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ELECTRICA .INSPECTOR BECORO <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFEB t^#2" <br />Transformers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh)J,x*la <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soflil Rouqh I <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Meter Release "{*iz- <br />Rough <br />Service Meter I I <br />FINAL 1 rs Lr ".I^x]?hNotesRemarks, Etc <br />OWNET BUILDET DELCATAIION <br />I lEdt .fltn u |. Fnlry of Frrury rnr I e .Eq,r 6Dn tlE Co ..16 U..E Lv &,. rlE folb*i,8 .len (Sa.7oll., <br />BuiB .,n Pmk$ih Co.L): tu, CiI, d C.ury whih 'qunB r !6ril lo Entlrirr. .XE. lnp.ovt &mlith or EFn e, <br />{Mn!q Frr k, ill it,]Im,.to lqtiEr tlE rp?lirnr for sh Fnlil ro Rl. r ri8ld na.nEr lh.t L q dr ir limlcd DBrn <br />ro th. phvilioN .f tlE CodErr 'r Li..nEd L., (ClnBd 9, CmEint rhn S6rih ?@ oa Divhbr I of rlE AiiE. ild <br />PtDrcsi,N Cod., c rh.r lE d iE ir .ktrvr tlE*Dd rn dt ld ih. tllr.d o..qti,n Any vbldbD of S<rbr 701L b, ey <br />rfi'lic.d fd r Fot sbidr th. .prlt d ro . civil p.oly of mt me ln.r fiv. hund&d .lolhn (ltm). <br />_1. ! o*Er oa rlE Fop6rr. conrr*riq qirt liccnEd co' rEroE ro @i*rEl rlE I,mr61tsd. 7044, ButiB <br />dl Euftalb.Cod.: Tn. Co.'Eroir Lkcne t w do.. mr rp?l, ro i owF otFoFny who burHs or i,'9Ew. tlEretr <br />..d rlD olrr-rr fd sh FDj.r$ rirh. C! Mdir ltlren FltgII ro rlEcodrrrct Li.@ L.r). <br />I !m q.mpl und.r Salion, <br />D.l.: <br />- <br />--- <br />Otn.r-*onnrrs\.oit-?,r-ii-rnlx <br />DTCI.AXAIION <br />I h.rcby lmrm utrdcr p.rlly of pcJury oE of tlE followh8 d.chr.lim: <br />_l h.r.d *ill Einlrh. Cdiast. olcoMtrr ro S.lIltlie tor ertsr aqrNrrion. 6 Fbvidcd for by Serbi ]7@ of th. <br />L{tu Cod., for lh. Frfo,rllre of tlE wqt fd pni.h dE Fnn it itrwd. <br />-l <br />.diry ttu in rlE FrformN ol E mrt ad rh.h rhir Frmir a ilrEJ. I ddl mr .rpl,y .ny Fmn in uy IuE <br />$ a lo h.<otr $6Fl lo lli Etd otrp.rt.lbo bwr of Gitomir. rd r8R llll l,I dbuu h.con rubid lo th. <br />{ort6 or{Ensrion pmvliio.s of Serion l?m oa rrE Lrbor Cod.. I null lonhvirn otlply wirh rlbs FDriiom.. <br />civil arr up b oE hunrcd tlbuEn <br />Sdrhn 1076 of rh. ljbor C!*. dfr{,+*4prr <br />orp.MDn oEn8. n untetul. !n rhdl sbFt D dploF lo aimin l Foli! tld <br />t$ t' rh{ ro{ of cnnlTnqr0n- dmscs r\ pioeitftd tur rh. <br />I tEEhv.llirr undcr !.mltyol'Frrury rhi Irm l n<nur vruon ol( hprcr 9( {ilh SerDn 7(xx, or l)vrrn:l <br />of rh. BusiEs xrd Prof.$iofl Co<L, $d ny lt.n( ir in tull <br />znzJ-I--cmLrtc (-u <br />I hdtiy .,Ird urj.r Fnnry of FJ!ry rhd ilEr ir . odrkrir bidbS Ffonlmc ol rh. so* tur ehih rhir F nir n <br />nsu.n lsd :l{r7.Civ. C ) <br />I dlray th.r I h.E r..d rht oplt.rion f\dcrhd E.ln( trlolful{ F!otu I rIGlo.oryl} *'rhlllC[] andC.unry <br />odimnc$ rnl Shr. Llrs ELrinS lo huild strucri,r utn hcE!, ruhorir EF*ndiEr of r <br />lhrw tr.rioLn F,Fny fr <br />'\t,uhrHnr or \|ttnr sixnnturr €t-- <br />*"'s);$ry- <br />Pole Bases <br />7/t /r., <br />_l- & o*d oatlE FoFny. d nrcnpt'rc.. wnh qF, tlEi' $L on .6abt! $U do {E wl rd dr tua i E{ <br />id.rd.d d oflsd fd sl. (Se.1*1, BaiEs [d PrDLsbN Cod.: TIE*tol ! Li..N Llw &.r rbl +ply lo I owM or <br />rh. p6IEr, whot il& !r ir!ftB thd&n .d *rb.ts rxt qrt hirerdlE lforb gnha.! rhaom.n?byc. <br />FviLd dd *n n soGEri! G <br />'Er <br />iEd.d do&(d la rl Il,lDEc. rlE bidit d ilr.oBEr i -! *rhnr * ruofo,rLintr d! O*G Builda *tll h.E th hrttn'B th.l ,E n nE dil ml t h tr itrproE th. FoFry tur lh FtrFE 6r <br />_l ll|E .'n qil vorlsr' .on{ENrbn iEurft.. a EquiEd by S..lhn l?m of llr ljbor tu . for tlE Ffffi or <br />thc kr* for *hin lhi Fdil it is,.d. My *orta @,FEdhr iE{!re ffir !n polt, turt r e: <br />AIILIC/ INI.DECIIAAIIO! <br />I udtr pcn n, of psi[, oE of tlE tulori4 &.LrJiE.. <br />D.@lirb! P6oi.-art trd tldifE dr F.dd.l R.8!hi,E Onh {0, Pd6) <br />R.quld rnE of <br />I crnifyrhd rlt LJcrd rctnlarons rc8rdin! 3\Ir(o' Rm)ulr. frn Jrplf,nbk io rhr pn,F_r <br />I