<br />Waste & Vent
<br />WaterUnder Iloor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Building Sewer
<br />Area,/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Waler P iping
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />POOL/SPA
<br />?-trap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Pipino
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanita ry Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rough Plumbing
<br />Meter Belease
<br />FINAL t>ltt lfr 1 &+a @
<br />Notes Rema Etc.Vt
<br />owNfa ,rtrB txl,c a^T(,l{
<br />I lEEl,y lLr !,!d.. Frn, ot p.riur, Od I 6 enfl ftom rlE Conrrd.rm LiBr l,r for rlE tullowh! 6!ttl, tsc.Tolt.l
<br />B8iftlr rn Prof.snn Cod.,: Ary Cn, o Cd,ry rhah rlgoid . Fnn to dilrar .ltd. !r!,rF dgqlitl ,r lP.i ay
<br />rr'Eie Frr ro tr iffi. .ho E+iB rt +pli.!i for odr Ftrir ro fiL. ntrd rr.r.Dr dEr lE d rll. h li.sN.d purairi
<br />ro lL FtvnhB of tl! Contrdor'r Lt .nr.d l,* (C1i!pta 9. Col|mNint ,irh S<lbn ?@ of Di6b. 3 ot llE A!.ir3 rd
<br />PrDGsi,m C.{c) or lt.r n dir k.En?l lh.cftbhr,n dr $Git tu rlr.lL,!d.e,flir A,y ri,Lrbn of Sdir mll , br.n,
<br />.rplilr aortFtuir sbFutlE .@lturro.dvilFf,rrof er nerh.rliE lN.dcdd6UE (tJ@)
<br />-1.
<br />a ffi ol rlE FFnr. d h, .lpbtcr rit h!.r - rh.i .t onp.driI! riU.t, ttr Ei .n di ir&r& L rr
<br />irqd.d q ollald fd iL 156 7014. BBI,B erl PtDfclir.t Cod.: -nE C.mIldt Li.cN trr &.r nd sly b e o'c of
<br />lll FlFdry wlD h,il.l d hrrcB dEa id dD dG Err rin hierd ha.lf d rl@'b hl a h.r om.n?bFr,
<br />Fotibd lh.I En !ryoEEd! e d ildil6d qoltt dld-1.ll EM€. tlE ttlndlE d nr|torE|ll n.B rnhboE )Eoforglrbr dr OvEr Blitl, ri[ h.r rll hlddr ol Fdit t,. tE d .* .lil rd hfl d in!.e dr FrFr, hi llE FFr .f
<br />-1.
<br />ri .ffi of llr F Fly. D cabrlElr.olrftri! eal li!6.d oE-r6 ro o|ldtfi dE Foixr (Se. 70aa. luns
<br />.rn hlhrinCo&: Th. Conr-rd r Lire 1,,.bd lPply ro &orBof ProFnriho hlldi r l,nptuB tlEei...d rho oi.x{. ld .Et FFcrl lnt . Coff-rd(t, !irr!.<l F,*!r io dE Cdrrtir! l-!sE tlr).
<br />-l
<br />in,crcnu unLlcr scri(,n .B &l,C ktrrh'1,ctrrotr
<br />Drl.r- OrBr worxnsrintrran iiirr_
<br />DECU\8AIqtr
<br />I h.Eny !flirm urda Fmlly of IE Ury oE onlE folbrhr &.hnrbBl
<br />-l
<br />i.E rn *iI Einlrin . Cdifr.rc of CoDr b S.lalE@ lm rortar'on!.tudi,D r F!vi,.n tor n, S€rb.lrq) olrtt
<br /> Cod.. ld llr FlortlE ol U. rdt lf rtah rlE Fni i! h.rd
<br />-lh.h.d rill milr.i, rn td'onp.drin hMr. s r.$ircn by SeriF l?q) ordr UDo. . h.lh Ffdtttc or
<br />t Et &. rtth dt' pdd i. id8d My rqt-! odFN.lion nM qir t n Fll, E,$6 c:
<br />PoIEY NuniE _EsG
<br />_l cnifr ri.r in rlE F.ftrm6 olrll *ort fq ltrih itn Fnn a! ir{ad.l ,hU mr.n?brerF.on b -y .il.lEs a ro t .or l,tFt ro rlE wra @nVcodi,n LB of C.liftni1 !n {N rh.r if I rlDuld tE or $bi:r ro rlEtu*d pmvirbni of S.db. J?Oo of th. Lirr Co&, l ilrlL litrrh*hh d,!!lr rhh rlrrc Fornnd .
<br />.Nir rimr up h or hundrd rhou$trd dotl.^ rlt ion. drd,.r I Fova.n f.r tlE':ilzltr
<br />I H,y .frr rn4r Fri, ol Frry rt t I d (]DdE 9 r Nffiinr srh S.<rir .(II]) of Diriri.n ]
<br />,'l rlr Btr!'r\ xnl l,'olr$trtrtr Co(1.. n'rl tr,r lr.n{ ^ tr' i,nlhtr.e Jrl!ll,\r
<br />BA 'Tdrtto
<br />t.L I?TLS t, ^e lr*.,h n
<br />I lml,y .,Ilrm u&r FMx, of Friry rh.l x r Llkl,n! r!, tr.y |,tr rlk A'ntr Lo.c ol rl'. tr,trI i(n *hirh rhN N(r[ !
<br />^\'.,lrSo. l(rr7. ( 'r ( l
<br />I @y tlTr6 lndd Fndf of Fjury G o, rt aolbah! d..brb6:
<br />D.mui,n pdnnt^.h.rr6 ildifErin Rd.rtl R.llhrinr (Ttl rO, P.n6)
<br />-B.q!id
<br />L.rrd of
<br />_l cdily rh.r rlE r.n r! EphbN E8idin! Bb6ld Em6l e Et +tli6b lo ltir FDFit
<br />I I .8r
<br />'o
<br />orplt *irn nl Cnt .td Counry
<br />trf\ or rhr (-'i\ ,'xl (iiumr r. cNcr utu, rh
<br />t lt-*trOt l^J fn rk{,g
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />ry