<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water-Under floor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Building Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarrf ier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />P-trap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Piping
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rough Plumbing
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />--+
<br />Notes Remarks, Etc.
<br />FINAL
<br />I hdty .Iirn ur(b pa.lty of pdilr lt t a a.4r io tt Cod.-6 ti* l, br !r blbwiN t !.! (S...70:1,
<br />&!ind -d ftot iE C4&), ^!, Ciy c Cq,n, *it[ Equn6 . Fd ro @ortu4 .16. iit ovc llaoe d GFi, r,
<br />out !.Frrot AE&.. &,rt!li- tt +|idtorrdFEiloft..ii!.ditd Ur hor tE i liai.d FEd
<br />ro ib FoviiE of dE coGao.. u.d 1., {Clll d 9, C@@i!8 {it S<iio! 7@ ot D'vtbn I of t!. BunE t(l
<br />ProGd8c.&)dtt tdtt i.,qEd rlddlEldrt td 6. u. dlf.d a.4ir A!, vblrhaors.dir r0ll.5 b,e,
<br />Tplt il 6..FDh $ Tdi6r b..n pdtyof d DEt!- fM hD.H.buo{t o0}
<br />_1.s owoftt FFty, d Ey 6rpbr6 sth !q6. lh ir nl on' eil <b lh. wt od 0E rb6^ a ml
<br />ind dofrqld fcnlc(S<.70aa. 8ltEed Ptof..bB Co& Tt Cod-id r Lt@ Lry dos sr +ly ro Eo9cor
<br />{EFoFry wlb hrild or iq.r6 UE6l! .,n *ltl &a adr s* ,ri@lf or lEldl d rhmuSlt hi. 6lE oE.qbyq
<br />prcviLd rblr {ch iryDEE te Dt ir.rt d dotuld 6r *.lt ho*.q. tL tlildi'a d iiSD6E! i bld *iltb N Ja
<br />of@rqbinl th. oaG B{iBa wil h.E iE h!&. ofFDwB rta IE or {. (H ml hilt d Lq.E &. F.Fry 6r th. FrFx of
<br />-1.
<br />l! o$c ofrh. Flpdry. d dhlittly 6c.dii{ *ith lir!.d oar.roa lo olrrud dE Flrd (56. ,044. &!nE
<br />d a!t-d Co&: Tt Codr-rolt Li.6* Le .loa Dl @ly lo & oIE of F Fr, sho tuit! or i!,p.o€ dEdn
<br />Dd *to oEat fd s.! Fol'l wnh r codrd<r) lid F rtd b tt Cotrdd.. ti.oe L$)
<br />I d qaF ulrlq S6rbn-A &PC idrlni.lw.
<br />slaarll:cqMtBsAua!Dt-t rra ?tol
<br />I hq.ty .trm u.& pa.r, orFjury oE or tlE blow.a drbrliE:
<br />I h.E.d siu @id.i.. Cdi&r. olcoEn lo Sdf-l4e 6r srid ory.i!'. r Flvi|.d b, brsctM rT0O of li.
<br />trld Code Ff(,rlre of rlEeqr ftr wtE r llE Frn i is,.d
<br />-l lwc !d will minrlin e 6 corq@.rioo ituaa a ..qlircd by Sdih !700 oftlE Lb.r C.&, 6r tL Ffolffiol
<br />rh. srt ftf wnich thi! Fnir b i!$.d My *ortd @nF!.ioi i!!illE. @iE d polty i!nb6 e
<br />"--' F/a.--."f,\'-
<br />-
<br />I caiify fir i! dE FfDllllft of t[G srt fd *ith tii. F6i i. is.{ I .lul Dl qEb, oy tEa in oy E.E
<br />-.lobd!*.!ri..rlo$.s d Ls otcrli6di., -d {E rtr it l rlbdd b<@ di..i ro t!.
<br />N.La' @!F6r!rFovib6 otserb.lr0o of ilE t&. C!d.,I *il, Io.ltuti 6rdy vilt ttd. FriiE.
<br />cil 6!E up ro m ll{r(H rho@d d,U&. (, 6 dn
<br />Saran 10'76 olrlE tltd Co<lq inl6a.!d rlo.Er'r fc.
<br />I io*, .8'rD ulda Fu&y of FiBy $r | @ licqt .d uda Fviion orch.F- 9 (.lllffi68 enh scibo 7000) of Dilicio! 3
<br />of r. BuiE! &d Prceaiod Co.L, ad 6r lto- i. h tuI for.. od.ftcl.
<br />., ., .4
<br />C-o
<br />I ha$t .frrE r6ds ,ady or Fi!, d! tha! i r @drudbG bdiB +oEy 61 l!. Ffalla. of dE 6t &. dlci ub FDi i
<br />e.d (Sa. 1097. Civ. C )
<br />td& t^.ld*: _
<br />I hatb, .ftD u& padty of p€jBy oe or th. f.lloeiia &(hrri@:
<br />oaf lnbn P@il}A.bdr6 Norifi..lbi F.dd.l Rqlldiod (Ttl€ .10, tat6)
<br />-R.q!hn
<br />L.itd of Nod!.aiE
<br />I €ify rhr ln. f.ddrl EtoLIbB E8rtu{ -b6ror lqmvd & 6t .pplt bL ro ttar F.oJ<r
<br />fut -riryrrr r r'.
<br />'oa
<br />or q4i"eL' -a l,t rtoE tlfoldrgtr ir clffi. I .Ar lo ooply eilh .I Cny &d C.ury
<br />d!m6 &d sl.l. ks rddtB ro Uildi.r E!.g!riE of thn Ciy rn Coury lo da '+o! tlE
<br />lboE Idblcd FDFry 6.
<br />X€,,/,a1=1
<br />Et*!