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PLUMBING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS <br />UNOER GROUND <br />Waste & Venl <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Pipinq <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />P{raplDrain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipino <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release It -t, <br />FINAL <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />olf,ItEl tutl-Dtt Dat tt rtolt <br />I udd of Fi'ry th I e 6.4( tlo dE C.dr6.t tj.@. tn ror t[.blbeir lE. (S.c.?o!lj <br />l6iE Ed ftlhliE Cod.): <br />^ry <br />Ci, or Coidy vtit E$ri. . Fli ro ol,n 4 .r.. n Fovc. <holit o. Jqn ry <br />ituaG. Fn toi, ihrt<...L rc$lB tlE Albd for *b Fnn ro 6L.titrd rr@d lt i.q i. i li@.d F r'- <br />to rh. FDvli.d of dr C@E-rd'i Li.!n*d L.w (Cltprq 9, Co6lldiry enh S6tb. ?0OO of Divirb! 3 of lt. Buils -dPNfdiod CorL) d rt t h. d !h. i d@F $dr6oo rdt li. t-i br 0E dLr.d d@Bbd <br />^Iy <br />viohb. ofse*E 701 LJ by ,ny <br />.pplio,r hr. po'nit EIi:t tlt .r?lt d ro..iral pd.Xyof @l mn rb, frc htldld &U!r (t5@), <br />0-a- *.r,rr r.r.,y. ( Dy.qbr6 *ih Dt @!q6rbo. li[& ttEl d rrt -r-t i 6. <br />de.d d otu &. -L (Sa.rO.4. Edd.d PrcbiE Co& rb Cocffi. Li(e l& &6 6( ldr lo - ogE of <br />itE FIFD rho hiLl d LryNdEu! d rb &. id Et hiE ltd l3rdtd rLnr! bi d h. of c4br.1 <br />FoviLdUu !.h trywqar G mr naib.l6ol!!d 6..L lt io'o'.1h. i,i*r d iEFlid i Eldwthn@ rtofoqlabI. dE O,E B{ilk vO h.E ln. hrib! otFvits Dr h d rlE dn 6r hdld d iqM &. F!pd, fo. ih. FrF.. of <br />_1. B o9E of rlE FeFy. E qclliEly co'rr.cirg with lia.d 6'r'tcd to olGud tb lroj.d (Sc. ,O14. B!€ <br />d P!.&in Co&: Tt Conr$o. rLta* lrw <b6 ar.Flyro - otc of FoFry vto b{il& d ilFoB l,!aF{. <br />od wto 6l'E! fa,rd Fi!. wii. Cd.tcc(, ti.-..!d F,$d ro rL Coffia.r tie te). <br />B. & P.C. 6rrhi1len <br />IECI'EAIIO! <br />I hs.ty .ff@ u(h padty of Daio.r oE ofdE follovits d..bniDl <br />-l <br />bE d vill rin b. cdri6.r.olcdd ro sdil,EG tur rut6 oed.b!. ! F!vi!.d br trs.d-o 3t00 of UE <br />L&r Co&. ti ll. F6.di.. of tL *nl fd rtili 6. F6i i -a[ <br />-l t E od eilluid& te.tat 6!pddi@ buE , . .r+li!d by s..tiE l?o of lt L!.. co<L,forrb FftiG of <br />ti. Bl &. rttt tti Fri ir i$Gd My wdt6' @q6rir iE!E! .tir -d !@t< G <br />[6 d,t t]r b '[. F6lrd orft 6t fti riEn 6n Fd i -id. t.LIl Dr cqbr oy Fe b-yoEv- lto heoc -bai !o tt 6tal @4di, h',r of c.libnir -d ic lL ifl tb{U tooc brL <br />*st6j 6Adio! Foviio6 of S.aio.37O of dE l& C.d.. I ilt tillvili @drry uiD tbi Fwaila-. <br />WARNIN(; liiluE ro c@ srt6 mmFdion o16.g. i! uibstul. ! rhtll lutidl e <br />civil ff6 up lo onc tu.dr.d rhousd dolle lllm,ooo), h rddnior lo |fi. con of corpdEr <br />Co&. ad &d orEy r f6.L., \a <br />llM\x \ ||('\ <br />I halt,.fta u& palyof Fj6r dr I d L.d E la Flvih orct{c 9 (@i!a wii S.d.,tm} orDivtiE 3 <br />of rb. BriE rd PrDhiE C.d., -d oy lia b h tul 6r nd cft.i- <br />Li.ft.NuhlE <br />calsra&clloljtlIt!trlcENr <br />I hclty.trsE u!& FulyofFjuy rt Oa..r@trsu.ibr bdi{.aay fr,rl!.Ff!.n&. of{rEt bl rtitthiFor i <br />is.d(Sc. 1097, Cit. C.). <br />AITIICATI.DICI4AAIIA! <br />I h.dy.ED ur& Fny of Fr'!y oe ol lll 6L,vi{ <k L.iD: <br />DqDlib. Pqhiu-^.t .6 No(ifi.{i@ F.ds.l R{!hi,N (r .,O. Prr6) <br />-Rcqs@d <br />Ldl6 of lwftaiD <br />-l <br />Eiiry drr dt tdarl Erd!io!. llar{iir db.r6 @rd e @t plirt* to tti F!,!d. <br />tB * * , <br />"*,-o,a rdilno -d rr.rh ll..!oE bfo rioG i q'.d. I.s!.to 66d, eit.ll c.y&d cordyd{in,ls od S!d. t,rr GlirE ro toiuirg .olrnxrbtr tn hqdry dlsdk i6 oflnb Ciy &d Cordy ro and u!o6 UE <br />.bor 6r.'r.d Fsrany tur <br /> or,tr6l Sllutur.: <br />I <br />sAa>t <br />POOUSPA <br />h ,(Y2\,"1 <br />I_I