<br />I lEr.ty llrrn un&r Fn lr, ol Frury lnn I m cr.trpr frffi rll C.r.r.r6 Litu t { ror tlr lolL},B ron (S...m11.5
<br />Aqini\ ,rn Plsf.sbn @.): An, Cn, o. Co!,rt, *hkh r.qulE. r Fmil lo co lul, .116. nrpmt, &mlirh o. EFn sy
<br />rlni-r@, Fir ro ill n.llGc, iko EqliB rlr qDltl,r,o *hFri b nb. ri8..d r&rE lhdlEorlEirlie:n Frl:d
<br />t. rlE FolnioB oI d. Cd rJld\ Lid.d L.e (clu9r.r 9. ConmrinS enh Sdlion ?0q) ol Divirron I ol dE AurEs Dd
<br />Pbt sbnrCod.)ortl lE d rlE t dcrfl rhddiom rrn rlE b.ii! fo, rlE.lL8cl.knq*[. tu, vi,blio. ofselir r0ll.5 byu,
<br />.I'?li.trfG.FnnsbixrttlE.plt.rrro..ivilFElryofmrmErhDfiv.h! jr.n do[ri (t5!0).
<br />_1, .r ov6 or rtr F,Fny, or my dlpk cr ri.h sr86 a. rlEn $E,c lld'dE'qt!ndElErrle!mt
<br />inlcd.d or otrer{ for olc (se.7ol4. Burircs ud Phr6.i'6 C.*: Th. Codddt L6- bw rbd d +t y lo.n oqE ol
<br />rh.FFy sL lxil& c irrlG tlqa an 9l'o dc sn qxt hitult q tftlf q rhou8h nir ( trr oen cn9!.y!d.
<br />nrnviJcd thrl sEh in{mwnl!emli.ri.doroit(dfttrrE.IlIIEE,tlltoiEiBmlrFltc iriBpLibcF
<br />ofon+Lrioc tlt orvE Eulls yill LE dE hli. ol Fovin8 tL lE r .lE dn Bll bib c lqmw tlE pDIEry tu l,i puq-. oI
<br />I tr rcxcnr trr,h:r Sa
<br />lr]8ECSr.sgUtrUrArXqN
<br />DEslaSAllo!
<br />I tmhy rmm und.r Fn Iy .r Frury oE ol lh. fulh*lg &.Eoriont:
<br />I h.E !n vill . C.nific. of ConEnt lo S.lf ltlsB fG sortqa con{f,ruc ion, $ Ftrvi&d for by S*riJr lmo or rh.
<br />t2bor Codc. for rh. Fnmrc of llE lurt lor *hit
<br />'lE Fml ! iiqrd
<br />_l hrE and rill mi.'ri. sd.R omFB.rbn rNurN.. G r.qliEd by Sdrio. ltD of rlE l,ls Co4. rq rlr Ffl,l1l.a o,
<br />rh. uoft tur whrh lhn pcmil is i$Ed My vrtf,'i,in i,ruruN. lrEr rrlFnry nun,ttr n'r
<br />l..n,r!rhnr
<br />'n
<br />rh.IErlo,truL..r olrh *o'\ fff n thi\ |lrrnd n (\ocJ. I \hrll tror c {noy rny lrBnn r ony NnF
<br />s srotrim bj.drorrEv t6 onFMb. Lerof C.lifomia trd rGF lnd irl iloldt.or otirl lorh
<br />Nrt6 oqrn{i,n prDvtioN d Sd htr l7m or rh. C.d., I ih,ll. fonhwirh o,pl, e,ln rlE- povrio..
<br />WAnNING: FrituE ro M w,tcR 6np.ndi,. 6Er8! r u.Lrtul. .,t nrl obFl u srpt ls ro aini..l Fdln .rn
<br />.id rEi up lo oN hu,nrd rbun rl
<br />Sdion :1016orF lltd/C.dc. h'Rrl
<br />,",,,_a/a4nr
<br />in .ddilbn lo th. co{ ol conllt,qlhn. d0ms.r tr\ FoviJ.d , rh
<br />(_A
<br />DQqlAtArxu
<br />I lEEby rrm ud.r FElly ol F iury lh.l I m litn!.d ui.ld Foviqiotr or CMFIE 9 (onEEinr with Sdtion 7qD) 6r Diirbn J
<br />or rh. Ausitui! ,rn Pl.f.saon. Co&, rd ny la..E a h tull r6E .rn .ftdr
<br />,**",-,,bcGl /rhi rc3qcqtt,tw,,ra Gi; EIE;
<br />grllrBucn$
<br />I lrrby.rmund., F lly o( tErj!ry rh,l rh@ n.onrrudi,n LdinS r8.Ey for lh. Ffoffi of lltwt ro. raltn rhi! Fm i!
<br />irqd (sd ,r87. civ. c.).
<br />I hilty limun&r p$ahy oall(Thry om of rlt t,lkr*'nE dftl-arx)ns
<br />l).,mliri,n P.rmas Ash.(o\ Nn,frdi.n ld].rrl ltcf uhrioni rTnk {0. l)rd6)
<br />-R.q!i!d
<br />L.nd or Nditr,ri
<br />-l
<br />6diry rllr tll 6.d EslLrinr Estrdil3 rlt nc Emhl e tll .pili..sL ro rhir FF.
<br />-I.d,rhiIhwEdrhnt*abnrnr.r.rhdtu.towinlo
<br /> qrEt iry ro h{iEttr coBllEl[tr.rn hd.bynthorir aFGsIniBof rhl Ci,rn C.u y lo ot6 urondr
<br />drtrt m.tdEn ,,sFny ir hqd
<br />\ pplicot or ABol SktuluE
<br />tdt cb"a
<br />13't
<br />Sel Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation
<br />Boof Sheathing
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framino ', -tS-" t I ErE?{a
<br />lnsulation/Energy
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req.
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Enoineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certil.
<br />FINAL 7 -t<-2r rzsrzP .lr-
<br />Certif icate ol Occupancy
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />Rev. 0B-07 2015
<br />_1. !io*nqof rhc,nFny, d.r.hBrkly.o ding wnh li(.rd.tuoN ro odnd rlE F.F (S.r.7044, t6iE{
<br />In msi.Cd.: Tt CrrnrBlor's Litn* L.w &.i tur.a,tlyro eoeF6f pmtdywho buildr o. inpbw. th.r6n.
<br />otrd wh, o ncrtfor such FFls wnh. ConrEronr) larnsn pldhir lo Ecofirrdi Li.r t *)
<br />Erection Pads