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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE !D/SIG COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DELCARATION <br />I hcrcby affirrn undcr pen{lty of pcrjury that I m exempt fDm thc Contrcto$' Liccnsc kw for thc following rcarn (Scc.7031.5, <br />Busincss and Profcssion Codc): Any City or County which rcquircs r fqmit to construcl, aher, improvc. dcmlish or rcpair any <br />slructure, prior to ils issumc, ds rcquircs thc spplic{nl for such pcrmit to filc a signcd stalcmnt that hc or she is liccnsd pursuant <br />to Ihc Fovisions of thc Contracror's Licenrcd taw (Chaptcr 9. Commrcing with Sation 7fi)0 of Division 3 of the Busircss snd <br />PrclbssionsCode)orthatheorshciscxcmptthcrcfrcmondthcbasisforthcallcgcdcxcmption. AnyviolationofsslionT03l.5bysny <br />applicant for a permit subjsts ihc applicant lo a civil penalty of not mrc than fivc hundrcd dollus ($50O), <br />_1. as owner of thc propcrty, or my employccs with wagcs as thcir solc compcnsation. will do thc work and thc structurc is not <br />interrdcd or offcred for sah (Sec.7O44, Business and Profcssions Codc: Thc Contraclor's Licensc law docs not apply to an owncr of <br />thc pnrpcrty who builds or improvcs thcrcnn, and who docs such work himsclf or hcrsclf or through his or her own employces. <br />providcd that such improvcnrnts arc not intcndcd or offed for s:rlc. If. howevcr. thc buihing or improvcnrnt is sold within onc )ear <br />of comphtion, the Owner Buildcr will havc thc burdcn of proving thal he or she dkl not build or improve thc proprty for the purposc of <br />sale). <br />_1. as owncr of thc propcrty. am cxclusivcly contracting with liccnsed contraclors to construct thc projcct (Scc. 7W. Busincss <br />and Profcsskrn Codc: Thc Contractor's License Law docs not apply to an owner of proF,crty who builds or improves thercon. <br />and who contracts for such projccts with a Contractor(s) liccnsed pursuant to thc Contractor's Licensc taw). <br />_l anr excmpt undcr B. & P.C. for this rcason. <br />Owner: <br />WORKTRS' COMPENSATION <br />DECLARATTON <br />I hereby affirnr under pcnalty of prjury one of thc following declarations: <br />_l have and will maintain a Certifrcatc of Consent to Sclf-lnsurc for workers' compensation. as provided for by Section 3700 of the <br />[:bor Codc, for thc pcrformance of thc work for which thc grermit is issucd. <br />_l havc and will maintain workers' comlrcnsation insurance, as requircd by Scction 3700 of thc L:bor Code. for the performance of <br />the work for which this permit is iszued. My workers' compcnsation insurance carrier and policy numbcr are: <br />C.,f n Ia <br />Policy e e-l) <br />_l ccrtifythat in lhc pcrformancc of thc work for which this permit is issued. I shall not cmploysnypcrson in any lllsnncr <br />so as to bccomc subjcct to the workcrs' compensation laws of California. and agrce thal if I should become subject to thc <br />workers' compcnsation provisions of Section 3700 of the Latnr Codc, I shall, forthwith comply with those provisions.. <br />WARNING: Failurc to wurc workcrs'compcnmtion svcrogc is unlowful. and shall subjcct an cmplolcr lo qiminrl Fmltics 8nd <br />civil lines up to orc hundrcd thoussnd dollus (Sl0o,mo). in addilion to thc cos of comJrcn$tion, dmgcs &s providcd for thc <br />Scction 3076 of thc l;rbor Codc, intcrcst and attorncy's fccs. <br />l^/^,00 o, <br />I hcrcby affrm under pcnalty of pcrjury that I am licensed under provision of Chapter 9 (comnrcncing with Section 7000) of Division 3 <br />of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect. <br />Liccnseclurr, . C - I O LicenscNumbcr: - q ? 6) g a <br />o"rc, e ?- €-)l conrracror,* B{rt,oov <br />W <br />t hcrcby afftrm undcr pcnalty of JE jury that thcrc is a onstruction lending ogcmy for the ]fTformncc of thc eork for which lhis lrrmit is <br />issucd (Scc. 3097, Civ. C.). <br />[.cndcr's Narnc: <br />[.endcr's Addrcss: <br />ASELICANLDEC|IAEAIION <br />I Hy afm undr penalty of perjury ore of thc following dslsrations: <br />Dcmlilion Pcrmits-Asbqtos Notification Fctcnl Rcgulstiotrs (Title 40. Pafi6) <br />-Rc4uLed <br />[rner of Notifrcarbn <br />-l <br />ccrlify that thc fedml rcgulations rcguding sbestos rcmval e mt applicsblc lo this prcj61. <br />W-&*rrr r^l h8w rc8d this rpplicatbn lrd statc thal tlE aborc infornution is comt. I sgrc ro omply vith rll City and Counry <br />odirares .rd State [{ws rchting to buiHing onstruciion, ard h@by authoriz rcprcsntatives of this City 8rd County to ents upon thc <br />above rncntioncd propcrty for inspection 00 -g-r l <br />Applicnnt or Agent <br />Pernritee nanre rorinr):D(. WrLL OtOonwe tr <br />h^.^. .1 <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Sl ab I Floor <br />Bondinq I Groundinq / UFER 8--?s-vl lcn<f r{ z <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilinqs [-Bar Rouqh) <br />lMeter Release 8-?x -?t DZ?(t',h- <br />:^tt> (**eh <br />Rouqh B-?-{- 2l D.t--t r.L <br />Service N/eter Lt t-rV1 n .--..ll rb- <br />FINAL I -?-{-? ^t rvG.n6* o*L <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />[Jr.r, nO n7 On{ tr <br />Date:_ <br />l q) q t 6 <br />' <br />- t4-.1 I