
<br />\t,Dli(rnr o' \,rdrsix trr 'r, l)rl.
<br />9lllFlllliF,lfr,:'t$
<br />I
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