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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG. <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />,9pas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bqnding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />To rquerng <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilin gs (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Jn.*,,,/jough ililtal <br />Service Meler I, tyl r 0t <br />FINAL t/ t,il t-c,-ruG /za, <br />Notes, Remarks Etc. <br />OWNET AUILDEN DET' R TION <br />I lE.6y .rm u.da p6.t, of Fiuy dr I c acrq ton rlE Codr..idr' tie t^' br 0E lblbwrg lB,. (s<.7011 5 <br />&!uB !n ProkDr Cod.): Ary Cny or Couny *hkh r.qri6 r Fni ro odM. .!a. i,q.oE &El!h or lF.i rry <br />hdG Fb,ro it! illee.h.,cquta Eeglirr for uh Fmn b 6b.3's,Ed n..Ed rhr L or .lE i lid!.d Flrrr <br />ro <br />'h. F$virioB oa tlE Cotu&r 't Li@n*d Llw (Ch.pr6 c, ( omtrils wht Sariln ,000 of DivLbo I ot rlE Buiru ed <br />Prclui)ro Cod.) or thll lE or nE ir amF tta!6oh r.d rlE h6it lor rh. dl.Bd danFior Any violdior olselbn ,01 L, hy my <br />.pplicl.l fur i pdnir iubjdrs rh. .pplicfil ro . civil FMhy or ml noE lhe fiv. hurdr.d dolle {1500). <br />-1. <br />s orEof E FrFrr. m ny mplorc whh x+6 6 ort $L @mpcti,n. $ill.b tlE $rn -d dE rMG i mt <br />inc'&,6oftord16rt(Sd.70,1t.B6irrdPmtuiECcl.:TLcodncdililuliwd6mr+lylouowof <br />llE ForEly \ lE bird d !ryo6 dEa rd *ho dc rdr mt irell or tdrllor rEoqh hn or lE o*n stPlotq <br />Fovirqllhd kh -4.n\€rEB E d -rdd donEld 6. rlc l[ iorEs. tlr b'reB r iqlrd i.B riir G )qofotrplde Eo*E B{ildd *i! hEdEunlaofFo\rs th. h.rtEdn lEr h,ildd inqrwllE Feory tu oEF4Eof <br />l. E ownd ol llE Fopdr, rn cr.luriv.l, con ( ins wirh licdsal co.Eado^ ro .oMtucr rh. pNjcl (Sc 7014. &!mB <br />&d hei*m Cod. Thcconlrkto, , LicGc Lrw &6 nor.r,pl, !o oown6 ofproFny wno build! or ihprovd lhdon, <br />&d sh6.o.rtdrforru.hFnjd.wi$!ConrrFo(r)lic6a.dDuluntoficcodncrdrl,t!Bhw) <br />I m .rdF u"da s<ti!._, B & P C fo. thi' @n <br />D.t. o.trd: <br />u<. r .omirrrs,lrro,,r <br />II(I.AaAIIAN <br />I smrm und6 Fnalty of pdjury omof rh. follo$inr &rlmhN: <br />I tuv. !d will mi.tlin . Cc! ifr.rc of Congt to Bs. trr srldr omp..dion, a Fnvid.d fo. by Setion 17Oo of rh. <br />litbr ( od.. ld $. Fforl!4r olrh. $$rr ad *ti.h rh. p6dit a isocd. <br />_l h!r. od I ill d!, u qdtdr' comFrrbn i!u.k.. s r.{dr.d $} Sdion l?m ol rlE L.bor Coda tu llr of <br />m iMC 6ir -d Flry sdbq rc:rh. 0o* fd shrh rhit Fn( u s.d My wrld <br />tlL lo /g <br />-l <br />cdriry lhlt in llE FfolrMc. oltfic work aor *hkh rhir Fmir ir i!ru.d" I dull no' anploy lny ir D, mun6 <br />$ s tr' t<!ft rubtx to thc world enFsaion h* of CrlifomL sd osr rhd ill rh,uld b.(oE sutiri lo UE <br />s.rld Nnp.rE lior provi6B ot S..! ion 1700 ofrlE l.Etr ( o&. l iEll. tonhu.nh @noly unh rhoe FsritirN <br />lAAlNlllG: FlilE ro su. wt6' mmFdion o6rr. i. uLrtuL .d ddl iutFr a dnploF ro sininrl Frli: dd <br />c!'l lin6 up ro oE hund.d rh.urlrl 6lld (tlm,mr). in rlldi,. ro <br />'h. <br />coi of .omF&ion. dar.a6 - Fot1d.d ror rlE <br />Di'.:lt ru"-.'--yq,H*l.\itti.rtti,u^.w <br />I hdny !fim ui& F!!y of Fiury thr I m licq!.d !.dr Folition of Ch.F6 9 (oIll'Ei.g * nt S.dion ?000) ol Dn'nh. l <br />of <br />'h. <br />BBiB od Pm&siE Coda nd tut liG a ir irll toc rn .ll<r <br />b tolly20 <br />r\g <br />I hqlbr .[m uldq pd!.tr of Ficr, thr 0!d. ir . @atudion rrditl3 r3dy b. rlE Ff('ffi oiihc *qt b, *ttth rhi Fri a <br />is&d {sa. 1097. civ. c.) <br />AIELICATI.IIESIAAIIA! <br />I h.rl, ,Itm undd Fnrlry of pdjury o.. ot rhc foUovins &.1trd nrro: <br />lltulition P6mneA3b6tot Norific.rion F.ddal Rquldioro (lirl.40, Pin6) <br />-R.q!u.d <br />tnlE or| <br />_l ldiD <br />'hd <br />r,E H6.l rqtuLlirB Egrdiie aldtor r@n d e dn b ihu FoF <br />I cdiryrh.r I hdr 'qd rh!.rplatrnr. ed 3n. $r dE.toE rforn ion is cortr I !s,a h onply f,ih.! c{,idCoury <br />ddtuncd lrd Srdl. L!$! Elrlls ro tuilding .or*ucrion. rn hdd't .urlbiz rcF6a d'v6 ottli! Cily .d Co6ty ro o16 'fon rlE <br />ahor. mrion n pNpqty tor iEl'.dion <br />,tIDllc{nl orAtcnlSigtr.lurc <br />Jr <br />\\{4 /t v <br />COMMENTS <br />lrl) <br />tt <br />t <br />Lcidd'r Addar <br />-)477t