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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE to/stG.COMMENTS OW]IER BUILDEf, OEI.C R TION <br />I hdcty rlt(o u.& p6.ny ot Fjury lnt I a dalpr tom E C6&ao6 Lt@ t * tor lh. following ,en (56.1011., <br />BqilB !d Prof6i.. Co&) Any Cny or Cody whth r.quiB . Fni lo @nrNd. rls. nryrDve d.tmlat or rt.t &y <br />3rud4 Fio.'o 6u!e .!o ..quiE rL Fpltdr for &.h Fnd ro frl.. r's,Ed n.oid rtr h. or tE ii li.@.d F,i[r <br />ro rh. Fori.E or dE Conr,sld r Li6s.d L!* (clr4rq 9. Connftins wnh Sariod 7m0 of Di!i!i,. I ot tlE ErailB od <br />PrDtobM Co&) o tlu lE o,3lr ii q(q( rl'drtroE d rlE b... tor rlE.l].3.d qq4(im Ary vbLlbD of Sdbn TOll , bt o, <br />rpgltol lb,. FnI 3ubd! rlE .Opli..n to ..i!ilp.olty or@r mr. rta fiv.luflH.l('lln (1500). <br />l. G ow of rlE FDrErn q sy ErplqE l{h f,e6 B lld Fh @nra!rb,! *'ill d. l,E wt nd tlE 3dG i Dr <br />iiloiLd or ollqld t6 rL (sa Ix4, BsilB 6d Prof<i6B Cod. TIE Codrdtr s Ltoe te 66 ml .p?ly lo e ow of <br />llE FlFty sho bilh or EqaE rEEr lxl uho d6 sxt' Fll hnclf o. hq&lf or rhmu8h nit or hd om alphr6. <br />Forit d rh,r .uch mFn€Elr! G mi idad.d orofia.d for eb l[ lrM. th. bill!ry or mFovsEn i' 5ld vinh ox ]r <br />of@r'pLtiotr rr! O$E B{ilb wi! h.E th. hnln olp.svins $i lE d d!. dii ml hrild or inp.or. ih. FlFry lbr dE F,pos of <br />I, a om( dllh. Ir.rdy, m .r.lci!.ly contadins rnh licdsl co mciou to eNlru.l ttE pDjal (Ss 7044. 6uEs <br />.nd PDfqrin Cod.: l'hc Contr&rois Lic.trsc lj* do6 nor 6prlyro u os6d ofpropdy sho boil& or inprovdrh6on, <br />sd *ho co dr for $ch Frj*B wnh ! Coddois) licoB.d puMl to lh. Cottr&1or'r Lic@ L,w). <br />;:siHrf \!Blif&\:(a fl:-s,ula!t2l:gd&rlla] <br />I .ftim ui.lq F8lty of Frury oE oallE tollor m3 &(ht rioB <br />I hrE rd *ill Einuh . Cdifdc of Colld ro S.lf-l.Ee tc rqtd onFario!. a Fovid.d for b, S6ri,. 1700 of lh. <br />trbor codc for tlE Ffolrlrc olrt wt fd rtit ilE FE ir isu.d. <br />_l hsv. dd s'll @$l.r *ort6 con 6aion naueq 6 rq.tur.d by Sdhn l7m of lt L.bor Co&, for rlE Ffol:re. of <br />lh. s rfr shrh rha tEm n i$Et Myvort6 oipdBaion irllluc tri, dd poliy nubE e: <br />.--, \ S-F <br />*,o, *,.0", .'{Zgllo \ 7 .L <br />__ I cdir rha' i. rh. p6for6ec. ofrh. *orl for "tich lhn Finn i. isu.(L I rh.ll nol mploy sy !6en ir.r, mdns <br />$ B r. b6on. iubjcr ro rh. worta' compadior Lsr of C.lifomr!- d.s6 rh.l ill dDdd bcoe 3ubrcr to tlr <br />Krla' omrEsrlion p.ovirioN ot 56161 1700 of lh. L.bor Co<lc. I thrll. fo,th* hn cosply Firh rlb* pmvilbd <br />WARNING t.ilur. ro s@ err6 onp6db.6!6{. L! unlt*tuL $d .ll lubjdr e 6pbF lo siBild Funb..d <br />civil fin6 up to om hutiral rhouqi rlollss (tlm,ooo), r .ddilion con of .omFBho.. d& c6 6 Foradoi lor $. <br />Sarnrn 1076 of rlE lrtor Co& idacn 6rd lno.Ey <br />2 <br />D'CIASAIIO! <br />t hd6, .trm urdd p6.ny olFiry d. I d lid..d uidd Flvirii, olCh.FE 9 (@@i!s *ih S.cbo 7000) of Di.ih l <br />ol llE BuiB &d PDbiod Co&. ad oy ltqE i' io tull 6r rn .l!xt. <br />/6tsc95Bb <br />Co, nii il* <br />CANIBUCIIA!..LIIIIIIS.AGINCI <br />I hftby,mm oidd Fi,lry oap-j,ry rrra rrr* i**m,ai"" t ai"c .* tuc. ofrh. work tur whi.h ri6 Fmi i' <br />isuai (sd. 1097. c,v c ) <br />ATII.ISAtrLIESJaAIIA! <br />I hrdy .en u& F!.Ir, of Fllry oE or rlE lollowiI3 d..bdpB: <br />Daelirior P@ir!.A dd Ndincdbtr F.da.l R.auhirB (T nL a0. Pd6) <br />R.quEat t rEofridiftlbn <br />I cqrrf} thd rhc f.lsol r.*uhtioE Esedins sbgror romul rc nol iipl'.lbL ro thir FoJd <br />I .X $d I h.!. r.d fin lpplic i.6 d { .Ihd rh. itrrk,.f(rmrion il.ord I !8re lo comply wllh all C yan'l County <br />odnrn.6 dd Srar.lavs r.lariq ro blildin! .odtudio(horn. rc!.Mlaliv6 o I this Cily ed Couly lo ols u!o. lh. <br />trhovc mo nn.d prurEn, tor <br />Applicrnl or l.trl SiBnrl <br />k-a <br />2 <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing I l <br />lnsulation/Enerqy W <br />Drwvd! <br />Extfltny' Lath <br />Bro In Coat I <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />I I I <br />FINAL -lll"at DI +6 / <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Anom D* <br />>r4&'W