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B-1@1-2'0.045 <br />A soluble sulfate content less than 0.20 percent 1s uoL <br />considered detrlEental to standard concreLe nlxes. As a <br />resul!, no special type concrete or coostructlon 1s <br />consldered necessary for soluble su 1fa tes for thls project. <br />SEBb11lE of Excavations <br />Even though no caYlng Yas experlenced during the <br />subsurface exploration ' it can be expec ted that instablllty <br />of utllity t r enches or other excavatj.ons u 111 be experlenced <br />and , as a consequence, shorLng or sloplng excavations ni 11 <br />be required to proLect workerg. The contractor should refer <br />to Lhe 'State of California, Dl vi s ion of Iadustrial Safety <br />for mininum safety standards ' <br />Job N0. 487L <br />Saople <br />Location <br />No s urc har ge loads shoul d be <br />unreEained excavatious. Dralnage <br />direcEed avay fron the banksprevent saturation of the soi1s. <br />Page 5 <br />perml!ted above unshored <br />above excavatlons should <br />and care should be taken <br />or <br />be <br />LO <br />I <br />L <br />L <br />I <br />L <br />L <br />L <br />L <br />Consiruction Con sideraE i ons <br />Special precautlon should be Laken Lo disEribute the <br />loads d ur lng t 11t 1ng of pan e 1s on con Einuous footinBs. Th 1s <br />Eay be acconplished by t 11t 1ng the panel on tr.o convenLional <br />end pad s and dr 1v 1nB ehims or pouring additlonal grout pads <br />betveen Lhe panel and the foo t lng at inEervals adequate to <br />epread Ehe loads betveen the end pads. The inEernediate <br />s u ppor ts should consist of na Eer ia 1s capable of transferrlng <br />loads ni thout crushing. Al ter na L1v es acconplishing the s aEe <br />load dlstribution nay be us ed in lieu of the above. Fallure <br />of the coo!ractor to fo 11ou P r oper precautlons !o dlstrlbute <br />panel loade durlng t.11ting onto coItlnuous footlnSs nay <br />cause a fallure of the footlngs durlng the ElltlnB <br />oPeratlons. <br />Consideratlon should be gl ven to Probable alab daoage <br />re6ultlng from crane loads at. the tine panels are tilted. <br />Ext!eBe cautlon should be exercised to ensure adequate <br />ZSoluble <br />Sulfates <br />I <br />L <br />Slopes <br />BoEh cut and fill slopes on this project should be <br />construcLed aL slope ra t ios of 2:1 or f