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Job N0. 4871 Page 9 <br />General <br />It has <br />geotechnlcal <br />excavations <br />excavaEiong. <br />report. <br />been assumed, and 1t 1s expecged' that the <br />condltlons vhlch exlst betl,een the test <br />are s1m11ar to that encounLered 1n the those <br />Hovever, no va r rant y of such 1s inplied 1n this <br />I <br />L <br />The conclusions and o pl n lons cootained 1n this report <br />are based on the results of the descrlbed Eeotechnlcal <br />eval ua t 1o ns and repre sen t our besL engineerlnB Judgment' <br />The flndings, conclusions, and oplnions con t a ined in this <br />report are ro be considered EenEatlve on1y, subject to <br />co;firmation by the undersigned engJ-neer during the <br />constru ct lon process. Without this coofirEatlon ' thls reporL <br />1s to be considered incomplete and this firn or the <br />und er si gned professional assr:oe no responslbiliEy for its <br />use. I; addilion, this report is considered valid for a <br />perlod of one year. <br />L <br />I <br />This report is issued with the understanding Eha L 1t <br />the responslbility of t.he ovner or h1s represenLattve <br />ensure that lnterested persons have this inforEaEion. <br />is <br />to <br />L <br />This reporE is subiect to revleu <br />authoriEies for the subJecL the controlling <br />Re <br />KE <br />"pt .ctful bmit t <br />& <br />ed ' <br />/-ETH. G.E ASSOCIATES <br />I(l <br />L <br />L <br />Ken <br />G.E <br />et 1\n e <br />ilu <br />I <br />I <br />f,G0:rrk