<br />I hdlty d&o utd6 D@1, olFi'rr 6r I 6 a.r4r iod rlE Coir,ar6 LtqE t^ br ft. folb*ir lE[ (se.?0llJ
<br />Builld rd Pmf..rion Cod.) .tuy- Chy or Cou,{y whtb rotuiB t FDn b snarud, rls. i-Ptlvq <tt6lith or iD.n ay
<br />r.Er6., Fn(lo ir br&c...lo rtquia t# ryli{ ir rdtFd b 6tc..iti.d nra.d lt. i.6L.lird Fnn
<br />to rlE pDviib6 of dE conn*rd.t Lrw (Ct F6 9, coIffiiir wirh s6rih 7000 of Dili]ar ! of dE &!nE ad
<br />Profdioq Co&) c d'n lr q ds ir aaqr tirdlD &d rh.llb for dE.lk8.d qsldim any vioLrin ofs.cbt 7011.5 br;y
<br />+plktd 6r.Fdi nbi*rr tb. elbd to..ivil F.lryof d llE tlD fv. tudrd.lo[r! (tt{,o).
<br />-1.r
<br />6Gofit FoFir,6 oy.qbr6 wili *rs6. t[ci -L odtdioa wi[ do lltwcr.d oti,da! i br
<br />ard a ofrld &i.l. (s4tfi4. &l.iE -d Fo&rir Co<E Tlr cdrnddt tiE l* d€ 6l +drro - o.E ol
<br />lh.FFly elb tsild or iq!€ t @!. -d elb doo o<t6 hi@ltd lia*lf or tlFsri hb d lE own.qlo)6.
<br />FotiLd|ld eh nqo!!6 E br iradd 6otu 6..]. lt to*€, dr h|ildir d igoEd i-ld rll&c )rof.q&i!..t olrE Adda rO llE tt hr&ofFovitrh lEd-..E 6t hdd itFoElt.FoFty btlEFrrcof
<br />-1.
<br />- ffi of rlE FDFrr. oa.l6iEly @'rrdid8 *ifi li.6.d @dr-rm ro o'eud rh Ftd lsa. m4{. &.l!B
<br />cr<l PDiniD Cod.: Th. conrEcroar Lactu Lrw <to6 mr .Dply lo u oqn6 o I poDdr, who b(aldr or inprcE rhqon,
<br />.nd sta 6d,x! fc,En Frcl! witt.Conndd(r liq..d F,sr lorn Con..rdrLtoEt:r).
<br />lu'.\rmtr rkl.' s.lrknr il ,\ l'( I rh\'(.N,r,
<br />O,n6 -- -. ]laBf,E8lgllltlltar.l0!Illc|JaArllt!
<br />folry oG orrnc rollo*4 (bl-rD6
<br />.n. cdrf.r. of coen lo sdf-lBe ld wto MFurio^ 6 rovklln fo. !, scti.h l?m olih.
<br />llE Ffo|lm oadE wr fo. $nih rh. FEn ir isxd
<br />.,!d *ill Min b r.rto .orqddbi {Bllfta B &qui,!d b, sdrion !7m oltlE l,bo. Cod., Fro|lm. of
<br />wr 6r stth ftir p€uir i. in d. My wto oqd!.bn idlltrc crria -d Fli, trmba G.-- Sfa.*<- F-^J
<br />L Ed ltEll ou.d e dplold ro oalillpcdi. rtd
<br />.ivil fiE rp lo oE llrH tlb6-d &lL! (lloo.oml..or ot.on9autior rhrs6 B Fvilcd td E
<br />\rLrr!, I r1,.r rl,! I rhr ( ,ic re,$r trrl
<br />o".,3 - ll -2^
<br />Dtcljlarxt!
<br />I haby .lIm unda Frlly ol Fjuy lh.l I d li€E d ur& F$vi'ioi ol Cnlpld I (olffiiis walh Sctb. ?000) of Divirion 3
<br />of rt Br6iB !d Pbfinie Co&. rd oy lioE 6 in tull t c tn dIEr
<br />c-3
<br />,,,, 3- t6-20
<br />Italty.ftou'& patyofFjcyt lt ! i. omndb. b!.Es tE, br lt Fbr. ortt *ql6r *tinlti Fii i
<br />t uld (S... i097. Civ. C ).
<br />AllICAtrLD&qljSAIO!
<br />I hq6t .lIrE u,rds pady orFjq, oE ofrn. folhsq &.LrdioB:
<br />Damlilbn PqEnlArh6l.r Notifrcdio, F.dsrl R.SuLriod (Tnk 40, P.n6)
<br />Eglldio6 r!grdi.8 Btand @u.l o. d .Flsbt b fiir FF
<br />\. rlnnn3rk.n tr ro'r( I i!,cr.(fn,t,lr \rirh{11( r\ on ( irtrr\
<br />l'.dr rlnlEir ltt qdrrn€ of fiit ci, od Cot dyro.dE uF. tt
<br /> d &or S@ru.
<br />€,2-att K €s<,qn
<br />J - l/-2o
<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporalive Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Bough Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Range
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Tlpe ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL llln lzo tb6 15
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />r"r*,r**, ?? ? o3-? - l? or*, lQ-l-)o
<br />-l
<br />qriry rtl b tt Ffolluc otoE F* foi rlrtt rti FDir b ie.{ I !t ll er qleby Ey rq&n b ey tffi
<br />. . to b6d ducr n ri. Et.rr'6nriii6 LB ofcrlifotun &d tG th{ if I rtolLl heoc trOhs lo it
<br />wtd @qdnoFoviiEorsarirlT0ooftbL&.cod.,l.b[ tothdio.d,stttb-Fovi4.