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Job N0. 4871 <br />I N TR ODU CTI ON <br />Thls re Por t presenta Ehe r esul ts of <br />performed on Ehe ProPerEy locaEed on <br />of Alton Avenue and Pairviev StreeL <br />Mesa, California. <br />Planned for constructlon is a <br />offlce/varehouse bullding vhlch rri11 be <br />t ype. IE j-s expected thaL the structure <br />on boch continuous and pad footings <br />concreLe f loors. <br />FIELD ]NVESTIGATlON <br />The exac ! structural Loads for the building are unknovn <br />at this LiDe. However, for the purpose of analysls' 1t has <br />been assumed that contlnuous footlngs w 111 carry uP ro 3000 <br />pounde per linea1 foot and that Pad footlngs v111 carry up <br />to 100 kipa each of whicl.r 60 percent is dead 1oad. Minor <br />inLerior cont i nuou s footings u sed to suPporE Partition loads <br />are expected Eo carry about 500 pounds per 1i neal foot'-If <br />it is f ouncl that the act.ual loads are subsEantially <br />different from those .rssumed, this office shoul d be notifled <br />f or reevaluation. <br />the borings <br />Locatlona are <br />Page 1 <br />a Geotechnical St udy <br />Ehe northvest corner <br />in the city of Costa <br />ploE plan Ehovlng <br />vith this report.The logs of <br />approxlmate borlng <br />The locations <br />f ield by neasuring <br />The field investiSation consisLed of excavating flve <br />exploratory borings to deprhs ranging from 16. to- 26 feet 'Th; borings uere drilled uslng an i8 inch bucket auger <br />drilling iig. Se 1ec te d sPecimens of the in si tu soils vere <br />obtained by us ing a 2.5 inch I.D drive tube sampler equipped <br />nlth liner r1ngs. In additlon to these relatively <br />undisturbed specimens, bulk sampl'es of Ehe solls rJere <br />obtained for ;ddltionsl laboratory analysis. These eoil <br />sanples gerved as the basls for the laboratory Eestlng and <br />the engineerlng conc l usions conLslned 1n th13 report. <br />and a <br />lncluded <br />L <br />The elevatioDs shovn on the bor in g logs <br />by hand leve1l ng uslng an assuroed elevation <br />Falrvlew Street 6s Ehe reference base. <br />vere deterolned <br />of 100 feet vlth <br />of Ehe borlngs vere deEermlned ln the <br />froo p ropert y 1iDes. <br />L <br />single teo-8torY <br />of concrete t11t-uP <br />v 111 be constructed <br />vl th slab-oo-grade <br />I <br />I