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SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BT]ILDER DEt,('AR TION <br />I hs.t'y arm und6 p.nrlry of Fjury lhd I m Grdpr 6oh th. Co r.ddr tlw for llE folowins rl&. (S- 701 | 5 <br />Buin* ad P.llBirn cod.) .y Chy or cod, whth r.quic . Fmn lo codnd. !rlo. iiFov., &mlilh or re.n ey <br />nrudw, Fir to ir! iMq rto Equic lh. +pli&r for tch Fnd td 6L. 3b'El nlod rhi h.or d'. a li6nd F,r!r <br />ro r,E FlvirioE of tlE , Lie.&d tr* (Ch4,rs 9, Com*i.s *nh S<rn D 7000 ol Diririor I of rlt BsnE .nd <br />Pruleio.s Cod.) or lh.r h. 6r .h. i! danp $s.nom md $. bari! for ri. .lt g.d qmption. Aty violilio. of Sction ?01 I 5 by rny <br />.ppli.d for . Fmir rubjetr th. .9plic&r ro . civil pdrlry of mr mG rhu firc hohdr.d doll6 ( l50o) <br />l.s oqF of rlE FDFry, d dy anplorB eiih *.s6 6 rh.n $k onpqsrn, *'iU & dE trut in 0E ffift i m' <br />idqrlqt c olrd.d for !]. {Se.7044. Buinc ed PtldioB Cod. TIE cdr.cld't Li.!B Irw &B &l +ply lo d o*G of <br />rh. FtrFty wlN tirilG or i,{r.v6 dE@tr .nd *tb dc sh mlt him$ll or hdlf or rtmush ha or ha om.mPltryc. <br />prorildl rld ruch imp.Dr@ E ml irqd.d o, ofrtld 6, nl. l[ lr*ss, ttF tlllJng or inpo\@l it $ld ]ahin o( ]- <br />ofotrpkno rh o{r B{iB6 vi! lrE lh. hd6 ofFovi'B dr lE ( ,! dn d hlild d itrgDE tlE FDFty 6. lll FirDc 6l <br />l. s offi of th. D.opqly, 6 crdBircl, coirlctfs wirh licns!.1 .o.trodoE lo oNtrucl llE pojd {Sc 7044, Ilaao6 <br />dld h.lsbn C.d.: Th. Conl.rclo. r LiGm l,w dc mr 4ply to i oq'n6 ot p.or.n, *lh blildr or ihFor6 lha@n. <br />Dd sho ondr lm {ch Foj.(s virt'. Glrrdo(r) ltoB d potld <br />'o <br />rlE Conr..ld r Liw la). <br />-l <br />en uids Sction-, It & P c torlhs rmn. <br />lr.r. orno <br />\rotuirRs ao PENsATloN <br />lrl:claaalla! <br />t hadt artrn undd pdait of Fjury onc oflh. follo*r8 dele.ltuN <br />-l <br />hl!. rd will mhhi, r Cdirrdc olcoM! ro S.lf'lEe 16 wt6r' .mFnrrio.. 6 Ftrij.d 6r br Sclion t700 oIOE <br />rrhd Co&. lor th. FfolrlE. ot E rqt h. *nth dE Fhn ir isEd <br />'h. <br />trorl lor shEhrhLp.init E Ncd My Q'DFu€rDn iBurM.. .mi6 En Inlicy numbs e <br />tblod_Erpn6 <br />-l <br />c.niry thi '. rh. Ffolllw. of rlE $ort fo. whi<h ths Fnn i! eu.d.l thdl mr anplq Mr_ FBn i! u, truF <br />$ s b b.oft rh lo tlE $wt6'on'FEiior kE of (.Ifomir a{ +r rllr ir I tnould b.coft sttirl to rlE <br />M' d comFsrion povaioN ol Sdion l?0o of th. Lrt$ Codc I Jull, lonnenh snPly wilh thr< proYilioN <br />WAANINC Flilur. ro so. erl6 compdlrion cov6!n. is unhwtul. od {i,ll sbjd d 6tlo}c lo siniEl Falb &d <br />.nil n.6 up ro oE hud.d t,klusd dolLE ltloo,firu), in.ddnion to lh..d of .6nFsioi, d!,!ss B Fovidn f lh< <br />\dri)n 1076 .r rh. r,h.r a.& <br />D.'.: u/4ll{d6d !.d .r ri! ac <br />r-1 <br />I nd.b, .Irm und.r Frny of FIry lhr I & le!.d u.& Forsio. of (tupld 9 lonmins * rh Setbo ?om) ol Diritbn ] <br />ol lhc BBjIB rd Plna6i.E cod.. id hy lk@ ir 6 tull foN !d.IId <br />L 6 I 0)77 Y ,-","* <br />I hcrb) .Ifto uBb p@.ny ofFqury ltr dE! i r lddi8 <br />isud (Sr. 1097. CiY. C.) <br />f.r th. Fftxrffi. of rh. *orl for *i(h thi! p6sir it <br />attltcaltDEcllaArrg! <br />I hddy .trm uodd p6!hy of Fjury oE of rh. follo*i.3 &tlt lioc <br />Demhio. PdIneA!6.rc NotifErlion F.d6!l R.3uhioB (Tnb 40. Pd6) <br />-R.qoircd <br />Ldt6 of Nolifr.lirn <br />I .diD rhd rh. f6d6d nsllnioB r.*!dss slEllo! Gm\ .l e. Bn ,pprr.bL ro rhn Erj.a1 <br />- <br />I cdiry rfi5 I hs. red rhi .ppladbn ald nir. $a rh.6b.!. infotuon 6 coErcl l.sGlo.o'npl} * n, rd <br />ordinuc6 ed Std.IrE cbl'.s ro blildin8 .on.licri.n e hd.6y.dhort. rcprMlrlivd of lhn Cny od County lo tquF.ltE <br />.h.\. rffirion d FhFnt aor itrrri<1ion pups qlxAppli..n( or Asdl 5hn.lur.r*2 W <br />Set Backs <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />,1i1) <br />FINAL I tblWq/^u4eil <br />Certificate of Occupancy I ul <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />I