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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER IUIl.I'iA DETANAIOII <br />I tla.ty .rEE u',& p@ry or p6cy rr'e r o -.ar_ it -cJ-r-: -ri* r* r,. tr. tlb*ir ,tl- (s*-7oil., <br />&!i.6 d Prokb! Codc): Aly Cat 6 CMr, *iih E+,6 . pdnn ro oinBt d. nF.orq &DE d ,q* -yrtudu.. Fii lo r! iql,E.ho E$liq th. lplia 6, ut Fr, lo fi L. iF.d llqEr dla lE d ir i U.qn d Ft+- <br />to rh. Frii'B or dr Co r-rq r l,i!d te (ct+.a e. coBrEo! *th s<ri.. ,o0 or Divibi I of d! &!iE a.d <br />Phfr-bB Co&l d rlrl ll d .lE a aild tlEdlo -d rlE !.i &r r,E rlkg..l qqrdiE A!, viohiri of Sdri6 ,01 L, b, Dy <br />rydtd tor. FEi obj6l' rh. erli.&r ro ..i!ilFdtrof 6l tuE fi6 nc hrdld &In {tie). <br />t. B oqe ofrhc FnFty. or ny 6plo)c *nh $!96 r rh.n $k onFsahn. sill& tlE*!ri id dE rnEr@. mr <br />inlrrLd tr ofr6.d lM {l.156 ,044. BBin6 od Pofdiod Co& rlE Cofl.r.rol! Lt.e te &€ nor rppl, to 6 o\rG of <br />$c FnFry *tE h!il& or inFn€tlEE nd wlF &6sdrw* himr.lf.r hcxlf orlhmushnir GlE om dph)6. <br />pmti.Ld lh.l rucfi imFlEE t G mt itdrd.d otuEd tur d. IL l$@. llE bo dila d inqlvEEd i sld *ilhi. m )a.f..rplt6tr [E OrG &rild6 will lrc E hlth ofFovilB rti LorJE did mr hlu d inDrlE rh. FbFry &( E F4.*ol <br />- 1. ! ffi of llE FDFry. e ddlivdr.ol,*rr8 *it ltcd @in iqt to @duri llt Foin (Se. ?Oaa, B.i6 <br />.n hDhir co&: IE coir.-!o, r l.i.d. tn .bd ht .rply ro n oMa orFopcly *1b bilil d irlro€ rtd6a <br />od rto @d.Er&ist FDi.d! $tt. Codr-rd(r liE dFlE r brh.con da!trct *l <br />I h crmpl lnta Sdir <br />l).r. (hn{ <br />\t oRl(t k\'(0MPLNsi I l(tNutg"l&[la! <br />I h.'.h! ilfi rr trDdo rxnilr rr't(i,(\,{r. l rh. lnll(l'np nt{h' ox <br />-l <br />htw.n vill dir!.ir r CntifErc ofcoG lo S.lf-l@ ir f,qta orFlabo. 6 Foridcd &. b, S<lb.lrm ot{E <br />r,td Codc ft, th. Ffortlc! of 0E hlr h. *lid 0E F6i i aql <br />I t6..rd rill mid.h f,orlG otrp.6rb! i,mmc - r.{lriEd tt S<1in lrm of dE L.bor Cod.. I th. Ffnlmof <br />llE wrl fr dlih lhi FEi a ii..l Mt "dt6 o Fliih ne,.G ciE rl ,ol.y dDhq rs <br />ioli.yNunbcl <br />I ccnif\ rld <br />'n <br />rhc tEli'rnh (. ol rlrs.'l nn \hirh rhst <br />'ntr <br />r Bruc .Iihallnor o d)\ anr Fe,n,trtrirn,MK$ a\hrE.n'.nrUN'h'l'.\orldr nnBnsa'ion [\s.r( rrrtunin, rn,l irr(rhii iflskrrld b...n'. rh].d hriE <br />\orllri compcnsrion p,.' i\n)ns.lsdi,n rTlroofrh.lihr ( orlc.I rh.ll. tutrh$nh conrpl\ $irh rho* ro\isn nr <br />lflA&INC: r.ild! lo Gc 6ld 6np6.i.rn s!.8. i' unls'tul !n Jdl tubjdl &.rybF ro aiitn l palt .td <br />.ivil filE t, lo c hrdld $o6-d &llr. (1100.0@). b .ddib. lo rlE ..{ or 6'a.dio.. daad . Faild br $. <br />Sctbtr l0r5 oalt lrto. Cod.. bdr..!d .ldEr't k <br />I rcE rsE coNre^cmt <br />DICIIEAIIOB <br />I ha*r trm urd6 Fury or psiury {u I 6 li.gEd udb Foltb. .f Chta e (oltr@i.8 sft Setir 7000) .f Divitio. l <br />of rlE Buioa &d PrcftrioF Co.L. -d 6y ltoe b h tull 6N id .lE l. <br />cNr&rcDq!.Ian8E.AcIur <br />I h<rl,.ftiEdadryofFiryrL{Eli|cdath la&atc,lrll Ff..e! ofll l,r.rt $titlli Far i <br />ie'.d (Se. 1097. Cd. C.) <br />irlful.rlllDlrg.l8.\llA! <br />llEd! ifiinoidd or F]Ltry.n. ol'rh. i(\ll(nrins ddltrr.rnntr <br />lknn,l'rIn l'cmils'Ast.!)s N.rnir!rn,n lt, Rc3uldi,tns( Inl. rrr.I'rd6r <br />Rat,'r.d I. c of N,{ifi.{nn <br />I .di8 fid tlE Gdd.l'd Et ding .!a.n6 ,!D\d rc mr {?li.bL ro rhA Flrcr <br />I..tifylhi I h-r.adlhirrppltnirrnrr. r |n..h.E itrt ,Mi.. ircdrEr.I {Elo 6rd} rit.I Cnr rd Cour} <br />odim6 .d Sir. t^r Etit to 6uiLli,'a srirudiE dd hdlir'irhorh. E .€cdinq oir[! Cay -d Cdlt, h lra l+.n dE <br />.toE nEiio..d FlFry 6. lEpldih !rrG. <br /> 'l'.inr.r l Sirn{t r <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />Smoke Delectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ran ge <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />T ype ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Dam per <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL (/tilu <-^-..^rl *'on) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc u\<-../' <br />lnsulation