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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS owttttutl,t lxDur x TloN <br />! h.rby.fto urda p6.r, of Fid, rb. I o a.4r i$o U. Codo' Li(E lr 6r rb Slbvit to! (s...rollj <br />&!i6 d trotrd@ Co&)r Aly Cry d Cdd, whih n+c. FDi to @8n6. .f6. irylv!. &eobt or ,84 D, <br />n u<iur. Fi, ro ar i'&.. .Lo Eq,iE tt @li5r tu ed FDi lo fL . !i3r!d lroid tL t d $c a li€..d Frrd <br />ro rt FDvibd of dE ConiI-lc'! Li6..d lrv {(tgd 9, Co@E83 wli Sctiih ?ofl) ot !tnd.s! ] of dt. auild. nd <br />PrefBlioB Cod.) or l!.l lr or dE ! .@!l trdoe .rd tlE lci ror rbc .lh.d a@Fba Ary vbhbi of scri6 'rO! L5 by e, <br />@lieI aor. Fnir iubjett tlE .ppli.,!t ro . civilFrxyof rct mE th& ,iE hu!l&!d &116 (t500). <br />-t. <br />6 or@ otdE FlFry. ( E, .relora wit $ra. ! rh.i iL @,pdrbn, si[ .b dE rqt &d tt iirc i 6r <br />i'rd dotu 6. rL(S&rOL. &ri6 -dRohb6 C.& Tt Conria r lx@ ld &q,Dr +gly to -osE of <br />rh. FDFt, r'lD hliln a iqoE rkEn d rlb .tE .dr 6t hnBdf o Ldf q tuo{at ti a t oE qeloy..1 <br />Fotid.dtlr rlci iuq.ord E D. ir.d adH 6. rL tt lDwG. ti. t.tqt a iiFo\d i.5 qUr.c rd <br />of ooqLi'o. tb orE A t6si!trElbhreofF-t rh L6i.dild hdaiscrh.FFtr 6.IbF raof <br />l. 6 o{G ofrlE FeFrr, s Gxcl6irl, @flrxrot wnh lkqE d coirxron ro sreud rl' Fj6r (Se. 7oaa. &1!E <br />.,n Ptoiad, Co&: Th. Conrr*ror'i LtcM ls d6 Nl rrDly ro e olE ofFEFry wlb tril& n iEprcE lhaon, <br />.nd wh. o.t6c! as ech Fojcrt virt I codrxro(.) lk6E d FEut n ro uE cor&Groir Lkda tiq). <br />IuudF ldq Ser., ,8.&P.C brttir l@! <br />lratf,tSgloMtEllArlo! <br />DlcLaxano! <br />I ta.t, .6'i6 M& oI F!r, @ olt tolb*r| debri@i <br />-l <br />lrvr rd *i[ 6i! .b . Cdiif.dc of Cod. b Sdf-136 fd wt6 oqdb!. . FdiLd 6r by s*tL6 ,rm 6f $. <br />lrt icod.,616.Fft!l!&.ofdEwqt b.sttllt.Frh ain { <br />_l brB ed pilluiuh Frta'sryd{ih iarra., .. Eqlid bysdbi l70O of dE trtc Codc 6rlt Fbr@ of <br />$. Er fa *ttn thi Fun i ir.4 Mr 6t6 6n,6riE nele 6i. -d Fli.y n@b6 G <br />".,* t M <br />p.rkyN-"h.,. a - Ul5- oo@oo673J-o e.*-,,o\-oS' )az,,l <br />-t <br />€tt rrII is ilE F6,r!t.G oru. rcrt ft'r vtth ftn Foit ir isr.d. Lt I or dpb, &, FDo h ay E-E <br />E ab bdE sqd ro $.6ldJ @6pa!.ir Le of c.li6nir ed {rE tr itl rbuld hcor sliEr lo tt <br />E*6 onpddbi Fovnio ofsodionlT00olth.t tq Co<h l d.ll. f6l!'vili oEely wilh tho* FEviiod. <br />.l,^nnmc: Fdl,G !o cw E 16' onFsiir @vstt. i! u,LwtuL rd thrll .ubi$ & alrbF lo cttri!.| !6.fb .rd <br />.ivil 6c rp ro oE hurH tho!-d &ll& ( in .ddni,n to thc 61 6f ot4qlrioo. (hrg6 ! Foril..d 6, &. <br />Sdio! 1076 ofdE t hor Co& idEd rn dorEy r 66 <br />03'2.4'ioL\ <br />o8cLtArlo! <br />I ba$,.fLD u!& F.l, of Fjrr lt t E lid u& FwiiE of Ch+t6 9 (co@6iog sil s.6tE 70q)) of Dirii,3 <br />of ft. BsiB .!d PDltrlD Codc. d dy lioa& i b tuU t r. <br />Lic@Nudb6 t l4&ot9 <br />o.r., 05^2-rr -Lr c*,-.,- I fur. en tqu n.vr <br />CqIEIXTEIIqUADIIE.AGIUCI <br />I l'dtly eE utd6 or FiE, rhi rh.! a..odudbn rrdi'8 .idy bi lt Ffor@ of b. eti! di FEi i <br />i.&d (Se. 3097. Civ. C.).L*tN.G:- <br />Ldda! Ad&4:- <br />AIAJCAUI.DECIdS'DO! <br />I Hy tEE u!& F.!, of FiEy o* 016. 6u.rii. d6Lrb6: <br />DoDhbr ?aEirrA.td6 loaifrtrbG ltdad R!!{Hid Oib ao. Pn6) <br />-i4ri!d <br />lllaof Noair.rit <br />@o!rl c N|.pplblbb lo lh! FoFl <br />inforndio, b co,rd. I i8.c ro oqly whh dl Ciiy ..d Coul, <br />flhi! Ciy Ed Court lo 6r. l9on dE <br />",,n'O\^21<'vr <br />$oE Mlio!.d FoFry 6r rltcrio. F piE. <br />Applidrr or Aaar Shrrrr: <br />tlllFd, r.r.6.ddiE o <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Buildinq Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Pipino <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rouoh Water Heater <br />POOUSPA <br />P{rap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Piping <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line 'l'lr'21 0cZ? <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release I <br />FINAL 7D <br />Notes Remarks Etc. <br />+ <br />a,*"O, ' f\ <br />w, <br />1lruhl -r--l-