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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Appliances <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residenlial Ranqe <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL <br />OWNER AUILDAR DAI'ANAION <br />I h6rby .lIm uid6 Dduly of Ddjuty rhd I d 66pr n m rlt Colllndm lrw ad rlE fo,lowirs 16,l (S-.7011.t <br />BBin@ .d Prof6io. Cod.): l{., Cny or Colny whi.h r.q!i6 ! Fmi to ol!rn[1. .rq. inrlE danolith or !q.t 6y' <br />ntudw. Fir <br />'o <br />ili bue., tLo rcquiE rlE splidr for urh pdii lo fiL . lis,td sidr.d rhr b. or dE i licdr.d FEEr <br />ro rh. FlrbioN ot tlE Conr, ! l.ianEd lr* (Cnlta 9. comdinS snh S€rio! 7000 of Diri.aoi I of rlE AuiI4 ed <br />PrcfdDu Co&) d rh.r lE n rlE it q.n4r rtqdoD ,rd rh. t6n fo. tll .lLs.d aqlplior Arry viot lio. ofsalhn ,01 Lt 6y &y <br />p?lterfor.Fhitubj6LllE.@lkullo..ivilF,tyolmlmEthafiv.b!n<lr.d&tlht11500) <br />-1. <br />! o9G ofiE FoFrr. or ny qrclora eih q.g6 ! tlEi -L oqdriE wil & lt eut nd dt rr!d@ i 6l <br />i sltd Goltrlil br.l(SG ?OL. B{iE-d PrpbitEco& ft.Cdn ca 3 Li(E t&do€6l At,toao*Eofrt FlFry rto bdir d nrylBrbB( -d st5 d€ -d cqt tilElro. hadf or thud li 6 t ou 4br4.1 <br />FyiLd rt s{ bFslEr'GE{ iidaotu ft.rL lf, i-ldeliircrc <br />ototEbi'GdEOr€ B'& *iI h.EtbbrdootFotis$. h.di.(U El bfid iryoEt FlFty fo. lt.Ft[Eof <br />_1.- E olrlE FlFiy. D *i!iEl, od-lt will lid..clrd to orlr,rd th. Fojar (56. ,044. AliE <br />.ra hllin corb TIE CMtrEd r Liw L.* &6 Dr s!, lo - o*E of FlFry d! t{iLb d idFo€ U66o. <br />.!d *.lb drndr ao. r,.l Fj..n wilr r Cod-rdtr) li.d FfiJn b tt Cdrn lq r tie l!). <br />lm6a6ru(bsdd .B.&P.C. brlt!,a <br />!a8f,E8S:CAU[E!ATION <br />DEqASAIIO! <br />I ba!t, rrm 6& Fur, orFiw, @ ol0r bllosiB dchrnbd: <br />-l <br />h.B !.1 sill !dr.b . Cqrifrcr. of CoEr lo sdf-lrfr fn 6td dnF-li!,r 6 Forid.d fo. b, Sedoo l7A of Dc <br />t t . Cod., 6. dE Ffo.E of ltc rsr ft. lnri E Fri t i.!.d <br />-l im ud rill Di .i! *dtd coEo@tb. idfue . .Eq{i!d lyscrba 3700 of llE frbr Code fu |l. Ftornft! of <br />UE 6t tur wl&h rh- Fni ir -d, My wto orqoldb! iclrc orir -d polit r@bq c-rF <br />2_'L <br />-l <br />.drit rhd in rhc Ffolfu. of rlr wo* tu *ti.n fii! Fnn i! isucL I !t ll rcl mrlo, ey p6ton in.iy @c <br />r 6 ro b6om. &bj6r ro th. *n o'mmFsdhn LM ofcdifomi& .rd asE rhi if I rhou( h<o@ rlbjar b rlE <br />wrt@',lywilhlhorpmvlrioN.. - <br />\rARNlN(i]r. ri !!ric \\o,ldi !. rt!os.irtr, ..\.r[r tr 1 1,tr, h,l.I subjet e dplorq lo ooin.l Frkr! !'d <br />oil Ria rp l. oe hutr.d rhouri.d &lld (t100,00.J oi c.nrFn$rion. d xB.\ rs Ino\ntl.t li,r rh. <br />irl!,( n( fr,(1trtr <br />.L <br />Ih.!trrfmu.F,IyorFruytbrImlir!.d6ddFvilboofchTla9(oltlllEilswnhs4rbn7000)ofDivitionl <br />of lh. AuitE &d lrcf3bd Co&. .id m, lta& i i. ftll roc -d .frEt <br />/asn39?clotzl <br />cquqalcnodrEdDu,Glcrdq <br />I hatt, .nn !!& pa.ll, of Firy d'r Oa! i! . @ra4lir ladiry .fd, br dE Fblrtct of dE sqr for sti.I th! Fri i <br />is.d (sa. -1097. ct c ). <br />AIIIJCAtrI.olqatADo! <br />I b.r5r.lEE ce pdry ol Fjuy d of dr 5lo-t d..LaiE: <br />Da.Ubo Fsrn' $.id t odfi..b. F!d.d r.&hi6 Gnb .o. h) <br />-i4rd <br />lala orNdir.& <br />-l <br />.art' th. llE &d ,.sdaiE Esrdins ..!.aq @r.l G nor +dt bL lo $L Folrr. <br />ilfo.nrio. i. .tiEi. I tSEro imlP,r- $th.ll Cir.nd Coudy <br />,!hori, ,.r.6crii6 6frni! Cit rd counly l. 6 E llPon dt-l <br />.r! rl, rhr I hnc ,Ed rh! .pglr.t <br />d{M6Ld $d. tist Erilr h hi <br />,-r k- <br />g/rd4 <br />anElEI.ilI,iZirA <br />,or'"r*-*,:r4Z&Lk \ <br />^* :fifr "7 <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Olher <br />lnstallation <br />Final Test <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.rl