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INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OT.NEB-IIIIITEB.DIICAAAIIAX <br />, ha.b amm utrd.r p.nalq olp.nurl rhar l rn.rmpr fom rh. Conh.rm' Lic.ns. LN fs rh. folls,inr Bon lS€ 70!l J Bsrn6s <br />,nd Prof6sion Cod.) Any Cirr or Counb s hi.h r.qui6 a ro c.6rocr. alt6- impmv.. d.mlish or cpan ,\' slructN. pnor ro iis <br />nsurm..rk.rqutrsth.4Dl'cantforruchp.rm'rbfil.asilndnaro.niiharh.orsh.nli..ns.dpuBunrroth.psvhi666frh. <br />Contrrrois I icos.n lj$ tahaprd 0. (.mn.nona wirh Sehn 7flro olDivrro.I olrh. ausi.6s.nd ProfdsiN Codcld dEr h. o <br />shc6.ispr rhdefrm and rhc b66 for rh.allcled.\mpron An)\bli.onofsenonT0ll5by.ny.pplic. fm . panlt subr(b rhc <br />.ppli.anro a.iv'lp.nalrr.fnor morc ihai fi\. hnndr.d dollm (t1001 <br />rc t. a. n'"na nr tc propcny. or tr,t .npli!6 qirh {a!6 $ rh.t an. co,nD.ns.non. *ill do rh. *rnl &d rhc stu@ <br />'s <br />d 6hdql <br />or oflcd for sl. (S< 70,l,l.8usin6s and Pma.$ions C.i., thc ('ontrlclois I 16$ ljw d6 nor apply lo e 6ns oalh. rrc?.ri, <br />trho build\ ff impnrv6 rh@n. dd tr ho dc sEh wsl hims.lfor or trough hG o hd own dplo) 6. pmvid.i rhar such <br />i'nDm! 6n6s e d inGidcd n orT.rcd i( el. ll he a6. rh. bundin! or mpilemm is $ld qirhih m ya olcmDldd. rh. <br />O$ n6 lltrildr $ill h3\ . rh. hlrdo of rnn ii! rhd h. u sh. dd fr! huild tr imp's. rh. prop.a lm (h. prrBx. ofs.l.) <br />Eq. d o* n6 .rrhc ptupsty, ,n .rcrrn .\ conMdin! qnh lic.trs.d conh.r.B b conshcr rh. Foi-t (sd 7044. Busins &ld <br />PolNnn ( odc Th.('onr.dorsL,c.ns.La$d..snorrrpl),haiown.iofprop.dyrhobu,ldsorimprov.srh6.6n..nd <br />trho.oitracclorsuchDFjcLsllrhaC.nnadonnlrcnsdrmuerrorh.Contdn-sLic.ns.L.w) <br />Not anr.\.nrni lndersd'on <br />uof,xEall;olrt[lrArlo!_0EctaaArlo! <br />I amm und6 p.6rh, ofp.rjury.n.ofrh. f.llosin! d.(liBtioB <br />"ott"u.,ndoitt*ln,nlnna.nincarcofcotr* h Sd f-l6u( fo. workm conD.Nrion. 6 provid.d lor by SdrF. ]TOO ol rh. <br />l.ab.r (ird.. lor rh. Ffomrnc. of rh. wo lor which rh. I).mil k Gsu.d <br />lhar..ndwllma,nra,nworl.R'conltns ioninsumc..asr.qundh)SErionl? <br />1!o* iir \rhr.h rhis p6mn B i$o.d M, rork6' .onD.ns tun ihsurin.. 66 dd policy numb.r ,r.: <br />I c.nrfy lhlr h rhc p6fman.. of rh. q ork frshi.h rhn r@n is lssu.n. I rhill mr fid.) r.y pdson in My fr.nnkso <br />as ro berm. subd ro rh. uo*6' comp.nerion lr*oIC.lilomr. ind 4c thar iflshould bftom. subjcr ro rh. rdl6 <br />comp.nsr'o. pmvisi.nsofSarion lTmof rh. trbor Codq I shrll. lonh*nh snDly rirh rhos.pbvissns. <br />$ r\IN lNG, I'iilure ro sduE s.n6 .mp.N.rion covmt. <br />'s <br />unlisiul, md shlll subjer an mployd ro aimiMl p.n h6 ind civil <br />fincs !t ro onc hrndr.d rhousand '10ll.6 (ll{x).lxx)),,n rdd M r.rhr.Gr of.ompdsation. drf,rgB 6 pmvrd.d fd rh. S<rid 11076 <br />oi rh. t,ah( ( fti.. rnr66r and dr.nq s fc <br />LIfEIIED-(AtrI&lCI0trlll;0rI&UU <br />I hdch) amm trndr ncnah\ ofpciL'r) rld I m lic.nad trndo Fm\ti.n ofChlrr<q l.omm.ncin! sirh Scrion ?01x)) ofl)iltion ]\ of <br />rh. Brtfts and ltoksn,n\ aod..3nd nry ric.trr6,n tuI fo(..nd erT(r <br />coNlaltcuoli_Llli.Drlllcruc.t <br />I hr.qq anim nnd6 p.Exy olFiur! rhat rhd. is a coNrrucrion l.ndinA 4ery irr rh. p.rfomtr. of rh. wo* lor whkh rhs p.mir is <br />su.d rs.r :r0q7 ( if ( ) <br />a.Pfl.l(Adl-D[ctAaArt()! <br />I h.r.ta lltim unde' p.n!ltv of p.'lua o...arh. iollosns <br />I).tuil M P.hniyAsb.nos Notlic ,on F.denl R.qllatons (Tnl.40, P!n6l <br />rc R<tr'cd Lc .rdfN*ifi6$n <br />Y1 I sdit rharrh. r.ddilEs,narois r.lirdin! asb.srs rmovalar. nor apphcabk ro rhn pord <br />Yff <br />t .at6 rt ur t r,.". *oa rr'i. arprrcar ion and srar. rh.r rh. .bov r as* ro co,pry * h an ( ,ry iid ( odr) <br />ordimncG rnd Srd.lrws fttarint ro brildin! c.Brrucri.n, ula h.rcI'y aurh.ria rcpr*nlarir+ of rhis Cny and Coudy ro016 rpon rn <br />ahov. rrcnhokn pNFly for inslet'on plrpos <br />Reroof <br />Roof (Diaphragm Sheathing/Frame)7 -tA-2r <br />Structural Final 7'LL-a t Er, qa <br />Under Floor / Under Slab <br />Rough <br />Shower Pan / Tub Test <br />Water Service <br />Sewer / Sewer Cap <br />Gas Air Pressure Test <br />Plumbing Final <br />Electrical <br />Service (Meter / Panel) <br />Grounding / Bonding <br />Rough <br />Electrical Final <br />Mechanical <br />Gas Air Pressure Test <br />Rough <br />Piping (HW, CW, etc.) <br />Exhaust Ducts <br />Note6. Remarks. Etc. ,/'tltllt: lL tv vnec |1,,-7,f}'r.eur/ <br />Plum bing <br />lvlechanical Final <br />tu