<br />APPROVALS DATE rD/srG.COMMENTS ()wNll& Btrll,DllR lrlilc^ LaTloN
<br />I h.rhy afftrr, unJ.r Fndr! ol lriury rbar I on.r.nd nofl rh. LonkaroE l-ic.ns. Lau,u rtF follusi.r (.sn (Sd.7ull.5
<br />Busin.ss and I'i.la\si.n C.dc): Any C[y or Counry which (qtrncs r Fami( b conntocr, alicr. i'rptov.. dcml*h or RTdn uy
<br />rrucrur.. |ror n) r tsu rcc. rlso EquE! rh. aNlij{, lor such F,ni! tu ,ik s sisEJ sr,r.nE rld lr or dE i! l,c.trc! Puts!trr
<br />ro rh. Piov'so^r ol r Contkroas l.ic.ns.d l^ (Ch2prcr 9, C.DmEinB wirh Scdior 7(r(x, ol Divisi.n I or$c ausincs rnd
<br />Pn,f.rsbni Cul{r rrhlrlEordf,h.x.nurh.elnrn6rvlrlklutiiirrltrlkged.x.nprion. tryrblii,trorSdion7011.5byrtry
<br />i!/icanr for ! ,.nnn subj.{N rh. al)Iltrrtrr o rcivilp.mhyofnor 'mE
<br />(h{n l_'v. hundrcd dollu^ (StoO)
<br />_1. 6 o*mr nl rh. ln)rrny, d '.y .'r{krr-..s *irh e.3$ 16 rhcir el. ..mDcnsarion, *ill rh [r *dk and fE nd@ n mr
<br />iddrial $ (fi.r.il ln $Ic lsc 7U{. Buxin.s and Pmf.$ions Cod. TIE Co rRror'r Ucn* ti, &Es nor .ppl, ro .n own., or
<br />rhc p$rEdy *lx, t{itlr or ir{h'6 rhdk,n, dri *lo ddr rrh Dlt liF\.ltor lEN.llorrtmuahhir ur h.r oM.n\rkryei.
<br />F,vid.d rhd.u.h nnpov.'mdr tuc mt ini.nd.d r.lfcNl lor sL ll- lnscwi iE triUiry or llPrormd n $b *iGino lte
<br />or.onpLri,q rh. Owrcr au[&r villh.w rh. t nl.n olpmvin3 rhd tE q slE di,l rcl bdill or itr].ew Ltr pbFiy fq Ihc prrro. of
<br />-1.
<br />!s owErorth. ptundr. Ih.x.lurn.ly onkudin! wnh li!.tr*d $!r&ur ro lonsrud rlE pfl,j.c( (S.c.704-1. Businrs
<br />r huliisi Cod. Thr Conrac(tr s Lrerre Lo! drs ret anlly b an own.r of lopeny rh. builds or inFro!$ rh.reon-
<br />and wtk, conracts l{tr uch I[l} cN *nh . codctn(s) li..nsd pu^d b rlt conrdor'6 La.tr{ Izw)
<br />_Im,.r.n und{ Su(o .B &PC rurlhr.ri,,
<br />lr.l.
<br />-
<br />orn.r
<br />)rcatrx&1.l]l]!lr&Nta:ua!
<br />DECLAaAUA!
<br />I h.rcby,lltnrundcr ncnrliyoll.rjury on. ol rlf, lollo*int dc.Lr.rk)tr!:
<br />_l lFvc und will nunnrin r C.n ili.r. of Ci.knr k, S.l|lnsuE f(n rurtdt Lrn'{Ehs.rtun, .r B)vd.d tor by S.dn,n 3700 otrh.
<br />tititr C.d., ttr (h. r.rldiMf. of rh. $orl fd *hich rh. psnit i issu.d
<br />-Zfhm ul *ill numkm *ork.^ uonEnsarn,, ihsuanc.. r! r<uiEd by srx.n 37oo or rh. btx, cor., nx rh. Frrmffi. of
<br />rltr *rrx lor whah rhh tcrmit i! i\sql My *url6s mns.rstion in:!rdc. cdg 8l IblE, our*tr uc:
<br />I C<'JaaJJ
<br />I ccnrly rh{ r rlE lf,rr rnuNc ol r1[ *d'k fttr *hichthii n rmir ii t$cd,I rhdl nor cn{]hy {.y lEtron itr uy mrnmr
<br />$ a\ h hcoE shjcd h rh. $rkcri ..nrf,ruion r.ws or crl,romi., {M d3r.c rhd il I ehould trcoD ubj.cr
<br />'.
<br />(r.
<br />$o*.d.onD€nrdionparirDnrofS.(ionl7(x)ofrh.U&JrCsL,lsls]l,fodhrnh(otrDlywirhrho*pDvisioE..
<br />WARNINC: Ihrlurc (o *curc rorl.'\ s'np.n\4iotr .ov.r4. is unlJwful, rnd \lHll :ubncr .rnplort. ro 6tr ncl P.IrhEr d
<br />.,rl lnr\ ur) k, 'tr'. lrtrtr'l'.d rl'otrstrl eff;iffiB dlnag.r $ pmvil.d i(tr rh.
<br />a?a
<br />I hcEby aifinn uDd.r lxBhy of Frj!.y thar I 3 li€'LqJ unds roviri.tr ofCh.prs 9lonmEn.in! wnhSdb. ?00O) of Ditirion l
<br />.r rh. Busrcsr lnd Pmr.snn. Cod.. !,t my licens in aull fore d .[.cr
<br />\-4 b
<br />,..).
<br />.e() [r8l]cltotrENDlNclcElqr
<br />I hcrcby .flnm undcr F-uky ol pcrjury rhd rhcrc k a conimthn LndinS .8.rcy for th. FfoaMrc. ol lhc *ork lir *hth rhis Frmit it
<br />irsu.J l S.c. 1097. Cn C.).
<br />l-ul&!!!_1]!c!43 :!!ql
<br />IlIcNiflnn'und.r t{,rlr!nlt)('rtr', nNol rl'. n'lL,wrUdd(l,urk,nr:
<br />D.trrnik fqnnh ,\nrn.\ N.nli(nton l..,l.rnl Rcluhi,A ll'rl( {0. Prn6)
<br />R.qutrcdLcii.r IN,iricdNn
<br />I ccn irharrhc lcd.ralrcguldionr rc3sdina.\hcnos rcnrrl4c nor aPpliabh ro rttrs lr.]ltr
<br />,nlinrn..s dnd Sr.rc ltrsr nlirin8 nr latrldiht..tr(r!crion. rnd lxftbyrurhtrizc rctr.{nriti(s oI thr Ciry.nd C.unry !r c.rct ulnn rtr
<br />ulD\. nEnrnBl fr)!.ny nn
<br />,\Ipli(h .rrx0rlsiBnartr
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Lile Salety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Buildinq
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bondino / Groundinq / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueinq
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rouoh)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soflit Rouqh
<br />Ceilinos (T-Bar Rouoh)
<br />l\,4eter Release
<br />Rough
<br />Service ft/eter
<br />FINAL 5/ztlzr nxJzs )
<br />Notes, Bemarks, Etc.
<br />Rev.08-07'2015
<br />kDl.r! N,nr
<br />-
<br />t nd.r'r A,ld( '-